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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 Re: [新聞] News Dumps 2023 Q4 - 202310
時間 2023-10-01 Sun. 00:30:48

> https://www.mofa.gov.tw/News.aspx?n=95&sms=73
> https://news.ltn.com.tw/search?keyword=各報重點新聞一覽
> https://hisecure.hinet.net/secureinfo/hotnews.php 全球預警情報網 - HiNet 防毒防駭服務


※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-01 00:30:48 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-03 11:13:09, 11:18:16 (台灣)

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
[= #麥肯錫遭罷免美國眾議院長
2023-10-04 07:48

via https://liff.line.me/1454987169-1WAXAP3K/v2/article/EXPWajQ?utm_source=lineshare

from https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXd#:~:text=讓人反胃的

2023-10-04 09:44
Kevin McCarthy ousted as US House speaker by hard-right Republicans
My Notepad - NEWS, [04/10/2023 12:32]
= 分隔線 =

2023-10-04 09:55
via Kaede TG  [05/10/2023 23:11]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-04 16:43:52 (台灣)

Republican Steve Scalise drops out of House speaker race

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-13 11:00:59 (台灣)

Jim Jordan loses first round of votes for House speaker – US politics live

Trump-backed congressman falls short of 217 votes needed to win after more than a dozen Republicans rebel

US House convene to vote on next house speaker – …: https://youtu.be/mzO4mJdm-UE

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-18 18:45:12 (台灣)

Jim Jordan no longer Republican speaker candidate after losing secret ballot – US politics live

Decision comes after bruising third-ballot defeat for Jordan that saw him losing more votes than in previous rounds

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-21 13:11:23 (台灣)

2023-10-24 07:22
[Rep Andy Biggs] Who do you want as the next Speaker of the House?

 2023-10-24 08:01
 [Ray] This guy would be better than the last two.
#Mars Attack!
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-30 03:05:31 (台灣)
[= #麥肯錫遭罷免美國眾議院長
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <


> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
[= #義大利威尼斯巴士墜橋 My Notepad - NEWS, [04/10/2023 12:32]
2023-10-04 03:57
At least 20 dead after coach crashes off overpass near Venice
#車禍 #公安意外
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-04 12:32:59 (台灣) *

2023-10-05 08:36
【義大利】威尼斯巴士高架橋墜落「至少21死」 市長:像世界末日(旺中)
via Kaede* #日記05/10/2023 23:10
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-05 23:10:59 (台灣) *
[= #義大利威尼斯巴士墜橋
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-06 18:10:35 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-08 18:25:15 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-09 01:46:32 (台灣)

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
[= #換季變天:東北季風
2023-10-07 21:51
鋒面通過水氣多影響至國慶日 東北季風11日報到北台灣高溫略降
via Kaede TG, [07/10/2023 22:49]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-07 22:49:59 (台灣) *

2023-10-10 15:17
東北季風+對流雲系發展 全台12縣市大雨特報

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-10 17:30:38 (台灣)

2023-10-10 20:48
外套準備好!雨勢趨緩轉乾冷 北部「週末再降溫」恐現1字頭(TVBS)
via Kaede TG, #日記10/10/2023 22:27 & #日記10/10/2023 22:32
- 說好的氣候變遷呢?才10月中耶!冬天才有的1字頭耶!Q.Q



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-10 23:05:53 (台灣)

- 氣溫22度!
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-11 07:27:08 (台灣) *
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-12 01:14:51 (台灣)

2023-10-13 20:23
明晚變天!東北季風發威「天氣溜滑梯」 下週低溫恐探1字頭(TVBS)
via Kaede TG, [13/10/2023 22:48]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-13 23:11:46, 23:13:07 (台灣)

2023-10-15 17:53(19:30 更新)
未來一週2波東北季風 北部低溫21度








- 諸君,氣溫──愛注意喔
= 分隔線 =

2023-10-14 19:22
東北風明殺到!雨襲4地「乾冷→濕冷」 低溫跌破20度(TVBS)

via Kaede TG, [15/10/2023 21:47]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-15 21:48:40 (台灣)

: Moved from: https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXe
via Kaede TG, [19/10/2023 21:37] #天氣 #變天 
2023-10-19 18:19
北部、東部明轉涼有雨 周末2天北台灣偏涼高溫僅23度 - Yahoo奇摩(即時新聞)

#日記202310200030 下雨幾分鐘了 我媽說希望會降溫 我說23 冷氣溫度 我媽說也沒用啊 他都開20度'w'
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-19 23:14:08 (台灣)

: Moved from: https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXe

2023-10-25 19:37
冬天要來了!11月兩波強冷空氣到 專家:一波比一波冷(中時)

#天氣 #變天
via Kaede TG, [25/10/2023 21:26]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-25 23:01:34 (台灣) *
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-26 01:39:57 (台灣)

: Moved from: https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXe

2023-10-26 20:43
北台灣27日起明顯轉涼有雨 高溫下降3至5度


- 明天要降溫囉

#天氣 #變天
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-26 21:37:03 (台灣) *

: Moved from: https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXe

2023-10-30 07:24
一圖看一周天氣!今晨最低溫18.5℃ 周三起東北季風減弱
via Kaede TG, [30/10/2023 22:54] #天氣 #變天
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-30 23:49:43, 23:52:57, 23:54:08 (台灣)
[= #換季變天:東北季風
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-06 09:59:58, 10:44:20, 10:44:57 (台灣)

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
[= #法國攻擊事件
> https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4 2023以哈戰爭 #哈瑪斯 #以色列 #以巴衝突2023

: Moved from: https://disp.cc/b/261-gwXe

> > https://disp.cc/b/261-aDT1
> https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4 以哈戰爭 #以巴衝突2023

2023-10-13 18:46
Teacher killed in Arras school attack in northern France

Two other people injured and attacker arrested as President Macron heads to scene of stabbing

#法國北部 #校園暴力 #刀械暴力
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-13 19:17:57 (台灣)

2023-10-14 23:33
Louvre in Paris evacuates staff and visitors after receiving written threat

Closure comes after decision to put France on high alert following fatal school stabbing by suspected extremist

【法國】收到手寫威脅訊息 羅浮宮緊急疏散員工與民眾
#恐攻威脅 [b]My Notepad - NEWS, [16/10/2023 03:43]
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-16 02:48:40, 02:49:44, 04:29:40 (台灣)
[= #法國攻擊事件
= 分隔線 =
My Notepad - NEWS, [17/10/2023 02:15]
2023-10-16 14:33(更新2023-10-17 06:23)
Man charged with murder after 70-year-old killed in Hartlepool

Ahmed Alid, 44, charged after one person died and another was injured in incident early on Sunday

稍早標題:Counter-terror police investigate death of man in Hartlepool

#英國 #反恐警察出動調查

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-17 10:20:39 (台灣) *

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[= #比利時攻擊事件
歐洲動態(國際), [17/10/2023 03:58]

 布魯塞爾槍擊案 2瑞典人擊斃 疑涉激進伊斯蘭

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-17 11:18:33 (台灣) *
My Notepad - NEWS, [17/10/2023 11:55]
2023-10-17 03:29(更新:14:30)
Brussels shooting: gunman who shot dead two Swedish football fans remains at large, PM says

Alexander De Croo tells residents to remain ‘extra vigilant’ after attack that prosecutors said was inspired by Islamic State

稍早標題:Brussels on high alert as two Swedes killed in shooting and suspect remains at large


歐洲動態(國際), [17/10/2023 14:43]
比利時警察早上8時左右在 Schaerbeek 區向一名男子開槍,男子受傷送院,當局仍在核實他是否昨晚槍擊案的槍手

歐洲動態(國際), [17/10/2023 15:13]
根據RTBF,比利時當局已證實,上午在 Schaerbeek 區被警察開槍制服的男子是45歲布魯塞爾槍擊槍手

 比利時警開槍擊斃一男子 證為45歲布魯塞爾槍擊槍手

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-17 18:00:26 (台灣) *

2023-10-17 15:04 (Updated: 21:13)
Brussels attack: suspect shot dead by police after killing of Swedish football fans

Belgian interior minister says weapon found on ‘neutralised person’ was same as that used in the attack
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-18 01:03:49, 18:35:31 (台灣)
[= #比利時攻擊事件
= 分隔線 =

2023-10-18 02:54 (Updated: 10:30)
US and UK spy chiefs warn Middle East crisis could raise domestic terror threat

Heads of MI5 and FBI say Jewish communities and other groups may face danger from lone actors, Iran or militants

via https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7959590694

#對內情報局 #國安

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-18 18:46:42 (台灣)

2023-11-04 01:20
Met to increase intelligence gathering in London schools amid Gaza tensions

Exclusive: Human rights groups voice alarm as letter to headteachers reveals plan for more visible patrols

via https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7965838586
【衛報獨家】隨著迦薩緊張情勢升溫 倫敦市警將增加在倫敦校園的情蒐與可見巡邏。


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-01 12:00:11, 12:14:40*(台灣)

2023-11-04 01:20
Two women charged over paraglider pictures at pro-Palestinian march in London

Pair accused of terrorism offences after incident at protest on 14 October in Whitehall

Dominic Murphy, the head of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: “We have worked swiftly and decisively to investigate this matter and that has led to these two women being charged with terrorism offences only a week after issuing our public appeal.

“We know that the public are very concerned about some people using the veil of legitimate protest to carry out criminal or even terrorist activity and we have shown that we will do everything we can to identify where that happens and that we will seek to bring those who may be responsible to face justice.”

via https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7967400404


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-04 08:19:30, 18:08:51 (台灣) *

> https://www.plurk.com/p/m9jt4m 消費恐攻再一發! 梅伊:我會撕爛任何阻止新反恐法案的人權法條
> https://www.plurk.com/p/lv4for 學界專家公開聯名信 批評英國的「預防性」反激進策略
> https://www.plurk.com/p/ltwazz 史諾登揭露「壓力摳米」(全部收集吧)式監視系統發源於英國
> https://www.plurk.com/p/ly7kwn 一丁點反彈聲浪都沒有 極度監控正式成為了英國法律過關
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m0duyn 英國各地政府遭揭露過去五年來使用RIPA調查權力規範法案偷偷刺探民眾隱私
> https://www.plurk.com/p/md3qw0 倫敦警方將運用臉部識別軟體於諾丁丘嘉年華維安上
> https://www.plurk.com/p/mx3i6k 【諾丁丘嘉年華】去年太惹議 今年警方維安改採金屬探測器與行為辨識專家
My Notepad - NEWS, [05/11/2023 13:13]
2023-11-05 02:10 (Updated: 10:31)
Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist

Leaked documents spark furious backlash from groups who fear freedom of expression could be suppressed

稍早標題:Plans to redefine extremism would include ‘undermining’ UK values


#極端主義 #重新定義 #英國價值 #表現自由 #打壓言論自由

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-04 15:50:38 (台灣)

2023-11-08 05:57
No grounds to ban pro-Palestine march in London on Armistice Day, Met believes

Exclusive: legal threshold, which requires intelligence pointing to risk of serious disruption, has not yet been met, sources say

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-08 21:15:53 (台灣)

歐洲動態(國際), [09/11/2023 00:13]
星期六 11月11日是英國陣亡士兵紀念日,當天的倫敦反以遊行仍未被警察禁止,表明反對這天舉行反以示威的首相辛偉誠 #RishiSunak 說,倫敦警察廳廳長要為事件負責

 英警准週六反以示威  辛偉誠:警察廳長要負責

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-09 23:03:52 (台灣)

Downing Street disowns Braverman’s anti-Met police article, saying it ‘was not cleared by No 10’ – UK politics live

Home secretary accuses force of being biased against rightwing protesters and favouring groups such as Palestine Solidarity Campaign

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-09 23:04:01, 23:34:03 (台灣)

2023-11-11 00:21:16
Police brace for largest pro-Palestinian protest and impose Cenotaph exclusion zone

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-11 20:05:22 (台灣)

London’s pro-Palestine march live: Sunak condemns violence from far-right groups and ‘Hamas sympathisers’

PM says unacceptable scenes ‘disrespect the memory’ of those who ‘fought and died for our freedoms’

 Aerial footage shows scale of Israel-Gaza ceasefire march

via https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7971148662

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-12 18:36:43 (台灣)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-13 04:55:07 (台灣)

> > https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7965840679 
> https://open.spotify.com/episode/3kbvUekHnSMrSWV5M7FUSM?si=JpD-8p46Q3KfVMYPUsmPPw
> via https://www.plurk.com/p/pev0x4?r=7969116506

Suella Braverman sacked as home secretary after article criticising police

PM fires cabinet minister after unauthorised Times article claiming police favour leftwing protesters

James Cleverly appointed home secretary in cabinet reshuffle

Rishi Sunak begins shake-up of his ministerial team after sacking of Suella Braverman

> > https://www.plurk.com/p/lyol5a #Baldwin_Rule #鮑溫規則 #退任首相就必須退休隱遁不過問政事?
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m7k3o1 莎曼紗卡麥隆:輪到大衛支持我了
> https://www.plurk.com/p/m7k47n 從唐寧街到花園的退休生活 大衛卡麥隆花了25k英鎊在豪華手工小車屋上
> https://www.plurk.com/p/n07iky 就是大衛卡麥隆把我們帶進這屎窟的,然後他還悶不吭聲地待在他的舒適小屋裡?
> https://www.plurk.com/p/n53kki 【脫歐元凶】所以大衛卡麥隆到底現在在幹什麼?

David Cameron returns to UK government as foreign secretary

Former PM makes surprise comeback as part of reshuffle in which Suella Braverman replaced by James Cleverly as home secretary

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-13 20:05:30, 20:06:23, 20:11:19,  20:17:08 (台灣)

David Cameron returns to government in reshuffle; Victoria Atkins promoted to health secretary; Suella Braverman and Thérèse Coffey out – UK politics live

Former PM will take seat in House of Lords; former Treasury minister moves to health; Braverman replaced as home secretary by James Cleverly

Suella Braverman sacked: how pressure mounted on …: https://youtu.be/90OcdXGzSiM

He’s not an MP, so how can David Cameron return to the cabinet?

The former PM retired from the Commons years ago, but has still been appointed to one of the top ministerial jobs

David Cameron makes shock comeback in high-risk reshuffle

Ex-PM’s appointment as foreign secretary indicates a move to the centre by Rishi Sunak and is likely to anger the right of the party

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-14 23:34:35 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-14 23:37:33 (台灣)

Suella Braverman launches attack on Rishi Sunak saying he broke promises he made to her in secret – UK politics live

Former home secretary tells PM he needs to ‘change course urgently’ and that he has led ‘Conservatives to record election defeats’

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-15 00:52:21 (台灣)

Braverman plots Tory rebellion on Rwanda plan after stinging attack on PM

Sacked home secretary urges Rishi Sunak to change course in letter and accuses him of breaking ‘pledge to the British people’


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-16 01:55:02 (台灣)

HMRC examines if David Cameron failed to fully disclose Greensill private flights as taxable perks

Former PM, who became a life peer last week, under scrutiny over use of financier’s aircraft and offshore trust

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-22 15:00:05 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-29 12:27:20 (台灣)

Rishi Sunak calls surprise press conference as Suella Braverman denies plotting to bring PM down – UK politics live

PM’s press conference at 11am follows criticism from Braverman and the resignation of Robert Jenrick

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-12-10 13:09:06 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-03-26 20:10:31 (台灣)

2024-5-17 14:59
French police shoot dead suspect in synagogue incident in Rouen

Interior ministry says armed suspect appeared to be planning to set fire to synagogue in Normandy city


#仇恨犯罪 #猶太禮拜堂
#恐攻? #恐怖攻擊?  
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-05-17 15:06:47 (台灣)

2024-5-17 20:08
【歐洲動態(國際)】法國警察早上在北部城市 Rouen 擊斃一名29歲男子,表示這名男子正向一間猶太教廟縱火

 29歲男子遭法警擊斃 涉嫌放火燒猶太教廟
 by 19:27 / Seen by 202405181927
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-05-17 20:33:54 (台灣) * Added by 202405182302
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-05-18 23:02:24, 23:03:30 (台灣)

2024-9-05 18:43
Man shot dead by Munich police as German minister says protecting Israeli institutions is highest priority – as it happened

= 分隔線 =

2024-9-05 00:47
Munich police kill man who opened fire near Israeli consulate

‘Antisemitism and Islamism have no place here,’ Scholz says after incident also close to Nazi documentation centre

【德國】男子向慕尼黑以色列駐猶太大使館開槍 警方將之擊斃

* 事發地靠近納粹文件中心

* 政府首長:保護以色列相關機構為最高優先

#反猶太 #反閃情節
* Updated by 202409061345
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-09-05 18:46:31 (台灣) * Added by 202409060916
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-09-06 09:16:46 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-09-06 13:47:51 (台灣)

2021-3-17 02:51:00
Oliver Campbell: Calls to review 30-year-old murder conviction

2023-10-02 14:00:07
‘I could have had a job and kids’: Oliver Campbell hopes for justice 30 years after murder charge

Exclusive: in 1991 Campbell, who has a mental impairment, received a life sentence for a crime he says he did not commit

2024-9-11 17:40
Appeal court clears man with severe learning difficulties of 1990 London murder

Oliver Campbell exonerated more than 30 years after conviction that followed false confessions in police interviews

#冤案 #學習障礙 #終生監禁 #無期徒刑 #醫生都毀了 #沒工作 #沒生小孩

= 分隔線 =

2024-9-11 17:42:21
Man ‘not had a life’ as 1990 murder conviction quashed

A man with learning disabilities who says he felt under pressure to confess to murder says he has not "had a life" for the last 33 years.

Three judges ruled that Oliver Campbell's 1991 conviction for the murder of Baldev Hoondle in east London the previous year was "unsafe".

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03/05/2024 - UK: False Confessions Expert Witness Testifies That 'Murderer' Provided False Confession - See more at: https://witnessdirectory.com/newsdet...onfession#sthash.hhYHEJOr.dpuf
* Updated by 202409120319
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-09-11 17:48:39 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-09-12 03:19:45 (台灣)

2024-11-08 23:51
More than 60 arrests in Amsterdam after attacks on Israeli football fans – as it happened
 17h by 202411091611  
 Israeli football fans attacked after match in Amsterdam

#荷蘭 #尼德蘭 #阿姆斯特丹 #以色列足球迷遭攻擊

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-08 23:52:32, 23:57:02 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-09 16:12:42 (台灣)

2024-11-14 20:50
France deploys thousands of police for Israel match after Amsterdam violence

Concern over ‘high risk’ game in Paris mounts after riot police clash with pro-Palestinian protesters

阿姆斯特丹事件效應 法國巴黎為以色列遊行部署數千名警力


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-14 21:05:04 (台灣)


 8h & 8h by Screenshot_2024-11-25_051037 via Yoga IG Stories  
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-25 05:14:43 (台灣)


- 國師!謝謝台南Josh

Screenshot_2024-11-25_051039 via Yoga IG Stories

- 蔡阿嘎跟台南Josh雙指標 真的一開始就穩了🤣🤣🤣
Screenshot_2024-11-25_051040 via Yoga IG Stories  
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-25 05:21:54 (台灣)


- 前一天全壘打幾顆差一點 今天順利轟出去 真的很爽
8h by 05:25 & 7 by   Screenshot_2024-11-25_051042 via Yoga IG Stories  
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-25 05:26:17 (台灣)


6h by & 3hr by Screenshot_2024-11-25_051057 橘貓 via Yoga IG Stories  
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2024-11-25 05:32:24 (台灣)
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