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作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [筆記] note Google Search: 可再生能源 永續能源(綠色能源;綠能) 替代能源 生質能源
時間 2015-10-08 Thu. 18:03:12

Bio-oil, solid and gaseous biofuels from biomass pyrolysis processes—An overview - Vamvuka - 2011 - International Journal of Energy Research - Wiley Online Library

As the global demand for energy rapidly increases and fossil fuels will be soon exhausted, bio-energy has become one of the key options for shorter and medium term substitution for fossil fuels and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass currently supplies 14% of the world's energy needs. Biomass pyrolysis has a long history and substantial future potential—driven by increased interest in renewable energy. This article presents the state-of-the-art of biomass pyrolysis systems, which have been—or are expected to be—commercialized. Performance levels, technological status, market penetration of new technologies and the costs of modern forms of biomass energy are discussed.

The short residence time pyrolysis of biomass (flash pyrolysis), at moderate temperatures, is being used to obtain a high yield of liquid products (up to 70% wt), particularly interesting as energetic vectors.

Bio-oil can substitute for fuel oil—or diesel fuel—in many static applications including boilers, furnaces, engines and turbines for electricity generation.

An attractive future transportation fuel can be hydrogen, produced by steam reforming of the whole oil, or its carbohydrate-derived fraction.

Pyrolysis gas—containing significant amount of carbon dioxide, along with methane—might be used as a fuel for industrial combustion. Presently, heat applications are most economically competitive, followed by combined heat and power applications; electric applications are generally not competitive.
全球能源供給14% 替代品 靜態應用器材 Biocrud 商業生物質粗油 生物質氣體燃料 輕質燃油替代品 輕油替代物 #輕質油 運輸用燃料 #經濟效益
Despina Vamvuka - Publications - ResearchGate

Eleni Kastanaki

The scope for generating bio-oils with relatively low oxygen contents via hydropyrolysis

ACP - Abstract - Polar organic marker compounds in atmospheric aerosols during the LBA-SMOCC 2002 biomass burning experiment in Rondônia, Brazil: sources and source processes, time series, diel variations and size distributions
#德國 比利時 烏克蘭

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_energy#Definitions = 綠色能源
 Sustainable Energy has two key components: renewable energy and energy efficiency.
#可再生能源 永續能源 綠色能源 替代能源 定義


Improvements of Brazilian carbonization industry as part of the creation of a global biomass economy
Characterization of biomass pyrolysis tars produced in the relative absence of extraparticle secondary reactions
SB SCB 甘蔗渣 sugar-cane bagasse and silver birch 銀樺
wire-mesh reactor
 vapour pressure osmometry (v.p.o.)  VPO
Ana-Rita Fraga

Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing for fuels and chemicals
Ayhan Demirbaş
Competitive liquid biofuels from biomass

Effect of heating rate on the pyrolysis yields of rapeseed

Potential contribution of biomass to the sustainable energy development

Biofuel production using slow pyrolysis of the straw and stalk of the rapeseed plant
# 土耳其

agricultural residues as feedstocks for lactic acid fermentation - Google 搜尋

Biorefinery study of availability of agriculture residues and wastes for integrated biorefineries in Brazil
Agriculture residue; Animal waste; Biomaterials; Biomass to liquid technology (BTL); Biorefineries

Brazilian Lignocellulosic Wastes for Bioenergy Production: Characterization and Comparison with Fossil Fuels | Protásio | BioResources

The aim of this paper was to analyze energy-related properties of forestry and agricultural wastes for energy production purposes, and to compare them with fossil fuels. The forestry wastes used were red cedar, Eucalyptus, and Pinus wood shavings. The agricultural wastes analyzed were rice husk, coffee wastes, sugar cane bagasse, maize harvesting wastes, and bamboo cellulose pulp. The forestry wastes presented more suitable properties for bioenergy production than the agricultural wastes. Desirable energetic properties were found for coffee wastes. The opposite was verified for rice husks. Among the biomass studied, coffee wastes presented the highest equivalent in fossil fuel volume and hence may lead to the highest decrease in CO2 emissions by fossil fuels used in Brazil for steam and heat production. The results suggests that CO2 benefits can be obtained if bioenergy is generated in the same locale where biomass is produced, avoiding CO2 cost of logistics and leading to greater end-use efficiency. The present work promotes the widespread use of different lignocellulosic wastes for bioenergy production and gives useful information for the planning and the control of power plants using biomass.

Biomass is often the only accessible and affordable source of energy in rural areas or remote locations.

"Microwave-heated pyrolysis of waste automotive engine oil: Influence of operation parameters on the yield, composition, and fuel properties of pyrolysis oil"

Biomass Feedstocks - eolss

Brazilian sugarcane bagasse: Energy and non-energy consumption

second-generation ethanol

Sugarcane bagasse could benefit Brazil energy matrix | Biomassmagazine.com

Temperature and pH control in composting of coffee and agricultural wastes


Biomass Pyrolysis in Brazil: Status Report - Springer

#mansory #masonry #石造窯


Fast pyrolysis can directly produce a liquid fuel from biomass named bio-oil. It can be readily stored or transported.
This liquid fuel can be a substitute for fuel oil in any static heating or electricity generation application and can also be used to produce a range of commodities and chemicals, such as phenol and its derivates.

bio-oil (60-70 %), powder charcoal (20%) and gas (10-20%).

The process to obtain bio-oil through fast pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical conversion consisting a fast transmission of heat to biomass, its degradation and subsequent and immediate cooling in an environment that is suitable for the separation of pyrolysis products.

Through this process it is possible to avoid the destruction of the polymeric chains and undesirable secondary reactions involving the products obtained through the heating of biomass at a temperature of 400- 500 oC and very short residence times.

Although fast pyrolysis is a common process it has not been completely described yet since there are not accurate methods to allow its immediate reproduction without going through the previous scale-up and experiment processes. Different researches have been carried out in Latin America since the last decade to investigate the use of a wide range of native residues, mainly in the sugarcane industry.

#衍伸產品 #鍵結鍊 #裂解流程圖 #生成氣體再利用

Using Bio-oil Produced by Biomass Pyrolysis as Diesel Fuel - Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications)

This study evaluated the effect of biomass (soybean oil, eucalyptus sawdust, and coffee grounds) pyrolysis oil on the formulation of diesel fuels.

Additionally, particulate matter emissions are reduced significantly by up to 30% when compared with the base fuel.

#生質柴油 #咖啡渣 #Base Oil 基礎油 #PM懸浮粒子 #化學穩定性 #Cetane number

Biomass Pyrolysis Liquids Upgrading and Utilization - Google 圖書

Biomass Pyrolysis: A Review of the Literature Part 1—Carbohydrate Pyrolysis - Springer

Effect of pyrolysis temperature on composition, surface properties and thermal degradation rates of Brazil Nut shells
#表面性質 巴西堅果 熱裂解溫度的影響

Biomass pyrolysis is a fundamental thermochemical conversion process that is of both industrial and ecological importance. From designing and operating industrial biomass conversion systems to modeling the spread of wildfires, an understanding of solid state pyrolysis kinetics is imperative. A critical review of kinetic models and mathematical approximations currently employed in solid state thermal analysis is provided. Isoconversional and model-fitting methods for estimating kinetic parameters are comparatively evaluated. The thermal decomposition of biomass proceeds via a very complex set of competitive and concurrent reactions and thus the exact mechanism for biomass pyrolysis remains a mystery. The pernicious persistence of substantial variations in kinetic rate data for solids irrespective of the kinetic model employed has exposed serious divisions within the thermal analysis community and also caused the broader scientific and industrial community to question the relevancy and applicability of all kinetic data obtained from heterogeneous reactions. Many factors can influence the kinetic parameters, including process conditions, heat and mass transfer limitations, physical and chemical heterogeneity of the sample, and systematic errors. An analysis of thermal decomposition data obtained from two agricultural residues, nutshells and sugarcane bagasse, reveals the inherent difficulty and risks involved in modeling heterogeneous reaction systems.
#生態與工業 #野火 #森林大火

Opportunities for biomass pyrolysis liquids production and upgrading - Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications) [1992]
Transformation of Oxygenate Components of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil on a HZSM-5 Zeolite. I. Alcohols and Phenols - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS Publications)

Separation of phenols from Eucalyptus wood tar

Bio-oil, solid and gaseous biofuels from biomass pyrolysis processes—An overview - Vamvuka - 2011 - International Journal of Energy Research - Wiley Online Library

Biomass Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor. Part 1: Literature Review and Model Simulations - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS Publications)

Characterization of biomass pyrolysis tars produced in the relative absence of extraparticle secondary reactions

Review of fast pyrolysis of biomass and product upgrading
Biomass fast pyrolysis
by Bridgewater, Anthony V.

Biomass fire consumption and carbon release rates of rainforest-clearing experiments conducted in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil - Carvalho - 2001 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres - Wiley Online Library

Separation characteristics of biomass pyrolysis oil in molecular distillation

Biomass gasification integrated with pyrolysis in a circulating fluidised bed
#生物質氣化升級 via 熱裂解

Sustainability considerations for electricity generation from biomass

[書籍] Industrial uses of biomass energy: the example of Brazil

Biomass resources for energy in North-Eastern Brazil

High-Yield Biomass Charcoal - Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications)
#高產能 高產量 生物炭

Synthesis of transportation fuels from biomass: chemistry, catalysts, and engineering
#合成燃料 運輸燃油 inexpensive

Syngas from sugarcane pyrolysis: An experimental study for fuel cell applications
#甘蔗熱裂解 燃料電池 Molten carbonate fuel cell 碳水化合物

Biofuels and Biomass-To-Liquid Fuels in the Biorefinery: Catalytic Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass using Porous Materials - Stöcker - 2008 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library

Comparisons of techniques for measuring shortwave absorption and black carbon content of aerosols from biomass burning in Brazil - Reid - 1998 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres - Wiley Online Library
#氣溶膠 短波吸收

Levoglucosan, a tracer for cellulose in biomass burning and atmospheric particles

Biomass torrefaction under different oxygen concentrations and its effect on the composition of the solid by-product

Biomass-based energy fuel through biochemical routes: A review

Small-Scale Gasification-Based Biomass Power Generatio

In a typical fann-forestry program in Brazil, a forestry company provides the material inputs and technical know-how for establishing trees on a fanner's land (I to 50 hectares of trees per farm) and contracts with the fanner to buy some or all of the first harvest for an agreed upon price that incorporates repayment for the initial inputs and services. The inputs include saplings (typically some species of eucalyptus in Brazil), fertilizers (applied at planting), herbicides (applied at some point after planting), and pesticides. The company samples the farmer's soil and provides inputs "tuned" to that farmer's soil.

Pyrolysis of Biomass from Sustainable Energy Plantations: Effect of Mineral Matter Reduction on Kinetics and Charcoal Pore Structure - Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects - Volume 30, Issue 9

[HTML] Materials produced from plant biomass: Part I: evaluation of thermal stability and pyrolysis of wood

Fast microwave assisted pyrolysis of biomass using microwave absorbent

Comprehensive comparison of efficiency and CO2 emissions between biomass energy conversion technologies—position of supercritical water gasification in biomass technologies

Battery electric vehicle, gasoline hybrid electric vehicle, and gas full cell vehicle (FCV) show high efficiency in automobiles.

#生物質為最理想燃料 #木煤氣車 #循環電池 #日本

Biofuels from waste fish oil pyrolysis: Continuous production in a pilot plant
#魚油 輕質與重質生物油

Slow pyrolysis of poultry litter and pine woody biomass: Impact of chars and bio-oils on microbial growth - Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Volume 43, Issue 7
#森林火災 野火 火耕 木炭製程 土中與水中微生物

[全文] Overview of the inorganic and organic composition of size-segregated aerosol in Rondônia, Brazil, from the biomass-burning period to the onset of the wet season
#乾季 濕季 雨季 一堆作者 LBA-SMOCC 野火 森陵大火

Review of the pyrolysis platform for coproducing bio-oil and biochar

Pyrolysis is a relatively simple, inexpensive, and robust thermochemical technology for transforming biomass into bio-oil, biochar, and syngas.

The robust nature of the pyrolysis technology, which allows considerable fl exibility in both the type and quality of the biomass feedstock, combined with a distributed network of small pyrolysis plants, would be compatible with existing agriculture and forestry infrastructure.

Biochar is an effective adsorbent for both nutrients and organic contaminants, hence the presence of biochar in soils has been shown to improve water quality in column leaching and fi eld lysimeters studies and it is anticipated to do the same for agricultural watersheds.

At the present time, the pyrolysis platform is economically marginal because markets for bio-oil and biochar are highly competitive. However, if the USA adopts a program for controlling greenhouse gases, the pyrolysis platform would be highly competitive.

#活性炭應用 木炭替代品 土壤改良 保濕保水 營養質

Preliminary engineering data for scale up of a biomass vacuum pyrolysis reactor (Conference) | SciTech Connect

Rapid pyrolysis of agricultural residues at high temperature

Chars from olive waste and straw are more reactive in gasification than chars from birch because of the higher ash content.
#氣化溫度 (800–1000° C)

Thermal conversion of elephant grass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schum) to bio-gas, bio-oil and charcoal
#雜草 芒草 象草
#Energy crop 能源作物
 #Fodder crop
#Grass Biochar
#焦油 #農業炭 #產量


 Town gas
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasification

 Coal seam gas

Renewable natural gas, also known as sustainable natural gas, is a biogas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to fossil natural gas.

#substitute natural gas (SNG)
#Gas grid 瓦斯輸送
#Biogas powerplant

#氣體燃料 可燃氣體
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetstream_furnace #Wood gasification boiler
#木煤氣 Wood Gass
#水煤氣 Water Gas

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2015-10-08 18:03:12
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2015-12-28 11:14:02
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2016-11-29 13:54:13

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夏威夷 催生100%再生能源州 | 世界新聞網


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