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作者 標題 [轉噗] 「躺著抗議怎用水驅離?!」全世界各國水砲車使用時機比較,看看台灣排在哪
時間 2014年04月28日 Mon. PM 06:34:20
1.英國 2014倫敦才買,居民強烈抗議,市長規定只能用在有大規模暴力抗議、極可能造成生命危害時 (之前腳踏車騎士抗議躺下封路沒噴水)
Boris Johnson Approves Use Of Water Cannon For London Police, On Budget Day
Boris Johnson has announced he will endorse the use of a water cannon by the Metropolitan Police, prompting outcry from opponents that the Mayor used the day of the Budget to bury his approval of the bitterly controversial measure. The cannons will be used as an extreme measure to tackle violent dis ...
2.法國 2014 和平躺下封機場沒事,丟警察石頭、砸窗、破壞郵局後被噴水
French anti-airport protesters clash with police
Protesters opposed to plans to build a new airport for the French city of Nantes smashed shop windows Saturday and hurled paving stones at police, who answered with tear gas and rubber bullets.Tens of thousands of protesters against building the airpor... ...
3.比利時 2014 和平抗議沒事,民眾向警察砸石塊並放火時噴水
Brussels: Police disperse protesters with tear gas, water cannon (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT News
RABAT (Reuters) - Brussels police used tear gas and water cannon in clashes with protesters, as thousands gathered at a trade union rally against austerity. Violence in the area where many government offices are situated caused a lockdown at the US embassy. ...
4.摩洛哥 2014 和平抗議沒事,民眾自焚時噴水
Moroccan police stop protesters setting themselves on fire | Reuters
RABAT (Reuters) - Moroccan police spraying water cannon stopped 13 unemployed blind university graduates from setting themselves on fire in Rabat on Wednesday in protest against a public sector hiring ...
5.烏克蘭 2014 民眾丟炸彈
Ukraine unrest: Police and civilians die as officers 'fire water cannon on protesters throwing petrol bombs' - Europe - World - The Independent
Ukraine has seen its deadliest day of violence since anti-government protests began, with fierce clashes bringing new intensity to a political crisis that has festered in Kiev since late November. ...
6.北愛爾蘭 2013 民眾丟汽油彈
Police deploy water cannon at Northern Ireland riot - CNN.com
Belfast, Northern Ireland (CNN) -- Protests broke out Friday throughout Northern Ireland against a decision by Belfast City Council members to stop flying the Union flag year-round. ...
7.德國 2010 民眾靜坐並向警方丟石塊,警方用噴水車後舉國震驚,各大黨紛紛譴責市長
The World from Berlin: Germany Shocked by 'Disproportionate' Police Action in Stuttgart - SPIEGEL ONLINE
A hardline police operation against demonstrators protesting against a new railway station project in Stuttgart has shocked Germany, after more than 100 people were injured by tear gas and water cannon. German commentators argue that the police went overboard and warn of more violence to come. ...
8.印度 2014 當抗議民眾要衝進市長家裡時
Cops use water cannon on Youth Cong workers to stop them from reaching Badals residence | The Indian Express Nearly a hundred Punjab Youth Congress (YC) office bearers and workers,led by its president Vikramjit Chaudhary,were on Wednesday arrested while proceeding towards the official residence of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal ...
9.柬埔寨 2013 和平抗議沒事,部份民眾接近皇宮,並向鎮暴警察丟金屬 噴水後有人死亡(原因不明)
Protest Turns Into Clash With Police in Cambodia - NYTimes.com
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Cambodia’s political deadlock turned violent on Sunday as opposition supporters clashed with security forces in the streets of Phnom Penh, leaving at least one person dead and several injured, according to journalists and a Cambodian human rights organization. ...
10.土耳其 2014 民眾和平抗議選舉舞弊
Police fire water cannon in Turkish capital at election protest | Reuters
ANKARA (Reuters) - Riot police fired water cannon in the Turkish capital on Tuesday to disperse thousands of people protesting outside the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) against local election results ...
11.埃及 2013 民眾和平唱歌
Egypt police fire water cannon to disperse rally, in first use of new anti-protest law | Fox News
Black-clad Egyptian police descended on two small anti-government rallies in Cairo on Tuesday and fired water cannons to disperse them, enforcing a controversial new law restricting protests. Th... ...
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英國抗議躺下封橋 沒噴水
We won't take this lying down: Thousands of demonstrators force Westminster Bridge to close with protest over Government health reforms | Mail Online
Westminster Bridge in London was shut to traffic as around 2,500 demonstrators took to the streets outside Parliament to highlight their concerns over cuts. ...
美國華爾街抗議封橋 沒噴水
udn國際新聞報 - 「占領華爾街」 封橋逮700人
受到「阿拉伯之春」啟發,由網路雜誌AdBusters發起的美國版人民起義「占領華爾街」邁入第三周,非但沒有解散跡象,還從紐約擴大到波士頓、芝加哥、舊金山、洛杉磯和華盛頓等大城市。數千名抗議群眾一日下午在紐約市布魯克林橋非法遊行,並故意阻礙交通,紐約市警方展開強力取締,逮捕七百多人。 ...
Berkeley students stage mass lie-down protest over Republicans' 'racist' bake sale | Mail Online
The Berkeley College Republicans held the 'Increase Diversity Bake Sale' to speak out against legislation that would allow California public universities to consider race and other factors in student admissions. ...
倫敦腳踏車騎士抗議躺下封路 沒噴水
Thousands of cyclists lie down in the road for rush hour protest outside TfL's Blackfriars HQ - London - News - London Evening Standard
More than 1,000 cyclists lay sprawled across a central London road this evening in protest at dangerous traffic conditions. ...
法國 躺下封閉機場 沒噴水
Slaughterhouse workers blockade French airport - The Local
Angry workers in France’s food processing industry, who are refusing to lie down and accept hundreds of job cuts, blockaded an airport in Western France on Mo ...
- (備分) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203470347576655
- (備分) https://www.facebook.com/wearytolove/posts/10154077088485694?stream_ref=1
- (備分) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PgG2pek9qc
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甚麼時候才可以用噴水車驅離抗議群眾?? - 政治新聞八卦版 - WeTalk 論壇 - 台灣最大的新聞論壇!
稍早已經有一篇證明了歐美國家並無使用噴水車驅離當然我們有時在國際新聞上還是會看到有噴水車究竟各國在使用噴水車上面是在甚麼情況下會使用的呢?看完之後才知 ... ...
稍早已經有一篇證明了歐美國家並無使用噴水車驅離當然我們有時在國際新聞上還是會看到有噴水車究竟各國在使用噴水車上面是在甚麼情況下會使用的呢?看完之後才知 ... ...
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* 使用水砲車會造成非常嚴重的傷害
Anja 噴水車的傷害有多大? #血腥圖片,不喜勿點。 - #jz0gwr
噴水車的傷害有多大? #血腥圖片,不喜勿點。
台灣俗稱「噴水車」的「水砲(Water Cannon)」,對抗議者掃射會造成內臟破裂、骨折等重大人身傷害,Stuttgart的環保人士Dietrich Wagner在2010年的抗議事件,遭到鎮暴水砲的攻擊而眼珠爆出、導致... By: Anja. On: April 29, 2014 - 05:29 ...
台灣俗稱「噴水車」的「水砲(Water Cannon)」,對抗議者掃射會造成內臟破裂、骨折等重大人身傷害,Stuttgart的環保人士Dietrich Wagner在2010年的抗議事件,遭到鎮暴水砲的攻擊而眼珠爆出、導致... By: Anja. On: April 29, 2014 - 05:29 ...
The Shocking Truth about Water Cannons in 2 Minutes - YouTube The metropolitan police want to introduce water cannons even though they cause "serious injury or even death". In 2 minutes we show the damage that water can...

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2014-04-28 18:34:20
plurk.com/p/jyx4gg facebook.com/sasha.leigh.5/posts/631140806963428 binghann.leu/posts/10152398158358979
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2014-04-30 02:21:53
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-03-16 01:05:42 (台灣)
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