※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-14 00:23:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [問卦] 麥噹勞價格變化
時間 Thu Feb 13 18:45:09 2014
※ 引述《yesnotony (七仔)》之銘言:
: 今天突然想到一個問題
: 麥當勞近年來漲價很多
: 那以前呢??
: 小弟想問問70年代麥當勞的價格
: 和
: 103年麥當勞價格差很多嗎???
: 70年代的麥當當套餐是否1張國父就搞定?
: (請忽略午晚餐特價時段)
Kung Fu Kids 好小子 (1986) - Cantonese Full Movie - YouTube
Ah Kuo, Xiao Yu and Chubby are three country bumpkins living in the mountains with their cantankerous grandfather, who teaches the boys about discipline, ded...
Ah Kuo, Xiao Yu and Chubby are three country bumpkins living in the mountains with their cantankerous grandfather, who teaches the boys about discipline, ded...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
噓 :幾分幾秒都不給 是在BJ4啥 乾脆不要回文1F 02/13 18:46
噓 :一個多小時....2F 02/13 18:47
→ vivie …
Kung Fu Kids 好小子 (1986) - Cantonese Full Movie - YouTube
Ah Kuo, Xiao Yu and Chubby are three country bumpkins living in the mountains with their cantankerous grandfather, who teaches the boys about discipline, ded...
Ah Kuo, Xiao Yu and Chubby are three country bumpkins living in the mountains with their cantankerous grandfather, who teaches the boys about discipline, ded...

噓 :BJ45F 02/13 18:48
噓 :講重點 BJ46F 02/13 18:49
噓 :BJ47F 02/13 18:49
噓 :不解釋,我看是你文筆太差8F 02/13 19:28
噓 :欠噓9F 02/13 19:41
噓 :在BJ4阿10F 02/13 22:37
※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 285
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