※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-22 20:46:36
看板 WindowsPhone
作者 標題 [情報] Microsoft Project My Screen PC Release
時間 Sat Apr 19 10:21:40 2014
Microsoft's Project My Screen PC component available for download
Microsoft's Project My Screen PC component available for download | Windows Phone Central
If you've been itching for a chance to play with the new Project My Screen feature from Windows Phone 8.1, the PC program you need to get it started is now available from Microsoft's servers. You can download the installer right here ...
If you've been itching for a chance to play with the new Project My Screen
feature from Windows Phone 8.1, the PC program you need to get it started is
now available from Microsoft's servers. You can download the installer right
The program seems easy to use. Simply make sure you have all your drivers
sorted, install the program on your computer, and run it while your Windows
Phone 8.1 device is plugged in. There's already a good bit of chatter about
this feature in our forums, so be sure to jump in and add your take on
things, too.
Preview推出後 微軟並沒有射後不理
posted from my Cortana
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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WindowsPhone/M.1397874104.A.969.html
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● 04-19 10:21 ■ [情報] Microsoft Project My Screen PC Release
推 :常在研討會看到他們投射手機螢幕 原來是這個呀~!1F 04/19 10:29
推 :520可以用嗎 插上去連結不上2F 04/19 10:32
推 :920 沒反應 ~"~3F 04/19 10:35
重新開啟Project My Screen桌面程式
手機就會出現這個 http://1drv.ms/QlP935
Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...
很順暢是沒錯 但聲音並沒有鏡像過去 還是有待改進XDDD
→ :已下載 還沒研究怎麼用...4F 04/19 10:35
※ 編輯: w0420cc (, 04/19/2014 10:43:08推 :8X可用 連接USB後電腦開軟體就會要求手機確定5F 04/19 10:55
→ :所以看起來 USB的鏡射 應該都可以 Miracast看機型?!6F 04/19 10:56
推 :可以了 感謝7F 04/19 11:03
推 :還得接USB?...... 天啊......8F 04/19 11:05
推 :有無線投影的嗎?(或稱作分享螢幕)9F 04/19 11:08
推 :推。10F 04/19 11:10
→ :無線的可能要再等等吧 USB是一個選項 有提供很不錯了11F 04/19 11:11
推 :要手機有支援才能無線吧12F 04/19 11:11
→ :搭配一些桌面錄影程式 拿來當教學使用 還滿棒的啊13F 04/19 11:12
→ :無線投影記得不是每支WP都支援。14F 04/19 11:12
→ :920寫「此手機無法透過無線連線方式放映螢幕。」15F 04/19 11:12
→ :讚,隨插即用16F 04/19 11:13
推 :我之前有用過Nokia beamer,透過wifi分享螢幕,但是不夠即17F 04/19 11:13
→ :時,連開ppt都嫌延遲有點久。
→ :看來只好再等了
→ :時,連開ppt都嫌延遲有點久。
→ :看來只好再等了
→ :這桌面程式安裝檔才900K 一接就可以用 到現在才釋出20F 04/19 11:15
推 :缺聲音+1,要不然可作影片播放用途。21F 04/19 11:15
→ :其實有點說不過去 輕巧的程式 早該給大家玩了22F 04/19 11:15
推 :希望可以全螢幕 XD23F 04/19 11:17
推 :B大,Help/Controls可查快速鍵。按E可expand,但在橫向仍會顯24F 04/19 11:20
→ :示三個按鍵。
→ :示三個按鍵。
推 :有人發現可以用滑鼠操作嗎XDDDD 超讚 只是全螢幕看不到游標26F 04/19 11:39
推 :alt+enter可視窗化27F 04/19 12:42
推 :希望可以不要有手機框框 XD28F 04/19 12:49
推 :推!29F 04/19 14:05
推 :希望可以鍵盤操作阿...然後問一下...是8X不支援無線30F 04/19 15:20
→ :嗚嗚TAT
→ :嗚嗚TAT
→ :樓上不要急著哭 按照之前釋出的 大多WP8都不支援Miracast32F 04/19 15:22
→ :連我的1520都不是100%確定有了
→ :連我的1520都不是100%確定有了
推 :1520 更新 Cyan 有啊34F 04/19 20:02
→ :8X用起來還蠻方便的...只是螢幕還是有點小而且有點熱...35F 04/20 01:18
推 :如果電腦螢幕是觸控,你們還可以multi-touch36F 04/20 01:55
推 :弱弱問一下,要怎麼用滑鼠操作...還是說Win7不行?37F 04/20 11:43
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