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看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 Re: [討論] 筆的實用度
時間 Mon Oct 28 17:38:00 2013
→ chrisorange :http://www.livescribe.com/en-us/smartpen/echo/ 10/25 16:28
Livescribe :: Never Miss A Word
Livescribe paper-based computing platform includes a smartpen, dot paper and software applications that changes the way people capture, use and share audio and visual information with pen and paper. ...
Livescribe paper-based computing platform includes a smartpen, dot paper and software applications that changes the way people capture, use and share audio and visual information with pen and paper. ...
→ gabom :當初買note10.1也是跟你一樣的想法 但並不如想像中的 10/25 16:54
→ DiChik :個人覺得筆比較"精確" 但直接用手比較"方便" 10/25 16:55
→ gabom :好,筆並不如想像中的好寫,尤其是寫快的時候字常常 10/25 16:55
→ gabom :像漏水一樣,邊邊角角亂噴。有機會去用實機寫看看就 10/25 16:56
→ gabom :知道了 10/25 16:56
或許可以參考這個產品: Livescribe smartpen
Introducing the new Livescribe 3 smartpen (US) - YouTube
The Livescribe 3 smartpen Watch your notes appear instantly on your tablet or smartphone with the Livescribe 3 smartpen. Paired with the Livescribe+ mobile a...
The Livescribe 3 smartpen Watch your notes appear instantly on your tablet or smartphone with the Livescribe 3 smartpen. Paired with the Livescribe+ mobile a...
而且價格 $149.....比Galaxy Gear還便宜
有興趣的可以參考一下, 今天engadget跟 Verge也都有介紹這個產品
The Verge: http://tinyurl.com/l2kex65
Livescribe's beautiful new smartpen turns pen and paper into apps and pixels | The Verge
We may be constantly staring into our phones and laptops, but Livescribe CEO Gilles Bouchard says pen and paper are more popular than ever — and he has data to back it up. We want to write and... ...
We may be constantly staring into our phones and laptops, but Livescribe CEO Gilles Bouchard says pen and paper are more popular than ever — and he has data to back it up. We want to write and... ...
Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/28/livescribe-3/
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :這比ADONIT還貴了吧1F 10/28 17:41
推 :可惡 想買...我對於平板能用的筆有莫名的迷戀@@"2F 10/28 18:01
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