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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-08 22:12:08
看板 Actuary
作者 turtleknight (turtle)
標題 [情報] skype點數五折
時間 Thu May  2 03:35:59 2013

collegebudget.com在做促銷 可用10鎂買20鎂skype點數(五折)



http://tinyurl.com/cbl63rf (這個連結會讓我賺點數)
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CollegeBudget Deals | National Deals of the Day
Daily Deals for College Students. CollegeBudget is an exclusive student discount site. College Students gain access to sweet 50-90% off student deals by joining CollegeBudget.com. Join now in seconds. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: turtleknight    來自:       (05/02 03:45)
lovemusic:state不能填空耶,都是美國的州1F 05/02 08:37
vera770923:無法用gmail登入...2F 05/02 09:22
PINKYOREO:gmail我的可耶! 謝謝分享3F 05/02 11:47
turtleknight:state隨便填就可以了4F 05/02 12:46
whale1002:成功! 感謝分享~5F 05/02 14:08
mrjmrj:可以耶!skype很少五折的說6F 05/02 15:27
christianhb:成功+17F 05/03 00:49
bubblefang:以點擊樓主互助連結,yahoo信箱也可以用喔8F 05/03 10:16
seasun:奇怪 20美元怎麼只有顯示12歐元?9F 05/03 10:19

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