看板 ButtttWOW
作者 標題 Re: 한국어/-옵소서
時間 2012年07月31日 Tue. PM 05:32:54
Archaic -옵-소서 please do. Ending -소서 on its own sounds archaic/Biblical and fancy/high-fallutin'. Addition of -옵- makes the form humble (and even obsequious).
천지지신 일월성신은 화위동심하옵소서. (춘향뎐 )
Dear Heavenly Spirits, dear Sun, Moon and Stars, please have pity on me!
그는 이상한 설레임을 느끼면서 읽어내려갔다. 한양성 이공은 보옵소서. (춘향뎐 )
As he read it through, he experienced a strange trembling—My dear Master Yi in Hanyang...
-소서, -나이다, -나이까?
※ 作者: mjjeje 時間: 2012-07-31 17:32:54
※ 看板: ButtttWOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 121