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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] 墨聯宣布主辦第一屆冠軍聯賽(四國聯盟參
時間 Tue Jul 11 10:20:06 2023
Moorhead, MN – In partnership with the World Baseball and Softball Confederatio
n (WBSC) and Mexican Baseball League (LMB), the American Association announced t
oday that it has accepted its invitation to be a part of the Baseball Champions
League (BCL).
美國獨立聯盟美國協會宣布將參與與墨聯合作的冠軍聯賽(Baseball Champions League)
A first-of-its-kind event, BCL will bring together the champions from four profe
ssional baseball leagues: the American Association, the Colombian Professional B
aseball League, the Mexican Baseball League, and the Cuban National Series. This
is the first time in the history of baseball that a contest has been organized
amongst professional baseball leagues of different nations.
The City of Mérida and the Kukulcán Alamo Ballpark will serve as hosts of the
inaugural BCL.
由墨西哥梅里達主辦,使用球場為Kukulcán Alamo Ballpark
The competition will be played between the most recent champions of the followin
g Leagues: Leones de Yucatán (LMB 2022), Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks (AA 2022), Ala
zanes de Granma (Cuban National Series 2022) and Caimanes de Barranquilla (Colom
bian Professional Baseball League, 2022).
2022年墨西哥聯盟冠軍: 尤卡坦獅子
The tournament schedule will feature two games per day in a round-robin format.
Participating teams will face each other, and the top two clubs will advance to
the Final. The third and fourth place clubs will square off for third place.
World Baseball Softball Confederation
The Baseball Champions League Invitational will be held from 28 September to 1 October at Kukulcán Alamo Ballpark in Yucatán, Mexico. ...
The invitational event later this year will be played between the champions of t
he following Leagues: Leones de Yucatán (LMB 2022), Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks (AA
2022), Alazanes of Granma (Cuban Baseball League 2022) and Caimanes of Barranqu
illa (Colombian Baseball League, 2022) with a plan to add other regional elite e
vents and the world finals in the coming years.
ESPN will broadcast the tournament in Mexico, which will feature seven games ove
r four days with a round-robin format before the top two teams advance to the fi
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-11 10:20:06
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ahBnOOx (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1689042008.A.63B.html
推 : 像之前的亞洲職棒大賽1F 07/11 10:21
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/11/2023 10:23:49推 : 福袋開抽2F 07/11 10:24
推 : 叛逃囉3F 07/11 10:25
推 : 美洲冠軍聯賽?5F 07/11 10:27
推 : 看起來就像美洲版的亞冠賽,賽事規模括大這是好事啊,只是選6F 07/11 10:28
→ : 手可能需要休息,不一定各隊都是菁銳盡出就是
→ : 手可能需要休息,不一定各隊都是菁銳盡出就是
推 : 為什麼我在Google打球場名後出現的跟四樓的不太一樣8F 07/11 10:32
→ : 的感覺
→ : 的感覺
推 : 美洲早就有加勒比海大賽了啊 這比較像之前的拉丁美洲大賽10F 07/11 10:35
→ : 變體再多創一個跨國聯賽;只是這次把美國的獨盟拉進來而已
→ : 吧 不過要學籃球足球一樣搞世界俱樂部冠軍賽還有一段路啦
→ : 除非大聯盟跳進來不然大概也不太可能~
→ : 變體再多創一個跨國聯賽;只是這次把美國的獨盟拉進來而已
→ : 吧 不過要學籃球足球一樣搞世界俱樂部冠軍賽還有一段路啦
→ : 除非大聯盟跳進來不然大概也不太可能~
推 : 4樓那是AI球場14F 07/11 10:38
→ : 獨立聯盟與中南美職棒不太受關注,但他們也是職業棒球。17F 07/11 10:47
推 : 我還以為是日本的四國聯盟= =18F 07/11 10:52
推 : 想學足球的歐冠?19F 07/11 10:55
→ : 加勒比海大賽是冬盟冠軍賽 這是夏季聯盟冠軍賽 不同吧20F 07/11 10:56
推 : 台灣可以一起21F 07/11 10:57
推 : 像亞洲職棒大賽22F 07/11 10:59
推 : 洋將驗貨篩選大賽23F 07/11 10:59
推 : 中職不參戰?24F 07/11 11:07
推 : 蠻有趣的25F 07/11 11:10
推 : 沒啊 裡面的古巴和哥倫比亞聯盟都是兩邊都有參加的啊 哥倫26F 07/11 11:38
→ : 比亞聯盟也算冬盟 只是他們是派前一年的冠軍出去比吧 不過
→ : 說穿了就舉辦時間點不同本質上就是跨國冠軍聯賽啊xd
→ : 比亞聯盟也算冬盟 只是他們是派前一年的冠軍出去比吧 不過
→ : 說穿了就舉辦時間點不同本質上就是跨國冠軍聯賽啊xd
推 : 古巴的會不會又有人滯留墨西哥啊?29F 07/11 11:42
→ : 就方便各國球探到場驗貨啊,也不差啦,起碼還省機票錢30F 07/11 11:54
推 : 鱷魚隊 好酷喔31F 07/11 11:55
推 : 高醫也有鱷魚隊32F 07/11 12:23
→ : 古巴會不會打完比賽直接整隊少一半的人?33F 07/11 12:37
推 : 希望hami也有轉播34F 07/11 14:05
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