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看板 Baseball
作者 SkyPlus (Sky)
標題 [討論] Reddit 棒球版討論 '05 洋基隊陣容
時間 Tue Jan  2 15:37:53 2024


原標題: The 2005 Yankees roster was insane and loaded with personality.

2005 洋基球員名單有夠狂而且充滿個性突出球員

The Big Unit leading that rotation at 41 years old

  Absolutely insane. Came back to AZ two years later and had a 3.81 ERA at
  43yrs old and a 3.91 ERA at 44.
  One of the few bright spots in the dark pit of despair that is
  Arizona sports.

  而且兩年後回到響尾蛇,分別在43與44歲投出 3.81 與 3.91 ERA

  One of the more amusing aspects of this roster full of vets on the
  downslope chasing rings is that former Yankee and fellow
  downslope vet El Duque won a ring that year when he helped the Sox
  absolutely truck everyone in the postseason.

  Orlando Hernández 卻帶著白襪奪冠。

  Imagine telling your fans you have Johnson, Brown and Mussina but
  then telling them it’s 2005 haha

  想像一下對粉絲公布隊上有RJ, Kevin Brown, Mussina。但已經是2005了。

This team has the 2nd most career WAR of any team ever - only the
1928 A's have more. That team blended new stars Lefty Grove, Al
Simmons, Jimmie Foxx and Mickey Cochrane with cameo appearances
from aging veterans Eddie Collins, Tris Speaker and Ty Cobb.
Both of these teams, if everyone were in their primes, would be
projected to easily break the seasonal wins record.

當時隊上有 Lefty Grove, Al Simmons, Jimmie Foxx, Mickey Cochrane,
Eddie Collins, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb


  Probably behind the 2024 dodgers


These names bring a special youthful nostalgic driven rage to my chest.
Edit: except for Mark Bellhorn, you legend, you.

(但不包含英雄 Mark Bellhorn)

  I’m 30. This roster and a couple years prior is why everyone I
  knew were Yankees fans. As a kid they were a blast


Honestly I might even prefer the 2006 Yankees lineup. Playoffs
they had Giambi DHing, Sheffield at 1B, Damon in CF, and Bobby Abreu in RF

我比較喜歡2006洋基季後賽陣容: DH Giambi, 1B Sheffield, CF Damon,
RF Bobby Abreu

  I think the 2006 lineup was jokingly called "murderers row, plus Cano."
  我都開玩笑說那是 "無差別屠殺打線,包含 Cano"

More like loaded with old men

  Yankees led the league both in batter age, at 32.4, and pitcher age, at 34.2.
  Their games also lasted the longest, at an average time of 3:02.

  Might have been loaded with old men, but even more surprisingly,
  those old men could still fucking bang

    From 2002 to 2007 Yankees were 1st or 2nd in runs per game every
    season except 2003, where they were third. The strategy of
    buying/trading for a bunch of old all-star hitters absolutely
    worked, it was the strategy of doing the same with pitchers that


    DRS rates the 2005 Yankees as the worst defensive team from
    2003-present at -120 DRS, though the 04/06 teams it thinks are
    merely regular bad.

    洋基的 2005 DRS 防守數據是2003以來所有球隊最爛的,04,06則是一般爛。

Robinson Cano was playing in the majors in 2005?? Damn, I'm old ☠
Cano 05年上大聯盟,原來我已經老了

    Even with Cano...he was never that hot of a prospect but got off
    to a torrid start in AAA and got a shot and ran with it.

    Cano 都不被視為頂尖新秀,當時在3A打出成績才有機會上來。
    (got a shot 打禁藥雙關XD)

I have fond memories of Carl Pavano, Kevin Brown and Jaret Wright.

我對  Carl Pavano, Kevin Brown and Jaret Wright 有美好回憶

    Because they stayed at IL(DL at that time) for a long time,
    Chien-Ming Wang got a rotation spot to prove his stuff.


Miss ChienMing Wang

  Never letting pitchers run the bases ever again

I was there, Gandalf, I was there 5000 years ago.
When the strength of Aaron Small and Shawn Chacon faded.

(I was there meme)
那段 Aaron Small, Shawn Chacon 威力消散的時光...

It was loaded on something.

   Manny and Big Papi say Hi
   Manny 和老爹在對你們說 Hi

That was the year when Yankees were stacked with stars but it was Aaron
Small who sold his soul to devils for half a season to save the Yankees

雖然是全明星陣容,卻需要靠出賣靈魂的 Aaron Small 拯救洋基。

It’s so funny because in real time, RJ was crapped on for being “
awful” and not being able to handle NEW YORK CITY (in my best
Pace picante voice). And now, with perspective we see the dude put
up 4.1 and 3.2 fWAR at ages 41 & 42, respectively. And won 17
games each year. I guess when you put up 9.6 fWAR at 40 it changes
our expectations lol. And poor guy wasn’t getting much help in
that starting rotation. That lineup though…

I still think Gary Sheffield is under appreciated.

雖然 RJ 在當時被媒體嫌到臭頭,但是 41 歲和 42 歲可以投出
4.1, 3.2 fwar 與 17 勝還不夠嗎?只可惜他得不到隊友支援拿下冠軍。

另外當時的 Gary Sheffield 也被低估了。

Sidenote: Randy Johnson threw 4 complete games that year, no
shutouts while Mussina threw 2 CGSOs that year.
So i retract my initial judgment: insane is a good word for that

RJ完投4場, Mussina 兩次完投完封。這陣容的確很狂。

What’s the story on Aaron Small? I’ve never heard of him, but he
went 10-0, so I figured he must be pretty good. I looked up his
stats and this season was a major outlier. He didn’t do much the
rest of his career.

有誰能介紹一下 Aaron Small 嗎? 我沒聽過他,但是那一季他 10-0 代表他很強?

    He was a junkballer righty who came up after a lot of time in the
    minors and went on a run at the right time. It wasn’t all luck
    and a great offense behind him - he was locating well and gutsy.
    But dude’s stuff was really fringy for MLB.

   當時他的球也很會跑而且很準。但可惜沒有足夠的 stuff。

Damn Chien Ming Wang, definitely wish he was healthy enough during the CC
Sabathia days. That injury was the most unnecessary one for a pitcher to have

王建民可惜了。我超希望看他和 CC 一起奮戰的日子。

My favorite Mike Mussina quote, when discussing salary with
Cashman and Mussina's agent,
"Let's get one thing straight. You are NOT paying me less than
Carl Pavano."

我最愛的 Mussina 金句(在他和 Cashman 談薪時):
"我直說了,你不會想讓我的薪水比 Carl Pavano 低吧?"

It's interesting that Chacon and Wang (and kind of Wright but not really)
were the only pitchers in their 20s to get significant innings that year.
That team was old. Like really old.

只有 Wang 和 Chacon 兩個 20 多歲投手有能力做出貢獻 (還有那個不想提的 Wright)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: SkyPlus 2024-01-02 15:37:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1baxrJCm (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1704181075.A.330.html
lb01833364: 王建民跑壘 永遠的痛……1F 01/02 15:40
※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 01/02/2024 15:41:32
※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 01/02/2024 15:43:18
dd1115dd1115: 一輩子的痛qq2F 01/02 15:43
chen92105: 哭啊3F 01/02 15:44
dw1012: 2005 怎麼可以忘了 Tony Womack4F 01/02 15:44
strayfrog: 想起老王還跑去跟RJ要菸草吃5F 01/02 15:47
SkyPlus: 原文有 Womack, 不過感覺沒什麼特別內容就沒翻了XD6F 01/02 15:47
Notif520: 老王跟巨怪更經典應該還是被罰跑步然後拉巨怪一起跑7F 01/02 15:54
k33536: 老穆的經典應該還有 you stay there!8F 01/02 15:55
alex2426chen: Small生涯很普通  那年就突然來個10-0  然後就現型9F 01/02 15:55
pclemens: Aaron Small神奇的一季 好懷念XD10F 01/02 15:56
※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 01/02/2024 15:58:49
alex2426chen: 那年也是老王跟烏魚子  才讓NYY重新重視農場新秀11F 01/02 15:58
strayfrog: Aaron Small當年真的讓人覺得他跟魔鬼做交易XD12F 01/02 16:01
MarchelKaton: 03-05年的美聯東區真的好看13F 01/02 16:08
MarchelKaton: 紅襪有神右、席林、威爾斯和蝴蝶老魏
ohya111326: 有王100分15F 01/02 16:20
jones520520: 24道奇有比09洋基強嗎16F 01/02 16:21
lookers: aaron small那季跟brady anderson50轟哪個fluke大17F 01/02 16:23
TRosenthal: 當然是Anderson,你可以運氣很好而10-018F 01/02 16:39
TRosenthal: 但可不能運氣很好而50轟
jkhcc: 講打線然後沒人提到松井秀喜???20F 01/02 16:45
SkyPlus: 有人提到松井,但沒有引發討論21F 01/02 16:47
pf775101: 王如果不受傷也許真能百勝 真幹的跑壘22F 01/02 17:14
ellisteng145: 王感覺剛要進巔峰的23F 01/02 17:18
tom92186: EA MVP2005也是那年很夯的啊24F 01/02 18:20
shuo1010: 王那年開季很順就那該死的跑壘25F 01/02 19:24
Johnwalk426: 08年開季投的覺得比前兩季都來的好26F 01/02 20:01
dlcro: 看來不是只有Ptt都老人 嘻嘻27F 01/02 20:17
lyk191947: 唉 那年的跑壘太痛了28F 01/02 23:48
dw1012: Womack貢獻就是爛到讓洋基忍不住立刻拉Cano上來29F 01/03 01:43
salkuo: 真的很懷念的一年Xd30F 01/03 02:29
lakres51204: MVPbaseball2005 永遠的神31F 01/03 12:34

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 11 
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