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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-30 17:48:37
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Robbie Ray去水手
時間 Tue Nov 30 04:35:45 2021

Reigning AL Cy Young winner Robbie Ray and the Seattle Mariners are finalizing a
 five-year, $115 million contract with an opt-out after the third season, source
s familiar with the deal tell ESPN.

Jeff Passan
Reigning AL Cy Young winner Robbie Ray and the Seattle Mariners are finalizing a five-year, $115 million contract with an opt-out after the third season, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN.

5年115M 第三年可以逃脫合約


Ray was not necessarily expected to agree to a deal before lockout. Mariners mad
e strong push last night and into this morning, according to a source. Top-of-th
e-rotation starter they coveted.

Ken Rosenthal
Ray was not necessarily expected to agree to a deal before lockout. Mariners made strong push last night and into this morning, according to a source. Top-of-the-rotation starter they coveted.https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/1465416255595290633 …
Source confirms: Robbie Ray in agreement with Mariners, five years, $115M, opt-out after third season. First: @JeffPassan.



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※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/30/2021 04:38:42
a0952136637: 美西都在補…天使總管到底都談了啥啊= =至少簽個Stro1F 11/30 04:40
a0952136637: man跟續R鷹吧…
Leonardo: 別在天使了 哪有看到他們開長約3F 11/30 04:44

keny372: 大谷:吹咪4F 11/30 04:46
WasJohnWall: 鱒魚:5F 11/30 04:47
mmm87963: 這位表現起起伏伏的 不知道能強多久天使不簽還好6F 11/30 04:48
jason7111994: 水手不讓惹7F 11/30 04:48
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/30/2021 04:49:18
Leonardo: 差5M 藍鳥怎不留自己人8F 11/30 04:49
saidon: ray過去的表現與其說起起伏伏 不如今年總算開竅?9F 11/30 04:50
saidon: 不如說
saidon: 他三振能力一直都很好 就是控球很差 跟年輕時的巨怪有點像
WasJohnWall: Ray跟Gausman其實價格都還好阿12F 11/30 04:53
mmm87963: 天使現在一定要補stroman吧,不然檯面上也沒更好的先發13F 11/30 05:06
mmm87963: 了
kevinftjiang: Ray三振能力一直蠻好的,今年好是控球變好,以前BB15F 11/30 05:11
kevinftjiang: 也是連發
wilson200106: 水手總算有個不只是競爭者名單的了17F 11/30 05:19
Adam6613: 天使如果簽Stroman+阪神Suarez應該還行吧(?)  如果18F 11/30 05:20
sustainer123: 天使真的很可悲19F 11/30 05:23
AaronRodgers: 輪值有二刀大谷,就不會有好投手進來20F 11/30 05:53
AaronRodgers: 進天使輪值要六人輪值,誰會搞這種掉價動作?
polanco: 簽不到投手硬要算在大谷頭上也蠻好笑的XD 看薛蛇就知道22F 11/30 06:00
polanco: 很大一部分是價碼問題而已
johnnyvcxz40: 講難聽點就是天使始終沒有pull the trigger 砸下去24F 11/30 06:08
JoAdell: 大谷都去美國三年了 還是一堆雲在酸 6人輪值不是每個人25F 11/30 06:11
JoAdell: 都投1休5好嗎? 正常還是投1休4碰到大谷延一場 真正有影響
JoAdell: 很大的是5號SP 同時碰1號跟大谷 可能就跳過一輪了 教練
JoAdell: 團怎麼可能故意讓王牌SP少投啦 不用酸民擔心
sixsix666: 還在大谷 笑死人29F 11/30 06:34
a0952136637: 簽不到投手怪大谷是啥鬼邏輯…硬要拉人來坦也太蝦30F 11/30 06:39
sixsix666: 天使如果最後連Stroman都沒有簽下來,明年真的洗洗睡吧31F 11/30 06:49
sixsix666: 。
sixsix666: 這波操作看下來真看不出天使有想要留住大谷的決心= =
Werth: 沒錯他不像fluke 而是breakout 可見過去成績還是很好殺價的34F 11/30 07:42
Werth: 點
a27783322: 算了吧 天使根本沒心36F 11/30 08:22
RG5678: 水手也拼了?37F 11/30 08:27
edhuang: 美西好可怕38F 11/30 08:32
djet: 什麼麼年代了還在六人輪值掉價XD39F 11/30 09:00
loltrg42972: 天使可憐哪40F 11/30 09:02
themis1208: 美西好兇 天使再不買真的準備墊底41F 11/30 09:03
LA24: 比Gausman多5M而已42F 11/30 09:07
ChrisArcher: 天使每個都嘛有興趣,啊最後都變成關心但不介入 lol43F 11/30 09:17
saiulbb: 美西競爭火藥庫第二 美中依舊舒適圈44F 11/30 09:42
ssj1988: 明明是水手補強,內文都在討論天使xd45F 11/30 09:58
mannypo: 天使有對很多FA開價,但沒人想去吧46F 11/30 10:00

Robbie Ray was scheduled to meet with the Angels, but the Mariners decided to sw
oop in and took him away. Ray will do well in T-Mobile Park.

Doug Rush
Robbie Ray was scheduled to meet with the Angels, but the Mariners decided to swoop in and took him away. Ray will do well in T-Mobile Park.



Elsewhere in free agency: I’m told Robbie Ray is *not* close to a decision. His
 formal meeting with the #Angels, a top suitor, has yet to take place. @MLBNetwo
rk @MLB

Jon Morosi
Elsewhere in free agency: I’m told Robbie Ray is *not* close to a decision. His formal meeting with the #Angels, a top suitor, has yet to take place. @MLBNetwork @MLB

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/30/2021 10:06:33
chan324: 有興趣 簽不下47F 11/30 10:39
chenghow: 水手不期不待,光想到當年盤小李然後簽腿姬結果………48F 11/30 13:10
chenghow: .

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