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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-13 08:51:27
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 Re: [分享] 今日 Jacob deGrom
時間 Sat Jun 12 17:58:23 2021

Jacob deGrom is the fastest pitcher (61 2/3 IP) to reach 100 Ks in a single
season since the mound was moved to its current distance in 1893.


MLB Stats
Jacob deGrom is the fastest pitcher (61 2/3 IP) to reach 100 Ks in a single season since the mound was moved to its current distance in 1893.

h/t: @EliasSports, @ESPNStatsInfo

61.2局投出100K 1893年以後最快

Jacob deGrom has an 0.56 ERA through 10 starts this season

That's the lowest ERA by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since
ER became official in both leagues in 1913 (min 50 IP)

Sarah Langs
Jacob deGrom has an 0.56 ERA through 10 starts this season

That's the lowest ERA by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since ER became official in both leagues in 1913 (min 50 IP)

10場先發0.56ERA 1913年以來最低(至少50局)

Jacob deGrom has an 0.53 WHIP this season

That's the lowest by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since the
mound was moved to its current distance in 1893

(h/t @EliasSports)

Sarah Langs
Jacob deGrom has an 0.53 WHIP this season

That's the lowest by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since the mound was moved to its current distance in 1893

(h/t @EliasSports)

10場先發0.53WHIP 1893年以來最低

Jacob deGrom has allowed a .121 opponent batting average this season

That's the lowest for any pitcher thru his 1st 10 appearances in a season
since at least 1901 (min 50 IP)

Sarah Langs
Jacob deGrom has allowed a .121 opponent batting average this season

That's the lowest for any pitcher thru his 1st 10 appearances in a season since at least 1901 (min 50 IP)

10場先發被打擊率.121 1901年以來最低(至少50局)

Jacob deGrom is the first pitcher to have more RBI (5) than earned runs
allowed (4) in any 10-start span in a single season since RBI became an
official stat in 1920.

MLB Stats
Jacob deGrom is the first pitcher to have more RBI (5) than earned runs allowed (4) in any 10-start span in a single season since RBI became an official stat in 1920.

h/t: @StatsBySTATS


Jacob deGrom now has 5+ IP & 1 or 0 ER in 10 straight starts, the 2nd-longest
single-season streak since ER became official in both leagues (1913)

He trails only 1968 Bob Gibson, who did it in 11 straight (not to start a

(Note: Kevin Gausman has active, 9-start streak)

Sarah Langs
Jacob deGrom now has 5+ IP & 1 or 0 ER in 10 straight starts, the 2nd-longest single-season streak since ER became official in both leagues (1913)

He trails only 1968 Bob Gibson, who did it in 11 straight (not to start a season!)

(Note: Kevin Gausman has active, 9-start streak)

連續十場先發投5局以上+失1分以下,1913年以來第二長,再一場追平Bob Gibson的紀錄

Jacob deGrom is the 1st pitcher since at least 1901 with 100+ strikeouts & 26
or fewer hits allowed in any 10-game span (not just to start a season!)

Sarah Langs
Jacob deGrom is the 1st pitcher since at least 1901 with 100+ strikeouts & 26 or fewer hits allowed in any 10-game span (not just to start a season!)


100+ strikeouts & fewer than 5 ER allowed, 10-game span since ER official in
both leagues (1913):

2021 Jacob deGrom
2018 Chris Sale

Sarah Langs
100+ strikeouts & fewer than 5 ER allowed, 10-game span since ER official in both leagues (1913):

2021 Jacob deGrom
2018 Chris Sale



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wn8L4Sn (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1623491908.A.731.html
mtyk10100: 一堆上古紀錄1F 06/12 17:59
jack91303: 宇宙瓜2F 06/12 18:00
edhuang: ERA+ 6883F 06/12 18:00
jameshu1995: 2018大谷也投手先發10場,所以打點超越責失分那個怪4F 06/12 18:03
jameshu1995: 怪的

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/12/2021 18:08:13
mtyk10100: 十場比賽內打點多於責失這個條件應該是十場都要投+打6F 06/12 18:03
mtyk10100: ?
jameshu1995: 除非是把大谷跟翔平分開來看8F 06/12 18:03
jameshu1995: 原文沒寫清楚條件
edhuang: 去年Bieber的百K紀錄是62.1局 被地瓜刷新10F 06/12 18:05
edhuang: 原PO中文說明不小心寫成62.2囉


saiulbb: deGrom這麼強 不過還是小輸給巨人的Gausman12F 06/12 18:08
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/12/2021 18:09:02
edhuang: 打點那個紀錄感覺限定國聯投手先發時的打擊表現加總13F 06/12 18:08
APNA: 推整理14F 06/12 18:10
kkjjkkjj: 神獸瓜15F 06/12 18:14
kkjjkkjj: 是不是一堆人抹油使得競爭對手要更強?
zx8967: 現代神獸17F 06/12 18:14
terminator3: 真猛18F 06/12 18:16
Hsu1025: 新神右19F 06/12 18:17
yankees733: 外星人地瓜20F 06/12 18:20
coutji3184: 又一個百年難得一見的21F 06/12 18:21
edhuang: 10場26安8BB 103K 真的是歷史級的壓制力22F 06/12 18:21
FncRookie001: 還有一個 今天贏了後 deGrom先發生涯勝率達到5成23F 06/12 18:21
edhuang: 地瓜現在生涯不是76-53嗎 也沒有中繼過24F 06/12 18:24
FncRookie001: 因為一堆被牛棚砸鍋無關勝負 但最後輸球25F 06/12 18:25
FncRookie001: 應該說大都會在地瓜先發的勝率 反正很扯
edhuang: 啊 是指球隊的勝率嗎27F 06/12 18:26
edhuang: 了解
polanco: 應該是球隊贏球的勝率吧29F 06/12 18:26
danny2451: 跟神右那年一樣感覺 有夠強30F 06/12 18:26
FncRookie001: 對是球隊勝率 更正是從2018開始 43-4331F 06/12 18:28
edhuang: 地瓜2018到現在ERA 1.92 球隊5成XD32F 06/12 18:29
Jerrylin1212: 我就問...33F 06/12 18:32
alex813: 肯定是上古時代穿越來的34F 06/12 18:50
shigurew: 打點多於責失還可以2敗,你全隊砍掉重來好了35F 06/12 18:57
westwet: 希望地瓜別被傷勢影響本季結算的局數門檻36F 06/12 20:32
s310213: 剃光頭吧,這樣均速又要往上飆了37F 06/12 20:32
BalaBalaDaBa: 上古神瓜38F 06/12 21:15
timmy1eric: https://imgur.com/UEJAWYE  紅雀1A表示...39F 06/12 21:21
Mrlegend: 他哪裡有輸Gausman?40F 06/12 21:26
ekong: 運氣輸41F 06/12 21:58
ronbaker: 本季的健康輸42F 06/12 22:11
Ace100: 一堆清朝時代紀錄43F 06/12 22:55

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 32 
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