※ 本文為 roganjack 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-11 06:01:20
作者 標題 [影音] 111210 少女時代巡迴演唱會 in Singapore
時間 Sun Dec 11 00:15:40 2011
http://youtu.be/jZjZogCv1qk The BoysThe Boys 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube The Boys fanchants were really AWESOME.

http://youtu.be/p7NUAgcYKVw?hd=1 The Great Escape
Great Escape111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube The great escape performace~ Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/aNP1E6Gy8U8?hd=1 Beautiful Stranger
Beautiful Stranger 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Beautiful Stranger :DDDD omg the knocking of the glass is so sexy in real life

http://youtu.be/0zcWgaceKPI?hd=1 Beautiful Stranger 2
http://youtu.be/mKHfThyGJwo?hd=1 Danny Boy
Danny Boy 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube TaeNySunSeoSic - Danny boy :') Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/ZHcwosXFysw Danny Boy 2
SNSD Singapore Concert Day 2 - Danny Boy [Fancam] - YouTube
GGTour Day 2 - Taeyeon Tiffany Jessica Sunny Seohyun - Danny Boy Singapore Indoor Stadium - 10 december 2011
GGTour Day 2 - Taeyeon Tiffany Jessica Sunny Seohyun - Danny Boy Singapore Indoor Stadium - 10 december 2011

http://youtu.be/ORLLkaZpdQM Bad Girl
Bad Girl 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Bad girl performance HAHA THE GAY SCREAMS OTL Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/6U6GTTNlSVU?hd=1 Run Devil Run
Run Devil Run 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Run devil run! :D Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/woKRUhJ8KWc?hd=1 Run Devil Run 2
http://youtu.be/78qF2gHEwdY?hd=1 SG put it back
Rapper Hwang 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube RAPPER HWANGGGGGGG :DDDD SINGAPORE PUT IT BACK ON!!!! Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/CsRD36zLedo?hd=1 Into The New World
Into The New World 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube INTO THE NEW WORLD :DDDDD omg my glorious girls Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/FS8OEqiY9YY?hd=1 Complete
Complete + a little of fan event 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube SNSD - Complete with the fan event sg sones prepared :') Credits: @YuriAbs

http://youtu.be/1LrVYj5D2A0 Event
Fancam - Singapore paper message fan event @ SNSD concert 2011 - YouTube It was done during the 2nd night of the concert - performance of 'Complete'. Every audience was carrying a sign saying '소녀시대 makes our lives complete'.

http://youtu.be/pTc4eQz3lkg My Child
(Fancam) - SNSD Singapore concert 2011 'My Child 동화' Performance - YouTube This was taken during the 2nd night of the concert. Awesome close ups on the girls while on the ships.

http://youtu.be/DuwNYZfXp_s Talk
SNSD Singapore concert 2011 - SNSD Talk - YouTube
SNSD thanking the fans for the paper message event & also introducing the 'pretend' last song, as Tiffany knows we know it isn't really the last song. :P
SNSD thanking the fans for the paper message event & also introducing the 'pretend' last song, as Tiffany knows we know it isn't really the last song. :P

http://youtu.be/J6dUBitiPyU Forever
http://youtu.be/SGuRQCW4U_A Intro
http://youtu.be/5NoiPc6oj18 帕妮聯訪時間
[FANCAM] 111210 WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN CHILI CRAB !!! - YouTube lifeis-amystery.tumblr.com 2011 Girls' Generation Tour Singapore

http://youtu.be/HJTWXS9C8LY Ending
[FANCAM] 111210 SNSD Concert Tour in Singapore - Ending/Farewell - YouTube At the end where the girls did one last fanchant with us and then left... :(

http://youtu.be/4Zwm-HRTq90 Ending唱生日歌
[FANCAM] 111210 Ending @ 2011 Girls' Generation Tour in Singapore 2nd Night - YouTube Video was taken with an iTouch, during the end of the concert. A little shaky cause was shouting my lungs out!

http://youtu.be/EbrGn_nFg48?hd=1 Kissing You(33秒處有轉圈圈>"<)
Sunny's solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Sunny's solo - Three sorry I was spazzing really hard! And omg her outfit was really sexy, different from day one's. Credits: @YuriAbs

Hyoyeon-Don't Stop The Music
Jessica's Solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Jessica's solo - almost :D Credits: @YuriAbs

Taeyeon+Tiffany-Lady Marmalade
Taeny marmalade 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube TaeNy stage - Lady marmalade!!!!! Btw they left the stage holding hands omg my taeny heart. 3:34 or so "TAEYEON GIVE IT TO ME" and "SCREAMMMMM" Credits: @Yur...

Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
Taeyeon's Devils cry 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Taeyeon - devil's cry (run devil run intro) AJSDFJASHDFDASD Credits: @YuriAbs

Yuri's solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube YURI'S SOLO - IF OMG OMG OMG ADHASGHJASD HAHAHAHA YURI ABSSSS Tried to maintain but I failed terribly okie :( Credits: @YuriAbs

YoonA-Four Minutes
Singapore SNSD concert 2011 - Yoona 's solo (with a stylish ending) - YouTube Look out for Yoona's stylish ending to her solo!

Sooyoung's Solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube SooYoung's solo - Sway :DDDDD Credits: @YuriAbs

SeoHyun-Stuff Like That There
http://youtu.be/3YGFnyMwvYE Yuri - Ifhttp://youtu.be/xSM3w_kJaZc HaHa Song
http://youtu.be/53Ybl80z5nE 冷面
http://youtu.be/s5liXrnA_H8 My Child
http://youtu.be/irVU_RrZqG8 Complete
http://youtu.be/1eoMj5kTld0 Danny Boy
http://youtu.be/3e42fYUVnvU Yoona - Four Minutes
http://youtu.be/YAwp2Ib2edE Seohyun - Stuff Like That There
http://youtu.be/r9BnV1eFOAw Sooyoung - Sway
http://youtu.be/hjKgofiWbPY Gee
http://youtu.be/kNW8hBbvQ4A Gee 結束後的talk
http://youtu.be/O5oogYAictQ Forever 1
http://youtu.be/mKRdVtiBeuk Forever 2
http://youtu.be/bUdiBmhsA3I Into The New World
http://youtu.be/sl2D4Uc2H0U Way To Go
http://youtu.be/a6Di0xkOSJ0 Way To Go結束後的talk(有抽風舞Q~Q)
http://youtu.be/BZ91U2qE9oE Fantastic
http://youtu.be/UjK2m19_XPE ENDING
http://ppt.cc/yV;c 忙內大心放送![[圖]](http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/6ab4d7e5gw1dnxuc5czs4g.gif)
http://ppt.cc/aI;e 被遺忘的太妍
forever9snsd, The forgotten Taeyeon
The forgotten Taeyeon yagsoghae: “ Taeyeon: GIRLS, WAIT FOR ME! Yoonhyun: -happily in their own world- Yoonhyun: -separates- Taeyeon: Don’t leave me again. ”
The forgotten Taeyeon yagsoghae: “ Taeyeon: GIRLS, WAIT FOR ME! Yoonhyun: -happily in their own world- Yoonhyun: -separates- Taeyeon: Don’t leave me again. ”
http://ppt.cc/fH,r 被遺忘的太妍 2 配樂很讚XDDD
2전 3기 김태연.. - 태연 갤러리
막내라인에 끼고 싶었지만 실패를 거듭하던 탱구님... 성공!
막내라인에 끼고 싶었지만 실패를 거듭하던 탱구님... 성공!
http://i.imgur.com/WB7m3.gif YoonSica
http://youtu.be/wLcJfLgI7GM 兩天多首剪輯
2011 Girls Generation 2nd Concert Tour (Singapore) - 09/12/2011 and 10/12/2011 - YouTube A combination of 2 days concert fancam taken by me.

http://goo.gl/ApfRM 新加坡官方演唱片段+記者會
Videos from Hallyu Videos on MSN Video
Watch videos from Hallyu Videos and others on MSN Video
Watch videos from Hallyu Videos and others on MSN Video
http://i.imgur.com/bjWxx.jpg 太妍的大心
http://www.youtube.com/user/mykplayground/videos 1080p+超讚視角
mykplayground's Channel - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
SNSD Singapore Opening [full] 2011 GIRLS' GENERATION TOUR Dec10.2011 GIRLS' GENERATION - YouTube Dec 9th, 10th 2011 Singapore Indoor Stadium 111210 소녀시대 투어 소원을말해봐 싱가포르 단독콘서트 111209 http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/video/snsd-genie/tnq8cqri 0:00 Genie 5:09 ...

【MV】Geine 2011亚州巡回演唱会新加坡站 Razore TV 官方现场版 11/12/13-少女时代 -MV在线观看-高清MV|MTV歌曲|歌词|下载-音悦Tai-看好音乐
少女时代SNSD Geine 2011亚州巡迴演唱会新加坡站RAZORTV 官方版 111213
推 :http://i.imgur.com/JFN2M.png 請問這是哪位少女?? 11/21 23:13
推 :順圭來著 11/21 23:15
推 :川頁土來著 11/21 23:18
推 :感謝各位高手 <0> 11/21 23:18
→ : 土 11/21 23:18
→ :建議將jackyj大大水桶 罪名:意圖分裂順圭 已遂 11/21 23:21
→ :建議將jackyj大大水桶 罪名:意圖分裂順圭 已遂 11/21 23:21
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :神奇的簽名黨1F 12/11 00:17
Taeyeon's Devils cry 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Taeyeon - devil's cry (run devil run intro) AJSDFJASHDFDASD Credits: @YuriAbs

The Boys 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube The Boys fanchants were really AWESOME.

→ :推簽名檔!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD 川頁土4F 12/11 00:19
→ : 土
→ : 土
Yuri's solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube YURI'S SOLO - IF OMG OMG OMG ADHASGHJASD HAHAHAHA YURI ABSSSS Tried to maintain but I failed terribly okie :( Credits: @YuriAbs

Beautiful Stranger 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Beautiful Stranger :DDDD omg the knocking of the glass is so sexy in real life

Danny Boy 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube TaeNySunSeoSic - Danny boy :') Credits: @YuriAbs

Bad Girl 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Bad girl performance HAHA THE GAY SCREAMS OTL Credits: @YuriAbs

推 :高清錄音檔那個上傳者的影片清單有其他段的鹿音檔10F 12/11 00:20
→ :http://youtu.be/_x8AnvYUzT4?hd=1 4 minutes11F 12/11 00:20
→ :http://youtu.be/KgId4vqRSfU?hd=1 Sway
→ :http://youtu.be/KgId4vqRSfU?hd=1 Sway
Sooyoung's Solo 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube SooYoung's solo - Sway :DDDDD Credits: @YuriAbs

推 :背景的女飯真的好熱情= =13F 12/11 00:21
Run Devil Run 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Run devil run! :D Credits: @YuriAbs

Taeyeon's Devils cry 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube Taeyeon - devil's cry (run devil run intro) AJSDFJASHDFDASD Credits: @YuriAbs

Rapper Hwang 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube RAPPER HWANGGGGGGG :DDDD SINGAPORE PUT IT BACK ON!!!! Credits: @YuriAbs

Into The New World 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube INTO THE NEW WORLD :DDDDD omg my glorious girls Credits: @YuriAbs

Complete + a little of fan event 111210 Girl's Generation Singapore Concert Day Two - YouTube SNSD - Complete with the fan event sg sones prepared :') Credits: @YuriAbs

推 :我得把門關起來才行...熱情女飯XD19F 12/11 00:35
推 :先推推推 辛苦整理了 明天起床再看~20F 12/11 00:37
推 :看THE BOYS快笑死了XDDD女飯用生命在應援好像快瘋了XDDD21F 12/11 00:38
推 :請問TaeNy solo那首運鏡怎麼可以這麼不像飯拍??23F 12/11 00:42
推 :硬碟要哀號了~24F 12/11 00:42
推 :@ccmiles111 因為他是拍大螢幕XD25F 12/11 00:43
推 :女飯聲音好瘋狂阿!好羨慕有表演 The Boys...> <26F 12/11 00:47
推 :看THE BOYS真的快笑死了,燃燒生命的應援啊~XDDDDD27F 12/11 00:49
推 :THE BOYS飯拍真的很好笑XDDDDD邊看邊笑XDDDDDDDD28F 12/11 00:49
Fancam - Singapore paper message fan event @ SNSD concert 2011 - YouTube It was done during the 2nd night of the concert - performance of 'Complete'. Every audience was carrying a sign saying '소녀시대 makes our lives complete'.

推 :那嘶吼聲 到底該有多期待才會這樣阿XDDD30F 12/11 00:52
(Fancam) - SNSD Singapore concert 2011 'My Child 동화' Performance - YouTube This was taken during the 2nd night of the concert. Awesome close ups on the girls while on the ships.

推 :女飯用盡生命在應援啊!!!!32F 12/11 00:53
推 :哈哈哈33F 12/11 00:53
推 :呵呵!!又看到泡麵頭了XD34F 12/11 00:53
推 :女飯的聲音 都喊到 "燒聲"了 真是瘋狂...35F 12/11 00:53
推 :這名女飯真的不是普通的威36F 12/11 00:54
Singapore SNSD concert 2011 - Yoona 's solo (with a stylish ending) - YouTube Look out for Yoona's stylish ending to her solo!

推 :新加坡的音響真好 小巨蛋什麼時候也能...38F 12/11 00:55
推 :突然想起自己演唱會那天 好像也是用生命在應援 XDD39F 12/11 00:55
SNSD Singapore concert 2011 - SNSD Talk - YouTube
SNSD thanking the fans for the paper message event & also introducing the 'pretend' last song, as Tiffany knows we know it isn't really the last song. :P
SNSD thanking the fans for the paper message event & also introducing the 'pretend' last song, as Tiffany knows we know it isn't really the last song. :P

推 :那位小姐的嗓子真不是蓋的XDDDD41F 12/11 00:57
真是的....嚇我一跳...想說一樣的網址怎麼不一樣的曲目XD→ :v大哩OP又曲目錯誤xd44F 12/11 00:58
推 :之前去看過某團3女生的演唱會 當時很冷靜>< 如果去看少時45F 12/11 01:00
推 :THE BOYS用生命應援的女飯快笑死我了哈哈哈哈46F 12/11 01:00
→ :的演唱會 不知道會不會跟她一樣瘋狂>< 搞不好會昏倒><47F 12/11 01:00
推 :應援哥...超越你的奇才終於出現啦... (誤)48F 12/11 01:01
推 :yuri 那段的fan也用生命在喊(尊敬49F 12/11 01:03
推 :我的天 yoona 超美的 @@50F 12/11 01:04
推 :不行了......那男孩的應援我完全笑翻阿=口=51F 12/11 01:05
→ :怎麼繼續看下去阿.......哈哈哈哈哈哈
→ :怎麼繼續看下去阿.......哈哈哈哈哈哈
推 :這就是所謂的應援炸裂54F 12/11 01:06
推 :小鹿好美!!!!!!!!55F 12/11 01:06
推 :Genie亮度九 XDD56F 12/11 01:07
推 :那位SONE隔天起來肯定沒聲音XDDDD57F 12/11 01:26
推 :Sunny的Solo看一百次都還是會想要尖叫 XD59F 12/11 01:29
[FANCAM] 111210 WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN CHILI CRAB !!! - YouTube lifeis-amystery.tumblr.com 2011 Girls' Generation Tour Singapore

[FANCAM] 111210 Ending @ 2011 Girls' Generation Tour in Singapore 2nd Night - YouTube Video was taken with an iTouch, during the end of the concert. A little shaky cause was shouting my lungs out!

推 :辣椒蟹是.... 看影片心臟快跳出來了62F 12/11 01:41
推 :SWAY那一靠上去 那個飯崩潰了XDD63F 12/11 01:54
推 :This is our PRETEND LAST SONG XDDDDDDD66F 12/11 01:56
推 :大銀幕怎麼感覺比台灣好70F 12/11 02:01
推 :不知道前天強大的ABS有沒有去10號飯拍@@71F 12/11 02:01
推 :No 貌似沒有72F 12/11 02:02
推 :台灣場地有好過嗎>"<?73F 12/11 02:03
→ :忘不暸悲劇的3F = =
→ :忘不暸悲劇的3F = =
推 :樓上+1 9/9三樓有回音 = = 西卡唱ALMOST的時候超明顯!!75F 12/11 02:08
推 :3F 聽說只有看大螢幕就好了>< 人根本就小到....76F 12/11 02:10
推 :半夜兩點,在房間裡無聲吶喊...77F 12/11 02:17
推 :秀英 dance so hot@@ 衣服真的很適合她 高窕美78F 12/11 02:38
推 :真的!!我邊看邊在床上滾,不然我一定會失控大吼大叫XXD。79F 12/11 02:41
推 :台灣Live大螢幕 我目前看過用最好的是09年X-Japan板體80F 12/11 02:42
推 :樓上+181F 12/11 02:42
→ :那場燈光音響的水準完全是不惜成本才弄的出來的82F 12/11 02:43
推 :那場真的是YOSHIKI不惜一切做出來的T T83F 12/11 02:47
推 :太妍跟家人去新加坡玩 應該很難會來台灣玩 >"<84F 12/11 02:54
111210 SNSD Leaving Singapore @ Changi Airport T3 - YouTube
Please do NOT reupload thanks. You can see the girls waving goodbye :) Apologies but there'll be no fancam from the 2nd night of SNSD concert as security was...
Please do NOT reupload thanks. You can see the girls waving goodbye :) Apologies but there'll be no fancam from the 2nd night of SNSD concert as security was...

→ :印象中之前有和家人來過了 在一巡前吧86F 12/11 02:58
推 :對啊 她們唱完就回去了~87F 12/11 03:02
推 :太妍跟家人來過台灣?88F 12/11 04:22
推 :應該是說太妍去年六月有和家人一起去新加坡89F 12/11 04:26
推 :genie 也是remix版耶~之前日本那場聽到就很愛~92F 12/11 07:01
推 :女飯真猛 XDDDDD93F 12/11 08:55
推 :看完The Boys那段,真的笑到飆淚,好瘋狂的女飯啊!佩服~94F 12/11 11:18
推 :看到其他場還是發現台灣的應援真的已經無法超越了..95F 12/11 11:51
→ :尤其是大家一起唱Into The New World還有最後全場
→ :2 3樓的都站起來一起唱Fantastic的畫面還真忘不了 !@@"
→ :尤其是大家一起唱Into The New World還有最後全場
→ :2 3樓的都站起來一起唱Fantastic的畫面還真忘不了 !@@"
推 :樓上F大影片觀眾也太多人拿相機了吧,沒那麼嚴 ?98F 12/11 12:20
推 :TB女飯團飯無誤XDDDD
推 :TB女飯團飯無誤XDDDD
推 :看到開場真的跟911在現場看到真人一樣,滿身雞皮疙瘩啊100F 12/11 12:42
SNSD Singapore Concert Day 2 - Danny Boy [Fancam] - YouTube
GGTour Day 2 - Taeyeon Tiffany Jessica Sunny Seohyun - Danny Boy Singapore Indoor Stadium - 10 december 2011
GGTour Day 2 - Taeyeon Tiffany Jessica Sunny Seohyun - Danny Boy Singapore Indoor Stadium - 10 december 2011

2011 Girls Generation 2nd Concert Tour (Singapore) - 09/12/2011 and 10/12/2011 - YouTube A combination of 2 days concert fancam taken by me.

推 :抽抽被遺忘那個也太悲情了吧!(偷笑中~)金太妍好可愛!!103F 12/11 13:09
推 :樓上這會不會太誇張 快拍全場了 XDD105F 12/11 13:24
推 :人手一台相機是怎樣-.-106F 12/11 13:28
推 :JSCA大貼的那個...難道就是傳說中的全場XD?107F 12/11 13:30
推 :GJ!!!!!108F 12/11 13:30
推 :雖然女飯相當熱情 但想到坐他旁邊的人應該會很困擾109F 12/11 13:34
→ :雖然我也是熱情的那一個 這讓我開始反省XDDDDD
→ :雖然我也是熱情的那一個 這讓我開始反省XDDDDD
推 :多首剪輯02:05飯把相機拿手上當螢光棒搖...111F 12/11 13:38
→ :新加坡飯拍拍爽爽,工讀生真的都點滿無視技能XD
→ :新加坡飯拍拍爽爽,工讀生真的都點滿無視技能XD
→ :JSCA大貼的那個連結好強大0.0113F 12/11 13:41
推 :音響也好強大!!114F 12/11 13:48
推 :希望香港工讀生也請無視啊XD115F 12/11 13:51
推 :都沒到看人拍Black Swan的影片 韓國場那個顏色差太多了..116F 12/11 13:52
Videos from Hallyu Videos on MSN Video
Watch videos from Hallyu Videos and others on MSN Video
Watch videos from Hallyu Videos and others on MSN Video
推 :女飯好好笑喊get up超好笑XDD118F 12/11 14:21
推 :這有DVD一定要拜119F 12/11 14:29
推 :本來就應該無視 管好秩序就好了= =120F 12/11 14:32
推 :太妍真的太心酸了.......><121F 12/11 16:15
推 :被遺忘太妍啊 ~~~~ 尷尬了 XDDDD122F 12/11 17:19
推 :秀英 小鹿 solo 好銷魂 , 這次都是性感風123F 12/11 17:56
mykplayground's Channel - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
2전 3기 김태연.. - 태연 갤러리
막내라인에 끼고 싶었지만 실패를 거듭하던 탱구님... 성공!
막내라인에 끼고 싶었지만 실패를 거듭하던 탱구님... 성공!
推 :搖滾區抓很兇,站我前面的偷錄影就被黑衣人請出去了.....128F 12/11 22:17
推 :爆!129F 12/11 22:23
推 :J大是說新加坡場嗎?130F 12/11 22:26
推 :是的~131F 12/11 22:39
→ :應該是~ 看很多後記都有寫有人被抓132F 12/11 22:40
→ :10號ITNW的飯拍 原來權權跟孝淵雙人PART時在搞笑XD133F 12/11 23:51
推 :ITNW好歡樂啊~~~
推 :ITNW好歡樂啊~~~
推 :看了V大PO的ITNW發現新加坡的音響好好...都沒有爆音135F 12/12 03:43
→ :小巨蛋硬體什麼時候才要更新阿.....
→ :小巨蛋硬體什麼時候才要更新阿.....
推 :v大的itnw 太妍差點跟帕尼一樣逆向行駛了XD mic沒換手137F 12/12 07:35
推 :the boys 的應援 我笑整場 女飯太猛了138F 12/12 12:00
→ :雖然 我二巡第三首就破音了 XDD
→ :雖然 我二巡第三首就破音了 XDD
推 :itnw失誤在哪 ? 眼睛脫窗找不到 @@140F 12/13 02:27
推 :1:33左右 太妍第一時間沒換手 笑了一下 然後馬上換了141F 12/13 16:05
→ :太妍用的手跟其他隊員是相反的 應該挺明顯的
→ :太妍用的手跟其他隊員是相反的 應該挺明顯的
【MV】Geine 2011亚州巡回演唱会新加坡站 Razore TV 官方现场版 11/12/13-少女时代 -MV在线观看-高清MV|MTV歌曲|歌词|下载-音悦Tai-看好音乐
少女时代SNSD Geine 2011亚州巡迴演唱会新加坡站RAZORTV 官方版 111213
※ 看板: SNSD 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 730
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