LinRo (錒醬) (台灣)
2012-05-05 19:34:48 推 ElephantPing: 這篇要大推 太可愛了!!!!!! 18F 05-05 20:50
sean47 (●) (台灣)
2012-04-03 13:35:21 推 ElephantPing: 我剛剛還看到一個耶 漏掉的:
"Wells Amy Have you ever had any pets? gold fish, 116F 04-03 14:16
→ ElephantPing: turtles, dogs, frogs etc?" i had a lot of fish 122F 04-03 14:18
→ ElephantPing: growing up but i tend to feed them too much
because i naturally eat a lot and want to make 124F 04-03 14:18
→ ElephantPing: 喔哈哈 不好意思推文更新速度也很快 我剛剛還沒看 129F 04-03 14:21
→ ElephantPing: 到有人推題 131F 04-03 14:21