看板 movie
作者 akanishiking (arnold jackson)
標題 [新聞] 尼可拉斯凱吉將主演環球影業《德古拉》
時間 Wed Dec  1 09:14:45 2021


Nicolas Cage To Play Dracula In ‘Renfield’ – Deadline
Nicolas Cage has been tapped to play Dracula in Universal Pictures’ Renfield, a monster movie centered on Dracula’s familiar henchman starring Nichola ...


Nicolas Cage has been tapped to play Dracula in Universal Pictures’ Renfield, a
 monster movie centered on Dracula’s familiar henchman starring Nicholas Hoult
in the title role. The Tomorrow War director Chris McKay is on board to helm the
 pic, which is based on an original story outline from Robert Kirkman. Ryan Ridl
ey wrote the script.

McKay’s producing partner Samantha Nisenboim will be joining the project as exe
cutive producer. The film will be produced by Skybound Entertainment’s film tea
m including Kirkman, David Alpert, Bryan Furst and Sean Furst.

In the original Dracula novel, R.M. Renfield was an inmate at a lunatic asylum w
ho was thought to be suffering from delusions but actually is a servant of Dracu
la. Plot details of the movie weren’t announced, but it’s believed to take pla
ce during the present day and is not a period piece.

Cage is coming off some of his strongest reviws in some time with the thriller
Pig and can be seen next playing himself in the highly-anticipated Lionsgate pic
 The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. He is currently filming the western Bu
tcher’s Crossing. He is repped by WME, Stride Management, and attorney Patrick
Knapp at GGSSC

尼可拉斯· 凱吉被選中在環球影業的新片《雷菲爾德》中扮演德古拉,這是一部以德古拉著
凱(Chris McKay)將執導這部電影,它是根據羅伯特-柯克曼的原創故事大綱改編的。Ryan

麥凱的制作夥伴Samantha Nisenboim將作爲執行製作人加入該項目。該片將由Skybound娛樂

在德古拉的原始小說中,R.M. Renfield是精神病院的一名囚犯,他被認爲患有妄想症,但

他的經紀合約是由WME、Stride Management和GGSSC的Patrick Knapp律師代理。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xfio7CG (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1638321287.A.310.html
essential015: 獅門跟環球 都是大片商1F 12/01 09:23
BleedWang: 這部跟怪物宇宙應該無關吧2F 12/01 09:28
mij: 凱吉就是這麼來去自如3F 12/01 09:42
airflow: 德古拉會變骷髏嗎?4F 12/01 09:45
xximab: 浮誇版吸血鬼5F 12/01 09:48
zapzone: 兩個 尼可拉斯6F 12/01 09:49
yutan0802: 凱吉,德古拉 有點好笑 想到是要拍尖叫旅社真人版?7F 12/01 09:49
sonans: 凱吉榮耀回歸一哥寶座!!!!!!!!8F 12/01 09:50
Pet: Suck me XDDDDD9F 12/01 09:58
pttnowash: 凱吉哥當配角絕對是世界第一流的!!!
連魔法師的學徒那種鳥主角 整片一樣超精彩
看看Kickass的凱吉哥蝙蝠俠也超棒 第2集沒他就爛掉10F 12/01 10:07
※ 編輯: akanishiking ( 臺灣), 12/01/2021 10:14:30
trylin: 凱吉哥再起13F 12/01 10:17
TimmyJiang: 他是演德古拉的隨從,不是演德古拉啦14F 12/01 10:19
Jin63916: 戲約不斷15F 12/01 10:19
neo5277: 讚啦,凱吉哥再起16F 12/01 10:21
heartyao: 凱吉宇宙17F 12/01 10:22
LeoWu: 凱王演德古拉,不過是配角。主角是War Boy演的隨從18F 12/01 10:23
VoV: 依據爛片王的魔咒 該不會又是爛片19F 12/01 10:25
neo5277: 什麼時候回漫威
我想看他跟博士還有蝙蝠精刀鋒組午夜之子啊20F 12/01 10:25
w9103: 感覺就很好笑22F 12/01 10:35
littlejackbr: 變臉裡面那個樣子演吸血鬼剛好23F 12/01 10:36
calculus9: 德保拉24F 12/01 10:36
kooyoo1144: 他演隨從感覺很有戲25F 12/01 10:41
cingguy: 天啊  超愛他們以前合作過的氣象人 這片我還不看爆26F 12/01 10:44
glacierl: 凱吉哥強勢回歸?27F 12/01 10:45
j900414: 所以那個20戰警勒28F 12/01 10:47
sophia126a: 太神啦~~~29F 12/01 10:59
CrazyLord: https://imgur.com/mH0Quwh 期待德古拉做這表情30F 12/01 11:00
niokei: 好萊塢電影台  德—古—拉—31F 12/01 11:19
YCTING: 凱吉明明就是要演德!古!拉!32F 12/01 11:20
nanachi: 凱吉再起33F 12/01 11:30
sunone: \尼子/34F 12/01 11:36
peterw: 紅花綠葉都駕馭自如的凱吉哥35F 12/01 11:45
JEZ61686:    德古拉斯凱吉36F 12/01 12:14
EasyVinus: 德古拉又變臉啦37F 12/01 12:14

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