看板 movie作者 TVpotato (Alex說你好)標題 [翻譯] Leo 奧斯卡最佳男主角得獎感言時間 Mon Feb 29 14:17:58 2016
Thank you all so very much. Thank you to the Academy, thank you
to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other
incredible nominees this year. 'The Revenant’ was the product
of the tireless efforts of an unbelievable cast and crew. First
off, to my brother in this endeavor, Mr. Tom Hardy. Tom, your
talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off
screen… thank you for creating a transcendent cinematic
experience. Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency…my
entire team. I have to thank everyone from the very onset of
my career… To my parents, none of this would be possible
without you. And to my friends, I love you dearly, you know
who you are.
對我的兄弟-Tom Hardy,Tom,你在鏡頭上的演出只有鏡頭下的友誼能夠超
越,謝謝你創造了超然的觀賞經驗。謝謝福斯跟New Regency的每個人...、
And lastly I just want to say this: Making ‘The Revenant’
was about man's relationship to the natural world. A world that
we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded
history. Our production needed to move to the southern tip of
this planet just to be able to find snow. Climate change is
real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat
facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively
together and stop procrastinating.
We need to support leaders
around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but
who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the
world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people
out there who would be most affected by this. For our
children’s children, and for those people out there whose
voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.
I thank you all for this amazing award tonight.
Let us not take
this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted.
Thank you so very much.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Mq-AOCs (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1456726680.A.336.html
※ 編輯: TVpotato (, 02/29/2016 14:19:48
推 ccdog74: 他真的講得很好 沒有紙表現出他終於得到這個獎的感動
還包括他真實經歷後 對大自然的關懷15F 02/29 14:22
推 msviva: 李奧私底下還滿關心地球環保的,能在奧斯卡這樣的國際典20F 02/29 14:23
→ ccdog74: 重點是很流暢XDDD沒花到太多時間 大概已經準備很久了呵呵21F 02/29 14:23
推 gwboy: 有影帝的高度22F 02/29 14:23
→ msviva: 禮發表這些談話,我很感動。也希望再接再厲啦,希望演技繼續精進23F 02/29 14:23
推 cvngoo: 他如果先拿個陀螺出來轉 絕對會是個經典鏡頭25F 02/29 14:23
→ SeTeVen: 還有人崩潰到酸他講第二段勒,腦中只有仇恨的酸民26F 02/29 14:23
推 Wall62: 講得真好 恭喜皮卡丘28F 02/29 14:24
※ TVpotato:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 02/29 14:25
推 exparte: 推翻譯。李奧的發言是神鬼獵人最好的評論--人類與環境的37F 02/29 14:27
推 yuhung: 美國是2/28頒獎...40F 02/29 14:27
→ SeTeVen: 樓上,不要這樣戳破別人幻想42F 02/29 14:27
推 idxxxx: 誰在紀念自己得獎週年的43F 02/29 14:27
推 xd987: 推51F 02/29 14:30
推 cashko: 好棒的感言,應該用心準備過
不知道他以前幾次入圍是準備什麼感言XD52F 02/29 14:31
推 virgins: 發現得獎在做夢XD57F 02/29 14:31
推 cashko: 還要搭配電影不同題材啊XD59F 02/29 14:33
推 idxxxx: 酸民在旻盲61F 02/29 14:33
推 ja1295: 陀螺停了!62F 02/29 14:33
→ cashko: 不是李奧迷,但這次真的希望他得XD63F 02/29 14:33
推 yyhhzz: 陀螺圖太好笑65F 02/29 14:34
→ cashko: 他這一次橫掃各大獎項耶67F 02/29 14:34
→ terry79417: 看這麼多名人呼籲就知道認為它不存在的勢力有多大69F 02/29 14:35
推 bcatt: 推! 講得真好!78F 02/29 14:40
推 poetwang: 李奧的得獎感言每次都講得很棒79F 02/29 14:40
→ KYLAT: 熊:忘恩負義!竟然沒感謝我83F 02/29 14:43
推 c93cj3: 真的很不簡單85F 02/29 14:44
推 GIN1967: 感謝翻譯,說得很好。89F 02/29 14:49
→ srwcc: 恭喜XD92F 02/29 14:50
推 xxxtbc: 超棒的得獎感言~~真的是有備而來XD97F 02/29 15:02
推 svel: 恭喜~99F 02/29 15:03
推 Litan: 影帝格局100F 02/29 15:05
推 xmann: bear cry101F 02/29 15:05
→ PolarGG: 準備了那麼多次終於讓我講到了~~103F 02/29 15:07
推 winds0314: 長期關懷弱勢關心地球 我們心目中最棒的演員!!!107F 02/29 15:17
推 MrLOG: 推格局115F 02/29 15:24
推 youngzi: 很棒的感言呀,以知名演員的身份來呼籲保育是很有力的116F 02/29 15:25
推 hsw0502: 推個 這篇必須爆117F 02/29 15:26
→ cashko: 真的很有高度啊118F 02/29 15:27
推 babybos: 恭喜李奧,也推翻譯121F 02/29 15:30
推 losec65: 得獎感言已經修3,4次了能不好嗎XD130F 02/29 15:34
推 xcape: 講的很好132F 02/29 15:35
→ Joybena: 陀螺是Inception 梗呀wwwwww133F 02/29 15:35
推 petingo: 如果是我一定會上台轉陀螺134F 02/29 15:35
推 ystfc72: 陀螺XDDDDDD135F 02/29 15:38
推 goldk: 推翻譯和陀螺XD136F 02/29 15:39
推 DM1984: 全面啟動138F 02/29 15:41
推 pommpomm: 他連見教宗都在聊環保議題呀139F 02/29 15:42
推 lseya: 恭喜李奧!! 謝謝原PO的用心翻譯.143F 02/29 15:51
推 niniokita: 他在其他地方得獎也都有提到Tom146F 02/29 15:56
推 prasa: 太讓人感動了!!147F 02/29 15:57
推 msmonky: 對阿 準備很久了吧 推關懷地球148F 02/29 15:58
推 a80568911: 感覺李奧納多和湯姆哈迪感情不錯?158F 02/29 16:21
推 RLH: 很有風範的謝辭159F 02/29 16:23
推 mk1689: 恭喜皮卡丘162F 02/29 16:35
推 Iamjanet: 推! 看完神鬼獵人 想起The 11th Hour169F 02/29 17:15
→ ap8034578: 在台上講超順,不知道原來感言有這麼多170F 02/29 17:16
推 flylibra: 推!!! 恭喜他!!! 超棒的感言!!!174F 02/29 17:23
推 ANANGON1: 推影帝,不愧大家都那麼喜歡他180F 02/29 17:50
推 su4ej3: 推翻譯,譯得很好:)185F 02/29 18:15
推 imruyi: 樓上驚見老馬xddddd (還是感動187F 02/29 18:24