看板 fastfood作者 hoyumi (正版型男...無誤!!!)標題 [新聞] 美國某麥當勞在客人漢堡包裝紙上寫字...時間 Tue Sep 8 05:03:23 2015
OUTRAGE: Lady Stunned by Note on Meal From McDonald’s… But It Gets MUCH
A woman visiting a Tulsa, Oklahoma McDonald’s got a rude message from the
minimum-wage fry-jockeys there when she got her cheeseburger and iced tea.
Now, she has posted it on Facebook, and the chain is scrambling to cover
The unnamed Oklahoma woman was ordering at the drive-through and got her
cheeseburger when she found this note written on it. (Warning: not safe for
work, slightly strong language.)
The unnamed woman’s friend, Jessica Johnson, posted the picture to Facebook.
“This… This is UNACCEPTABLE,” Johnson wrote. “This happened to a friend
of mine at 15th and Peoria yesterday. All of the employees came to the window
to point and laugh at her. Are you f****** joking?
“This is insane to me. People really honestly act like this?” Johnson wrote.
Johnson decided to retaliate by giving out the number to the McDonald’s, “
Since being cruel to people is so hilarious and all.
“Feel free to share the sh** out of this,” she added.
Share the sh** out of it people did. The McDonald’s in question has since
been inundated by calls from internet vigilantes who want answers, and they’
re starting to get some.
“I placed a call to the McDonald’s this morning and talked to a different
manager than who is listed in the post. He asked me to send him the post to
his email.”
“Thank you for sending me that pic,” the manager’s response read. “I
check (sic) the hand writing and it doesn’t match anything she has written
in the past, and I don’t know how they got her last name, when someone calls
we give out our first names but never our last names. I will keep
investigating.” (H/T Mad World News)
Is the note authentic? Nobody knows yet, although it seem like an unlikely
gimmick, and it certainly has the grammatical flare of someone who should be
deep-frying frozen burger patties for a living. We’ll let you know about any
further developments in this story.
簡單來說 就是有個身材比較豐滿的女子去了美國某家麥當勞
然後點了起司漢堡 結果拿到起司漢堡(麥當勞好像應該叫叫做吉士漢堡) 看到包裝紙上寫
大約知道是這樣 有英文比較好的幫我看看還有哪邊漏掉的...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LxVkVPG (fastfood)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fastfood/M.1441659807.A.650.html
推 peterwu4: Fatass算是很污辱的字眼了,好狠XD3F 09/08 06:52
→ prince: should of 即 should have8F 09/08 11:31
推 BDrip: 這種不是律師會搶著幫打的嗎(?9F 09/08 11:42
推 pobynb: 超賺的啦!!!13F 09/08 13:39
→ APM99: 哦哦哦 提告後要爽爽賺賠償了14F 09/08 17:51
推 maitri: 可以大賺一筆了15F 09/08 19:02
→ ronale: 看了一下後半段 manager好像有調查然後說筆跡不符合?17F 09/08 22:15
→ trueblend: CSI NY有一集就是大碼女孩在球場被一男子帶頭嘲笑她叫她去吃沙拉,後來她努力變身成正妹然後殺掉那男的...20F 09/08 22:55
推 awazikat: 確實應該吃沙垃,每次排隊看到胖子我也會這樣想22F 09/09 03:25
推 lpca: 直接買甜心卡 就不用薯條換沙拉了XD
當然最好的方法 就是不要吃麥當勞24F 09/09 09:25
推 Dasboy: CSI這集好像很好看!26F 09/09 10:33
推 nadoka: 這很人身攻擊耶27F 09/09 10:34
→ justo180: 美國星巴克都敢在杯子上署名開歧視華裔玩笑了,問題在美國人,不是哪家企業28F 09/09 17:42
→ scores: 我想到CSI另外一集有個不帥的男人喜歡去胖妹協會利用胖妹的自卑心上胖妹 結果這次上完睡覺中被胖妹壓死 胖妹為了自尊硬要說自己是謀殺該男子 不承認是睡覺誤壓窒息32F 09/10 08:07
推 ottff: trueblend說的那集好想看...不知道是第幾季的orz35F 09/10 10:46
推 APM99: 後段平民哪會比我們還差,台灣明明也有過這種案例
而且也上過新聞 ,但不是麥當勞而已
人 都是一樣的 就是 人類而已36F 09/10 15:46
→ trueblend: 我說的那集是csi ny s4e19 Personal Foul39F 09/10 18:46