看板 basketballTW作者 liutj5800 (駿次)標題 [情報] 2024-25年TPBL下半季例行賽宣傳片時間 Tue Feb 25 23:07:29 2025
隨著例行賽進入下半段,從第一名到最後一名僅相差 7.5 場勝差,而附加賽資格與墊底球
隊之間更只有3.5 場的差距。每一場比賽都至關重要,每一個瞬間都可能改變局勢。季後賽
在台灣2,300 萬人口中,只有極少數人能夠踏上職業籃球的殿堂——這些運動員代表著頂尖
的0.0004%。試想一下,能夠在任何領域達到前0.0004% 的水平,都是非凡的成就。透過多
在這支影片中,我們將這些超級球星重新塑造成踏上史詩征途的戰士。透過 AI 技術結合比
As we enter the second half of the regular season, only 7.5 games separate first
from last place, with just 3.5 games between the final play-in spot and the bot
tom. Every game matters. Every moment counts. The battle for playoff positions h
as begun.
In Taiwan's population of 23 million, only a select few reach the professional l
evel in basketball—these athletes represent the top 0.0004%. Think about that..
. to be among the top 0.0004% at ANYTHING is extraordinary. Through years of ded
ication, sacrifice, and hard work, these warriors have proven themselves to be m
ore than athletes—they are superheroes among us.
In this video, we reimagine our superstars as warriors on an epic quest. Using A
I technology fused with game footage, we've created something unique, something
that bridges reality and imagination. This is just the beginning of how we'll us
e innovation and technology to bring fans closer to the game. Stay tuned.
The stage is set. The heroes are ready. The second half begins now.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: liutj5800 2025-02-25 23:07:29
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dlToplR (basketballTW)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/basketballTW/M.1740496051.A.BDB.html
※ 編輯: liutj5800 ( 臺灣), 02/25/2025 23:32:09
推 Pash97143: 戰神居然是放雷?! 我以為會用丁丁
然後夢選小馬 不是阿吉或小安嗎9F 02/25 23:48
推 QBRoboT: 看到奇美鮮肉包 這算業配嗎XDDD22F 02/26 00:18
推 JediYoda: 蠻有趣的阿
3500後面的牌子還寫350023F 02/26 00:20
推 Bansar: 為什麼高國豪後面是奇美鮮肉包啦
還業配喔26F 02/26 01:47
推 assbean: 奇美鮮肉包XDDDDDDDD29F 02/26 09:26
推 serv828: 3500的真的笑死30F 02/26 09:34