→ cathychg: 幹 真的不明白為什麼欸 芝麻街一群老外在叫兒童念英語啊 https://i.imgur.com/0aO2trd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UQCkuSq.jpg 被電視給洗腦嘛 附近有老外租屋啊…幹嘛 裝傻B the foreigner is not ez to be the chinese the chinese is also not like to under theskin of the white there is some guys rent here for over One years OKI don't know What make this shit.... nonsense Laaaaaaa including female or male OK =___= What happened in your city ,how7F 12/25 02:37
→ cathychg: 去警察局 are u fucking shit of the 3 years old kid!something was about the personality not for the good looking face nothing is undering your angles to thinking differently keeps away form this old woman was heart broken once before OK if u don't like keep away I respect you.....not every asias are willing all to accept the fucking shit OK I meant as the asia I was good .....All around me make so strangers and I fucking know the difference21F 12/25 03:13