看板 WomenTalk
作者 BUKE1023 (小布)
標題 [閒聊] 手縫皮革書籤分享
時間 Fri Jan  8 12:01:48 2016

哈摟 各位好啊~













的東西)用木棍打磨至光亮(至少100次 就是要磨到亮拉!)



做皮革要許多細心而且是個大坑,玩越深工具越買越多(還有材料錢 我的錢包要哭了)




還可以幫你打上你的英文名喔 (這樣會有比較多人想參加嗎??)


關於夢想的 但是不要太長 (大概打在圖片中紅圈的位置)

我會選出2位我最喜歡的 送出這次做好的書籤 (算是小小禮物)



還有可以去人很多的市集擺攤 (因為人生第一次參加的市集,工作人員比遊客還多,有點


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Blackened: 內行的喔 選植鞣1F 01/08 12:04
sxj791220: 推,好讚2F 01/08 12:04
Blackened: 不過不一定要染色 我覺得使用久了變成焦糖色更有味道3F 01/08 12:04
mianhuuu: 好美><4F 01/08 12:05
linda17a3: though she be but little she is fierce  選我選我5F 01/08 12:05
※ 編輯: BUKE1023 (, 01/08/2016 12:07:09
windswith68: 堅持夢想,達成理想。   (好美喔喔喔6F 01/08 12:06
Chelmilk: no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small7F 01/08 12:08
RetryRetry: 認真推!8F 01/08 12:11
hachin02: Your future depends on your dream, so go to sleep! 最近喜歡這句 選我選我XDD9F 01/08 12:12
kikiyeh: Wherever you are, be all there.11F 01/08 12:13
RN211264: Gay by birth, proud by choice(超漂亮的!!12F 01/08 12:13
evaanneroses: where there is a will, there is a way.13F 01/08 12:15
troubadour: A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.迌d言萬語不如付諸行動14F 01/08 12:15
Blackened: STAY RAW16F 01/08 12:15
troubadour: A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.
千言萬語不如付諸行動吧17F 01/08 12:16
likangrace: Let me not die while I am still alive.20F 01/08 12:20
Pongdato: 推~~
做的真的好漂亮><21F 01/08 12:20
pianoandme: Be a warrior ,not a worrier23F 01/08 12:21
hsieh73: You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.24F 01/08 12:21
rocici: If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.26F 01/08 12:21
windswith68: I Dream My Dream Without Fear.28F 01/08 12:23
jessture: Follow your heart29F 01/08 12:24
chingbigsun: Aim higher. Dream bigger. Fear less. Love more. Be grateful. Stay blessed. Trust your struggle. It's now or never.30F 01/08 12:24
tayii0630: the world is an oyster and you are its pearl!33F 01/08 12:27
nightingales: 超級漂亮的啦!!34F 01/08 12:28
a221876: I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards35F 01/08 12:32
jeniyehyeh: 只有我們自己能決定自己的樣子36F 01/08 12:34
urwelcome: Don't dream away your time.選我選我皮革真的超美好喜歡!37F 01/08 12:35
ioci: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.推超美!39F 01/08 12:36
lollop: Carpe diem! 選我選我!41F 01/08 12:36
ljjing: We're women. Our choices are never easy.42F 01/08 12:37
flowerlucy77: 超厲害!43F 01/08 12:37
jingchen66: 漸層的好美喔!44F 01/08 12:38
tzu0427: Well begun is half done.超美的好想要啊!!!!!!!45F 01/08 12:40
iwtbso218: stay hungry stay foolish46F 01/08 12:40
wenhuishan: One could have sound sleep for a fruitful day; and one could also rest in peace for a fruitful life.在達文西畫展看到的!47F 01/08 12:41
Rurumico: It is more important to do your best than be the best.
You are never wrong to do the right thing.50F 01/08 12:41
zzz2323zzz: 覺得漂亮。53F 01/08 12:45
wowjiang: Even if happiness forget you a little bit don't forget it too much.
選我選我 好喜歡妳的作品:)54F 01/08 12:47
theSoulzz:  May the force be with you.57F 01/08 12:48
uni777: 好漂亮58F 01/08 12:49
gogojoan: DREAM BELIEVE ACHIEVE ~~~選我選我59F 01/08 12:50
sorrowly: You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.60F 01/08 12:52
l1997:    Enjoy your own life without comparing it with tha
t of another.   /覺得很美;)61F 01/08 12:56
kaorupucci: 天啊漸層色那個好美,可以出售嗎XDDD63F 01/08 12:56
ching0508: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also64F 01/08 12:56
sheepdog2547: this too shall pass.66F 01/08 12:57
milyhung: try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud~
用自己的力量來溫暖身邊的人67F 01/08 12:57
sheepdog2547: When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.70F 01/08 12:59
kaoh810237: 選這個料就知道你內行72F 01/08 12:59
erhumm: Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
But please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away
At least not today73F 01/08 13:00
leoslove: Take a step at just the right moment, but not a second sooner.79F 01/08 13:01
mesad5566: Stars can't shine without darkness.81F 01/08 13:03
yuigey6: No one and nothing can free you
but your own understanding.82F 01/08 13:04
kaorupucci: The journey is what brings us happiness ,not the destination.
----Peaceful Warrior84F 01/08 13:05
zoduo: Some people see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.87F 01/08 13:07
onsun: tomorrow is another day 每一天都要像全新的一天89F 01/08 13:08
zoduo: 也可以只用後面那句~90F 01/08 13:08
aprilgirl: Time heals all wounds.91F 01/08 13:09
onsun: Carpe Diem,Con Respicio 活在當下,帶著尊重
電影閨蜜看到的 覺得很棒(比電影棒XD)
但是是拉丁文 英文看別人翻成seize the day with respect92F 01/08 13:11
sd236246: 夢不遙遠,只要努力就能實現. 好美喔95F 01/08 13:13
spl0096: No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.96F 01/08 13:14
Fallen27: We are extremely fortunate not to know precisely that kind of world we live in.97F 01/08 13:15
spl0096: 夢想再大也不嫌大,追夢者再小也不嫌小99F 01/08 13:15
Lombard: Stay humble,stay optimistic.336F 01/09 07:19
kawi091015: 人生一直都有轉機337F 01/09 07:29
lynn20131: 真的太美了!好厲害338F 01/09 08:56
maywei: 超棒的 好厲害o(>﹏<)o339F 01/09 12:38
msl30: 好漂亮喔340F 01/09 13:01

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