看板 Stock作者 KIMBEOM (HYYY)標題 [情報] TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidi時間 Wed Mar 12 12:00:20 2025
標題:TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom, sources say
TSMC would take a stake of no more than 50% in joint venture operating Intel f
Talks are at an early stage-sources
Qualcomm has also received TMSC's pitch-sources
SINGAPORE/NEW YORK/TAIPEI, March 12 (Reuters) - TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab
has pitched U.S. chip designers Nvidia (NVDA.O), opens new tab, Advanced Micro
Devices (AMD.O), opens new tab and Broadcom (AVGO.O), opens new tab about tak
ing stakes in a joint venture that would operate Intel's (INTC.O), opens new t
ab factories, according to four sources familiar with the matter.
Under the proposal, the Taiwanese chipmaking giant would run the operations of
Intel's foundry division, which makes chips adapted for the needs of customer
s, but it would not own more than 50%, the sources said. Qualcomm (QCOM.O), op
ens new tab has also been pitched by TSMC, according to one of the sources and
a separate source.
The talks, which are at an early stage, come after U.S. President Donald Trump
's administration requested TSMC, the world's leading contract chipmaker, assi
st in turning around the troubled U.S. industrial icon, the sources said on co
ndition of anonymity because the talks are not public.
The details of the plan for TSMC to take no more than a 50% stake and its over
tures to potential partners are being reported for the first time.
Any final deal - the value of which is unclear - would need approval from the
Trump administration, which does not want Intel or its foundry division to be
fully foreign-owned, the sources said.
Intel, TSMC, Nvidia, AMD and Qualcomm declined to comment. The White House and
Broadcom did not respond to requests for comment.
At stake is the future of the U.S. chipmaking giant, whose shares have lost mo
re than half of their value in the last year.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: KIMBEOM 2025-03-12 12:00:20
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dqGRMy0 (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741752022.A.F00.html
※ 同主題文章:
[情報] TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom,
03-12 12:00 KIMBEOM
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