看板 Stock作者 zzahoward (Cheshire Cat)標題 [新聞] Google 移除不將AI使用在武器和監視承諾時間 Thu Feb 6 07:40:37 2025
Google erases promise not to use AI technology for weapons or surveillance
6:40 PM EST, Tue February 4, 2025
Ramishah Maruf, CNN
Google’s updated, public AI ethics policy removes its promise that it won’t
use the technology to pursue applications for weapons and surveillance.
In a previous version of the principles seen by CNN on the internet archive
Wayback Machine, the company included applications it won’t pursue. One such
category was weapons or other technology intended to injure people. Another
was technology used to surveil beyond international norms.
That language is gone on the updated principles page.
Since OpenAI launched chatbot ChatGPT in 2022, the artificial intelligence
race has advanced at a dizzying pace. While AI has boomed in use, legislation
and regulations on transparency and ethics in AI have yet to catch up – and
now Google seems to have loosened self-imposed restrictions.
In a blog post Tuesday, senior vice president of research, labs, technology &
society James Manyika and Google DeepMind head Demis Hassabis said that AI
frameworks published by democratic countries have deepened Google’s “
understanding of AI’s potential and risks.”
“There’s a global competition taking place for AI leadership within an
increasingly complex geopolitical landscape. We believe democracies should
lead in AI development, guided by core values like freedom, equality, and
respect for human rights,” the blog post said.
The post continued, “and we believe that companies, governments, and
organizations sharing these values should work together to create AI that
protects people, promotes global growth, and supports national security.”
Google first published its AI Principles in 2018, years before the technology
became almost ubiquitous. Google’s update is a sharp reversal in values from
those original published principles.
In 2018, Google dropped a $10 billion bid for a cloud computing Pentagon
contract, saying at the time “we couldn’t be assured that it would align
with our AI Principles.” More than 4,000 employees had signed a petition
that year demanding “a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its
contractors will ever build warfare technology,” and about a dozen employees
resigned in protest.
還好台灣有數發部,應該是不會落於人後 吧?
edge AI是沒辦法支援大規模監控和武器開發的
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zzahoward 2025-02-06 07:40:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1de_RyTc (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1738798844.A.766.html
推 vinca: 感覺很快就可以看到機器自主殺人了2F 02/06 07:45
推 SRNOB: 點碗麵線 看戲吃瓜3F 02/06 07:47
→ WTF55665566: 這塊現在就是絆腳石 中俄等國沒有這種限制 老美不跟上就可能落居下風6F 02/06 07:49
推 as6633208: 能發展AI的是要軟體業本來就有很強的,中美就是例子,我覺得台灣不用自己造飛機,有錢搭別人造好的飛機就好9F 02/06 07:51
https://imgur.com/f7xKn1P.jpg XDDD
→ ASKA: 可以prompt AI盡量不要殺人。只要讓敵人失效即可13F 02/06 07:52
→ kausan: 真的你不做別人也會做17F 02/06 08:02
→ wr: 怎麼可能不用在軍事...18F 02/06 08:02
噓 squelch: 呵呵 你怎麼不說殺人無罪 因為我不殺人 別人就會殺我 那你要刑法幹嘛?20F 02/06 08:06
推 zero7810: 天網降臨 我們的康納現在應該是40歲的肥宅22F 02/06 08:06
推 as6633208: 台灣認清自己專業現實,乖乖搞晶片就可以了,美國從5年前就在佈局軟體業和AI,台灣還只注重製造晶片,自己用的東西都是美國的還想彎道超車取代人家,資本主義社會乖乖付錢出硬體靠攏美國爸爸就好,浪費錢自己搞AI要幹嘛23F 02/06 08:07
老歪現在開始搞不用GPU的家用local LLM,隨便組一組就有2token/sec
推 jyhfang: 以後武器系統請認明外殼上的Gemini Inside logo28F 02/06 08:08
推 Arjui: 這部我看過,不可能的任務:致命清算30F 02/06 08:10
噓 lpmybig: T-600要問世了32F 02/06 08:11
推 inzeghi: 看到PLTR覺得真香?33F 02/06 08:15
推 patrol: 好吧,這實在太狂了,那個現在哪裡有便宜的地堡可以買?36F 02/06 08:21
推 easyman: 太慢了 PLTR 都快變成 美國政府 軟體平台的核心了38F 02/06 08:22
推 as6633208: 開源自己架一個,看起來提升競爭,但實際上也就是架個玩具毫無商業效益,人家哪天新模型不開源你技術也停滯了啦,真正有效益就是乖乖付錢站對邊,享受人家研發成果,台灣目前技術想用人家開源的做一個超越本尊的喔,夢裡啥都有啦40F 02/06 08:23
推 zhi5566: 皮皮真的很弱 和庫克標準的考試型CEO 其他都跟不上就算皮皮說開放又怎樣 上得了車嗎46F 02/06 08:24
推 f12sd2e2aa: 有文組不知道deepseek就是拿開源改的比開源還強嗎49F 02/06 08:30
推 cerwvk: 就天網的概念,深信未來必定會出現53F 02/06 08:37
推 mangle: 戰爭打起來 ~ 水啦 台灣應該是最好的試煉場54F 02/06 08:37
推 watertip: Palantir股東向Google說聲謝謝, 終於知道自己聖母病了齁55F 02/06 08:38
推 as6633208: 好了啦,我也知道中國用開源做出更強的,但你台灣也想要先做出來一個在放話啦,笑死57F 02/06 08:38
推 scasper: 這是商機呀現在有錢賺不會在乎任何事的..59F 02/06 08:39
推 as6633208: 台灣要做出自己的gpt、台灣要超越openai,不要整天講這種站在愚昧之峰的言論啦,笑死,不如實際做出一個比o1好用的模型,再來吹啦
做出一個根本用不了的ai產品說要超越openai,才是台灣大多數ai企業的現實60F 02/06 08:44
推 losage: 笑死,跟中共做一樣的事71F 02/06 09:04
推 s213092921: 2021年中國在聯合國提議禁止機器人用於軍事戰爭,被美俄以色列等等打槍,中國只好發展自己的機器狗了72F 02/06 09:09
推 Lhmstu: 本來就應該用在軍事阿,哪有這種超猛系統不用的道理...76F 02/06 09:11
→ s213092921: 無人載具用在戰場上才符合人道主義XDD,中國只好幫各國人道一下78F 02/06 09:12
推 Lhmstu: 不過台灣就不用想了,數發部嘻嘻82F 02/06 09:14
推 super0949: 看到pltr賺爛了 怎麼可能堅持不用83F 02/06 09:17
推 jfw616: 那核彈比較猛還是機械狗比較猛?85F 02/06 09:25
→ mdkn35: gemini是指 一個監視 一個控制86F 02/06 09:25
→ FatFatQQ: AI三原則本來就是笑話啊 還不是人類訂的88F 02/06 09:26
推 supereva: 登登 登登 登登 (魔鬼終結者音樂響起)90F 02/06 09:31
明明就是 燈燈 燈 燈燈
※ 編輯: zzahoward ( 臺灣), 02/06/2025 09:34:30
推 dear0106: 以後的戰場沒有真人就是機器人大戰93F 02/06 09:34
→ FatFatQQ: 對岸都在訓練無人機配機器狗 人 協同作戰了94F 02/06 09:37