看板 Stock作者 DrowningPool (My broken dreams)標題 [新聞] 祖克伯將共同主持川普就職典禮時間 Wed Jan 15 11:13:48 2025
原文標題:Mark Zuckerberg will cohost reception with Republican billionaires
for Trump inauguration
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is cohosting a reception with billionaire Republican
donors next week for Donald Trump’s inauguration, the latest sign of the
Facebook founder’s embrace of the president-elect.
The reception cohosted by Zuckerberg is set for Monday evening, shortly
before the inaugural balls, according to two people familiar with the private
plans who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss
The other cohosts are Miriam Adelson, the Dallas Mavericks owner and widow of
casino magnate Sheldon Adelson; Tilman Fertitta, casino magnate, Houston
Rockets owner and Trump’s pick to serve as U.S. ambassador to Italy; Todd
Ricketts, the co-owner of the Chicago Cubs; and Ricketts’ wife, Sylvie Légè
Zuckerberg once seemed a foe of the former president, banning him from
Facebook and Instagram after a mob of Trump’s supporters attacked the U.S.
Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. But lately, he’s been endearing himself to Trump as
one of a number of tech executives who have been seeking to improve their
relationships with the new president.
Meta CEO 馬克· 祖克伯格將於下週與共和黨億萬富翁共同主持特川普的就職典禮招待會
,時間定於週一晚間,緊接就職舞會。共同主持人包括 Miriam Adelson、Tilman
Fertitta、Todd Ricketts。儘管祖克伯格曾封禁川普的社交媒體賬號,但近來他積極
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: DrowningPool 2025-01-15 11:13:48
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dXoVkML (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1736910830.A.595.html
推 Arjui: 贖罪券有用 XDDDDD2F 01/15 11:14
推 freshman: 阿祖的商人思維值得學習 太厲害了3F 01/15 11:15
推 lusifa2007: 哈哈 很怕被關 之前馬斯克受訪也說川普沒當選他被關定了5F 01/15 11:16
推 strlen: 晚上進場Meta 舔這麼用力 不錯喔7F 01/15 11:16
推 gbman: 蜥蜴人跪舔生效XD13F 01/15 11:17
推 cagepig: 滿滿的求生慾~~除了斗內還要爭取當主持人表演就是了14F 01/15 11:17
推 iammi21: 阿祖收手吧 外面全是川普15F 01/15 11:17
→ laogiby: 以後阿祖就是川普最忠心的一條狗16F 01/15 11:17
推 ko7625: 有點好笑XDD21F 01/15 11:18
推 sushi11: 收手吧阿祖,外面都是川普的人25F 01/15 11:18
→ linchw: 跪的姿勢100 賞你一個司禮大太監職位26F 01/15 11:18
推 o86869595: 收手吧,詐騙祖,外面都是司法檢調!29F 01/15 11:18
推 wahaha23: 收手吧 阿祖! 外面全是川粉31F 01/15 11:19
推 NDark: 馬斯克被發放冷宮了
現在寵臣是MET(G)A33F 01/15 11:19
推 HisVol: 哇靠,資訊天才轉行演藝圈主持35F 01/15 11:20
推 pru5566: 阿祖真的沒呈現什麼叫商人40F 01/15 11:21
推 justsay: 轉彎轉成這樣該記入史冊了42F 01/15 11:21
→ HisVol: 阿祖來當交易員的話,就是那種做多套牢直接平倉再兩倍做空的高手47F 01/15 11:22
推 jc761128: 收手吧 阿祖 外面全是川粉XDDD50F 01/15 11:23
推 tomdavis: 阿祖!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!53F 01/15 11:24
推 fg008kimo: 這是進貢了多少才有辦法轉彎轉成這樣55F 01/15 11:24
→ cliche: 姓 馬 的都很會舔57F 01/15 11:26
推 cct1121: 阿祖得救了 轉生成功 有斗內還是有用60F 01/15 11:26
→ zhi5566: 這種CEO只能放心投資了65F 01/15 11:27
推 HisVol: 老黃學著點,不要逆勢而行66F 01/15 11:29
推 ejnfu: 懂舔 Meta買下去67F 01/15 11:29
推 sakeru: 阿祖真的收手了69F 01/15 11:29
推 ck326: 蜥蜴人看風向是真的蠻強的,從創業開始就是70F 01/15 11:29
推 n3688: 只差沒叫爸爸了74F 01/15 11:30
推 chalon: 跪著把錢賺了 不寒磣78F 01/15 11:32
→ ams9: 開始懷疑祖是否為制衡馬斯克的手段80F 01/15 11:32
推 NLstyle: 媽呀 蜥蜴人的求生欲太強了 操作成這樣 扯83F 01/15 11:33
推 ufo559: 阿祖真的收手了85F 01/15 11:34
推 Kobe5210: 改天會不會在FaceBook的首頁看到川普照91F 01/15 11:36
推 shasen1236: 中國人的寫照啊,平常不理你還當自己是個咖,一拳下去才想起奶水都在美國這邊99F 01/15 11:39
推 StNeverRush: 馬斯克該不會被踢走了吧QQ
這樣川皇不就一口氣控制X 跟FB兩大輿論平台 剩下g326F 01/15 16:55