作者 lspss93009 (歐文)
標題 [情報] 聯邦貿易委員會提議對Facebook所有者 Met
時間 Thu May  4 01:17:22 2023

1. 標題:聯邦貿易委員會提議對Facebook所有者 Meta 實施新的制裁

2. 來源:華爾街日報

3. 網址:https://www.wsj.com/
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4. 內文:

FTC Proposes New Sanctions for Facebook Owner Meta -- WSJ

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Trade Commission proposed barring Meta Platforms fro
m profiting off data it collects from young users, after concluding that the c
ompany repeatedly violated its privacy promises.

The FTC action Wednesday represents an unwelcome return to controversy for Met
a and its major platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. The company agree
d in 2019 to pay a $5 billion civil penalty following a previous FTC investiga
tion into its privacy practices.

"Facebook has repeatedly violated its privacy promises," said Samuel Levine, d
irector of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, in a statement. "The compa
ny's recklessness has put young users at risk, and Facebook needs to answer fo
r its failures."

The FTC said it has asked Meta to respond to its proposed findings within 30 d

As part of the proposed changes, Meta, which changed its name from Facebook in
 October 2021, would be prohibited from profiting from data it collects from u
sers under 18. It would also be subject to other new limitations, including on
 its use of facial recognition technology, and would be required to provide ad
ditional protections for users.



華盛頓——聯邦貿易委員會在得出該公司一再違反其隱私承諾的結論後,提議禁止Meta P



聯邦貿易委員會表示,它已要求 Meta 在 30 天內回應其提議的調查結果。

作爲擬議變更的一部分,2021 年 10 月從 Facebook 更名的 Meta 將被禁止從從 18 歲

消息一出 股價直接跳水

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: lspss93009 2023-05-04 01:17:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aKfSahk (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1683134244.A.AEE.html
※ 編輯: lspss93009 ( 臺灣), 05/04/2023 01:19:27
poeoe: 讚啦1F 05/04 01:19
Shigeru777: 跳水姿勢預備備~2F 05/04 01:20
cuteSquirrel: 歐盟:學我這招3F 05/04 01:20
Severine: 這叫崩喔4F 05/04 01:24
kevin850717: -1.61% 大爆崩?5F 05/04 01:28
DFIGHT: 像這種新聞的厚 很多人都會接手 有點類似火災反而越來越旺-0.82%了 沒肉了6F 05/04 01:31
jayppt: 1.6?這對meta簡直蚊子叮
對一個從-77趴起死回生的股票 這實在還好8F 05/04 01:34
omanorboyo: 有跟沒有一樣的崩
-0.4%10F 05/04 01:52
lee255215: 都漲多少了…12F 05/04 01:57
Akitsukineko: 大爆噓13F 05/04 01:58
※ 編輯: lspss93009 ( 臺灣), 05/04/2023 02:04:57
k798976869: meta都快不行惹 還一直搞他14F 05/04 06:16
intointo: 1.6  ?15F 05/04 06:25
jheli: Meta都已經躺平了,還被人繼續補刀XDDD16F 05/04 09:22
clairehao: meta怎麼漲這麼多了17F 05/04 11:45
smarthome: 1.6%XDD看來幾天後要大爆噴了18F 05/04 15:10
susanmm: 不能收集用戶個資,臉書就涼了吧?19F 05/04 21:51

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