作者 Matthew10244 ()標題 [Live] CLE @ NYY (ALCS Game 1)時間 Tue Oct 15 06:30:00 2024
Yankee Stadium Bronx, NY 7:38PM EDT
TV: TBS, TruTV, Max
RHP A. Cobb 6.00 P LHP C. Rodon 9.82
Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Rodon!
ALCS Game 1 on deck.
(1) @BryanHoch: Anthony Rizzo has not faced live pitching since the
hit-by-pitch on Sept. 28, but Aaron Boone said he looked good hitting in the
batting cage.
(2) @BryanHoch: Anthony Rizzo on playing with two fractured fingers: “It's
just pain. It's temporary, and the 50,000 people in the stands and the
adrenaline and what's at stake is going to outweigh any pain I'll be feeling.”
(3) @BryanHoch: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be attending tonight’s
Game 1 of the ALCS.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2024-10-15 06:30:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d3Pjgz3 (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1728945002.A.F43.html
※ 編輯: Matthew10244 ( 臺灣), 10/15/2024 06:32:00
推 mecheers: 拜託不要是Bob Costas播
不是!! 太好了!!4F 10/15 07:31
推 wenhh88: 鎖住Kwan很重要啊8F 10/15 07:39
推 wuuman: Kean也太黏了…11F 10/15 07:42
推 jkry: 好煩12F 10/15 07:42
推 mecheers: Rizzo的手復原了嗎 還是要綁固定板呀?18F 10/15 07:45
推 Movice: 紅中沒打好20F 10/15 07:45
推 jkry: 風很大21F 10/15 07:45
推 wuuman: 今天的風 球打飛會很精彩…23F 10/15 07:46
推 jkry: Wells..25F 10/15 07:47
→ jkry: 呼 下莊29F 10/15 07:47
推 wuuman: 看起來投到Kwan那局 用球都不會省…超黏35F 10/15 07:48
推 wuuman: 先得分吧 洋基44F 10/15 07:51
→ wuuman: 風很大 期待法官和史坦把球帶起來 XD47F 10/15 07:52
推 Movice: 法官靠你了50F 10/15 07:53
推 PTHMAN: Judge醒醒56F 10/15 07:53
推 wing99: 主審又在搞73F 10/15 07:55
推 wuuman: 法官生涯好球很常被海…74F 10/15 07:55
推 jkry: 主審是白痴啥79F 10/15 07:55
推 yaes111: K... 被婊一顆 不過這顆是準的82F 10/15 07:55
噓 FunGuy: 主審有夠搞87F 10/15 07:56
→ wuuman: Rodon你能投到那裡嗎 不信誰能打好 笑死88F 10/15 07:56
推 mikachen: 好球帶再海 Boone可以去理論了吧91F 10/15 07:56
推 pyrogen: 嗯 至少不會DP了94F 10/15 07:57
→ wuuman: 又要看史坦了 手感有維持住嗎96F 10/15 07:57
推 Williamtsou: 同意W大說法,贏球不用動打線,就算要動也只是微調,感覺還是繼續Wells四棒,因為也沒更好人選也沒必1468F 10/15 17:31
推 EuGene: 看留言還以為輸10分,現在是要淘汰了嗎?1470F 10/15 19:25
推 WP1: 不只大都會 是各隊都會採鋸齒打線1472F 10/15 20:26