作者 Matthew10244 ()標題 [Live] HOU @ NYY (Game 1)時間 Wed May 8 03:00:00 2024
2024Season G37
Yankee Stadium Bronx, NY 7:05PM EDT
RHP J. Verlander 2.08 P RHP L. Gil 3.19
Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Gil!
Gil on the Hill.
(1) @Yankees: Prior to tonight’s game, the Yankees made the following roster
‧ Transferred the rehab assignment of RHP Nick Burdi from Double-A Somerset to
Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
‧ Outrighted OF Taylor Trammell off the Major League roster and onto the roster
of Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
Additionally, INF Oswald Peraza commences a rehab assignment with
Single-A Tampa.
(2) @ChrisKirschner: Aaron Boone said everything has gone well for Gerrit Cole
so far. “Still a ways to go.” He threw a bullpen today.
(3) @GaryHPhillips: DJ LeMahieu “has had a good few days,” Boone says. Will
likely join the team in Tampa and ramp up baseball activities. Could do live
ABs at team’s complex.
(4) @ChrisKirschner: Aaron Boone said Jasson Dominguez “he’s inside two
weeks/in the middle of the month” for a rehab assignment. He’s expected to DH
for the first two weeks of games.
(5) @ChrisKirschner: Aaron Boone said Oswald Peraza will have to go through a
full spring training before he’s considered a possibility for the MLB roster.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2024-05-08 03:00:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cEde-8U (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1715108414.A.21E.html
推 Grammy: 太鼓後三棒錯囉1F 05/08 04:31
推 yw1002: V老復出了 其他隊當心點了2F 05/08 05:37
※ 編輯: Matthew10244 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2024 06:16:22
推 MedEngineer: Verdugo 三分彈!棒打Kate Upton 老公12F 05/08 07:23
推 es9114ian: Dominguez最快下週開始打復健賽,這打線會越來越好Peraza今天開始打復健賽也馬上開轟15F 05/08 07:24
噓 tong70624: 火星人回來之後要不要考慮直接把Stanton DFA17F 05/08 07:26
推 Movice: Verdugo威武19F 05/08 07:33
→ tong70624: 不過火星人回來是排擠到Stanton的出賽空間21F 05/08 07:34
推 es9114ian: Dominguez回來被壓縮上場時間的一定是Stanton,需要有人分擔Judge守CF
會影響Torres的人是Peraza22F 05/08 07:35
推 Movice: 球數領先 又投BB..28F 05/08 07:56
推 es9114ian: 今天大概最多撐5局了,老毛病投一堆BB就拉不長局數30F 05/08 07:58
推 Movice: Soto讚31F 05/08 08:01
推 Movice: Verdugo猛34F 05/08 08:05
推 AYLiu: 打太好 明年要不要續約呢XD39F 05/08 08:06
推 Movice: 坦頓...40F 05/08 08:08
推 MedEngineer: Kate Upton 跟 Amy Cole, 兩個正妹42F 05/08 08:09
推 AYLiu: 喔喔看到kate upton了43F 05/08 08:09
→ charlie01: 金鳥系列Verdugo前兩戰都沒缺席的話 結果可能會不一樣
不過當爹真的沒辦法 只能恭喜他了XD44F 05/08 08:09
→ AYLiu: 來洋基吧 v老47F 05/08 08:10
推 Movice: 只得1分..50F 05/08 08:13
→ es9114ian: Torres繼續雷
就像這局,敢把球塞入好球帶就對了51F 05/08 08:13
推 ckb91: 炸了V老6分這你感信59F 05/08 08:26
推 AYLiu: 打爆v老了 kate upton哭哭64F 05/08 08:26
推 bingreen: 爽啦,以前真的被V老各種虐爛了67F 05/08 08:26
推 FunGuy: 打鼓高手Soto72F 05/08 08:28
→ Diaw0803: 好爽 現在完全不怕太空人了74F 05/08 08:29
推 es9114ian: 國民7下領先金鳥3分,希望保持下去77F 05/08 08:33
推 MedEngineer: 阿土伯每次登場都被噓爆XDDD
阿土伯自打球全場拍手,快笑死78F 05/08 08:36
推 Movice: 全場歡聲雷動 笑死81F 05/08 08:37
推 AYLiu: v老 昨晚是不是太操勞86F 05/08 08:40
推 yuwen51: 其實拿掉Soto跟Verdugo的話還是接近去年的洋基無誤,打爆V老就是爽87F 05/08 08:40
推 JJJeff: 是誰說要DFA坦頓的?89F 05/08 08:40
→ Sechslee: Verdugo在這的表現真的看不出來他在紅襪是那樣100F 05/08 08:52
推 Movice: 法官也有點回來了102F 05/08 09:00
推 Youssef404: 法官這顆初速有101mph
ops回到0.8104F 05/08 09:01
推 Movice: 一上來就BB..106F 05/08 09:05
推 ckb91: 這投手怎麼動作這麼像V老111F 05/08 09:12
推 Movice: 剩你沒安打了112F 05/08 09:14
推 JBLs: 往死裡打 阿托換你了113F 05/08 09:15
推 wenhh88: V老5局失7分這麼療癒的嗎?114F 05/08 09:15
→ es9114ian: Peraza大概還得復健1個月才會回來,畢竟他錯過整個春訓117F 05/08 09:16
→ es9114ian: Torres你只剩下1個月的時間囉120F 05/08 09:17
推 Sechslee: Berti回來以後打得不錯耶125F 05/08 09:18
→ Movice: 差點特產128F 05/08 09:18
→ Sechslee: Volpe的選球到底為啥會突然不見129F 05/08 09:19