作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [外電] Gerrit Cole初步檢查:韌帶沒有撕裂
時間 Thu Mar 14 01:24:39 2024

Gerrit Cole out at least 1-to-2 months, Yankees ace visits noted surgeon
Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extended period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a cha ...


Yankees ace Gerrit Cole will be out at least one-to-two months and will head to
Los Angeles for an appointment with noted sports surgeon Dr. Neal ElAttrache, Th
e Post has learned.



Several Yankees doctors and ElAttrache have viewed Cole’s preliminary film, and
 while none has detected a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament, there’s enoug
h concern about the ligament that ElAttrache has suggested an in-person visit.


Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extende
d period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a chance to r
eturn sometime in May or early June


The initial readings of Cole earlier in the week were optimistic, with the belie
f the issue could be resolved with rest and other conservative treatments, but E
lAttrache has recommended more testing, raising the level of worry



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-03-14 01:24:39
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1byU5PmJ (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1710350681.A.C13.html
travis915117: 希望真的沒事1F 03/14 01:26
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:26:46
jeVrana: 扣哥辛苦了2F 03/14 01:45
richard1003: 韌帶沒撕裂,所以到底是什麼傷?3F 03/14 01:51


Source says no tear for Gerrit Cole shown on MRI but there was inflammation/sore
ness and that Cole wanted to get a deeper look at the elbow to figure out what’
s going on.

Not the worst news for the Yankees.


zzs123344: 幸好沒事
發炎之類的嗎?4F 03/14 01:54
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:54:55
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:56:19
lin512: 好險6F 03/14 02:01
ganhua: 沒撕裂就是好事,保重7F 03/14 02:24
grliu: 謝天謝地8F 03/14 02:26
z904612: 希望能快點回來  沒撕裂已經是很棒的結果了9F 03/14 03:09
max011060: 希望沒事10F 03/14 03:58
thb96300: 沒事就好11F 03/14 05:32
appshjkli: 初步結果而已
幾個月也都是猜想 等LA醫生看完才有更清楚的結果12F 03/14 05:33
bingreen: 希望是好消息…不然扣跟阿吉都躺,我基戰力大減14F 03/14 05:57
helmet10845: 不能簽Baur嗎QQ15F 03/14 06:10
es9114ian: 這已經是最好的結果了,謝天謝地16F 03/14 06:28
accjm2440: 好險17F 03/14 07:02
es9114ian: Cease去教士了18F 03/14 07:18
Hitimothy: 不考慮簽回芒果嗎@@19F 03/14 07:21
Movice: 先猜一個都不會簽20F 03/14 07:29
cphs102007: 萬幸21F 03/14 07:52
es9114ian: Thrope又被當作包裹被送去白襪22F 03/14 07:58
Alexander13: 不出Jones果然換不到
什麼都不簽就得靠小朋友了23F 03/14 08:00
yuwen51: 主菜是Thorpe,等於教士用Soto換回King+Cease感覺好像不錯..25F 03/14 08:07
cole45: 去跟守護者談Shane Bieber看看吧28F 03/14 08:19
bailey0716: Jones就是一個未知的未來,不利用有Soto的今年好好拼一下,就只能期待他未來能打出好的成績了29F 03/14 08:29

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