作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [外電] Bora$: Gerrit Cole明年會逃脫合約
時間 Mon Dec 11 22:09:25 2023

Scott Boras Discusses Gerrit Cole’s 2024 Opt-Out Clause

With that being said, the contract isn’t as simple as Cole holding the sole dec
ision over his opt-out clause. Should Cole decide to exercise his opt-out, the Y
ankees can void that decision by tacking an addition year and $36MM onto Cole’s
 existing contract, effectively offering him a one-year, $36MM extension that wo
uld take the sum of his deal in the Bronx to $360MM over ten years.

Gerrit Cole將在明年賽季結束能逃脫合約



Agent Scott Boras, who represents Cole, has indicated he believes that’s exactl
y how the situation will play out next year. As quoted by USA Today’s Bob Night
engale, Boras indicated that he and Cole “would anticipate” that both Cole opt
ing out of his contract and the Yankees voiding that decision “are going to hap
pen” next offseason.

而Cole的經紀人Scott Boras說他們會逃脫合約



2024  33歲 $36M
2025  34歲 $36M
2026  35歲 $36M
2027  36歲 $36M
2028  37歲 $36M
*2029 38歲 $36M

4Y 144M→ 5Y 180M ??

2020 29歲  GS:12  7W 3L IP:73.0  ERA:2.84 WHIP:0.96 SO:94  賽揚4
2021 30歲  GS:30 16W 8L IP:181.1 ERA:3.23 WHIP:1.06 SO:243 賽揚2
2022 31歲  GS:33 13W 8L IP:200.2 ERA:3.50 WHIP:1.02 SO:257 賽揚9+三振王
2023 32歲  GS:33 15W 4L IP:209.0 ERA:2.63 WHIP:0.98 SO:222

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-12-11 22:09:25
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bTnWNr1 (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1702303767.A.D41.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2023 22:10:59
wuuman: 以現在通膨速度 cole別雪崩退化 這合約賺爆
近十年難得的沒被投手騙約 良心選手 又穩又健康1F 12/11 22:23
appshjkli: 沒有任何需要討論的餘地 反正加一年就留了3F 12/11 22:45
godspeed0221: 這合約就101招…4F 12/11 22:50
answertw: 光是來到洋基後非第一年的情況可以拿賽揚就真貨了5F 12/11 22:52
FRSNova: 以前36M是天價,現在看覺得還好,通澎的速度真可怕6F 12/11 23:03
devilsky: 我基根本沒辦法失去他,他不逃才奇怪7F 12/11 23:08
hunder31: 山本一球沒投 都喊到300M 寇哥360M/10年超便宜8F 12/11 23:54
bingreen: 良心合約,我基如果一直快樂伙伴,是該逃離= =9F 12/12 00:08

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