作者 appshjkli (黑松FIN)
標題 [討論] Verdugo?氣氛仔?看看記者怎麼說
時間 Wed Dec  6 22:25:30 2023

Yankees get Alex Verdugo, ‘Red Sox got rid of a headache’ - nj.com
The Yankees' Tuesday night trade with the Red Sox for Alex Verdugo was a stunner, but the outfielder might be flipped this week to the Padres in a dea ...


 只挑氣氛仔部分節錄 波士頓環球報,老朋友Peter Abraham的文章

 Verdugo was a goner on Aug. 5 when he arrived late for a game at Fenway Park

 and was benched by manager Alex Cora.

 Cora, still seething after the game, called it one of his worst days as a

 member of the Sox. Verdugo tried to dodge questions before falsely denying

 being late. Then he complained about being picked on before the final game of

 the season.

 Verdugo 在 8 月 5 日因為遲到了芬威的比賽被經理 Alex Cora 置於板凳席上。

 Cora 在比賽結束後仍然憤怒,稱這是他在紅襪隊中最糟糕的日子之一。Verdugo 試圖閃


 Verdugo, a talented player, was warned about being late and crossed the line

 one too many times. Let that slide and what is the message being sent to

 Triston Casas, Jarren Duran, and other young players the Sox see as part of

 their future?

 On Tuesday, hours before the trade was finalized, Cora and Breslow spoke

 about the need to instill a better atmosphere around the team, something they

 want to start right away in spring training.

  Verdugo 是一位才華橫溢的球員,但因遲到而被警告並且多次越線。如果放任不管,

  對Triston Casas, Jarren Duran等視為未來一部分的年輕球員會傳達什麼訊息呢?

  在交易最終確定的幾個小時前的星期二,Cora 和 Breslow 談到了在球隊周圍建立




 Clayton Kershaw向管理層表示要讓他滾出這個clubhouse。幾個小時後,


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: appshjkli 2023-12-06 22:25:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bS8HTO3 (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1701872733.A.603.html
※ 編輯: appshjkli ( 臺灣), 12/06/2023 22:31:46
es9114ian: 換了一個Verdugo就崩潰成這樣嗎?洋基有氣氛仔又不是什麼稀奇事了1F 12/06 22:33
appshjkli: 我發的都是記者的文章 你怎麼不說記者崩潰?3F 12/06 22:35
masiwei5566: 崩潰大師在談崩潰 lmao4F 12/06 23:40
aborwang: 這個真的是有「氣氛」了。只能期望他自己想清楚,大約還沒到手啊,卡巴結一點5F 12/07 01:01

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