作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
標題 [外絮] Nico:Kyrie 是獨行俠的靈魂與核心
時間 Wed Mar  5 21:25:41 2025

Mavericks' Nico Harrison gives statement on Kyrie Irving
The Mavericks will have to play the rest of the season without a player that GM Nico Harrison described as the “heart and soul” of the team.  ...

Mavs’ Kyrie Irving offers reaction to torn ACL: ‘The recovery process already started’
Irving went live on Instagram less than 24 hours after a knee injury ended his season with the Mavericks. ...


Mavericks’ Nico Harrison lauds ‘heart and soul’ Kyrie Irving after season-
ending ACL tear

The Mavericks will have to play the rest of the season without a player that
general manager Nico Harrison described as the “heart and soul” of the team.

將不得不在缺少 GM Nico Harrison 口中「球隊的靈魂與核心」的情況下繼續前進。

It was part of a statement that Harrison released on Tuesday night in reaction
 to the news that Kyrie Irving would be out the rest of the season after he
suffered a season-ending torn ACL in his left knee in the Mavs’ loss to the
Kings on Monday night.

這是 Harrison 在週二晚間發表聲明的一部分,
他對於 Kyrie Irving 因左膝前十字韌帶(ACL)撕裂導致賽季報銷的消息做出了回應。


“There aren’t words to fully describe who Kyrie Irving is to this team or
what he means to us as an organization,” Harrison said in his statement.
Kyrie is the heart and soul of this team, and he has embraced the city of
Dallas as his home and our fans as an extension of his own family,” general
manager Nico Harrison said in a statement. “His work ethic and absolute
dedication to his craft, it’s cut from the cloth of greats. I know it, I
lived it, and I see the same ferocity and passion in him that I saw in Kobe.”

  能完全表達 Kyrie Irving 對這支球隊的意義,或是他對我們這個組織的重要性。」

「Kyrie 是這支球隊的靈魂與核心,他將達拉斯視為自己的家,
  我深知這一點,因為我親身經歷過,我在他身上看到了與 Kobe 相同的激情與拼勁。」

“All of my thoughts and that of our staff are with Kyrie and his family, and
we are confident that he will come back from this stronger than ever just like
 he always has.”

「我和我們整個團隊的心都與 Kyrie 及他的家人同在,

Irving had been averaging 24.7 points, 4.8 rebounds and 4.6 assists per game
this year before suffering the injury.

The Mavericks star addressed his injury in an Instagram Live on Tuesday night.

Irving 在受傷前,本賽季場均可貢獻 24.7 分、4.8 個籃板和 4.6 次助攻。
這位獨行俠球星在週二晚間的 Instagram Live 中談到了自己的傷勢。  

“I just want to take the time out to thank each and every one of you that
tweeted me or sent something on Instagram or sent something on any of the
social media channels. If you texted me, I just wanted to say thank you so
much, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.”

「我只是想花點時間感謝每一位給我發推文、在 Instagram 上留言,

“It hasn’t been 48 hours since I tore my ACL, but, you know, the recovery
process already started mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So just wanted to
let you guys know I’m okay and I will be okay moving forward. It does suck a
lot. I ain’t gonna lie to you guys. It’s. Yeah, this one stings for sure,
but I have a great support system around me. I have incredible family members
and friends, and I know I’m supported not just here in America, but
internationally. And I’m not on this journey alone.”

「我撕裂了 ACL 還不到48小時,



“You know, it’s not easy sitting up all day in the bed and recovering and
thinking about the what ifs and what could have possibly went this way or that
 way. So, yeah, I’m just trying to explain to you guys the human emotions
that I’m going through right now is, yeah, it’s tough, but at the same time,
 I put it in its proper context and proper perspective. I gave it [my] all
this season, was giving it all, you know, starting in the summertime after we
lost in the Finals. It’s been a lot of change that’s happened very quickly
over the last month and some change, so I’ve been dealing with emotions just
with that too. And I’ll have time to kind of go deeper into those emotions
when I have the time, but as of right now, I’m gonna take it in stride. I
just wanted to tell you guys I love you and I’ll be updating you guys. I don
’t know when, but I’m not gonna get silent or try to run away from the pain
or run away from telling you guys the truth of what’s going on. You guys are
part of my journey and part of my process of recovery now, and I will be back
and I will be better.”







“Learning how to deal with adversity and pain and suffering is just as
important as learning how to deal with success and happiness and all the good
things that come with, you know, feeling good, mentally, spiritually,
emotionally. So when you get knocked back and you’re not able to, you know,
have all the answers right away, that’s okay, too, you know, so I’m gonna
give myself some grace like I’ve been extending grace to everybody else. I’m
 gonna take some time to be selfish and recover and get better, get healthy.



“... When you fall down nine times, you get up 10. I don’t know any other
strategy. It’s just when you fall down, you get back up, and there’s no time
 to feel bad for yourself or feel sorry, feel the emotions, but this is part
of it.”

「... 當你跌倒九次,就站起來十次。

“... All I wanted was a chance to just play the game that I love and do
things that I love. And I think that the greatest gift that I got that I gave
to myself was going to that free throw line and hitting both free throws. If I
 didn’t make both free throws, and if you know, you know, if I didn’t make
those free throws, I would have been pissed off all year. You guys have no
idea. Like, I would have been pissed. So I’m glad and grateful that I was,
you know, resilient enough and powerful and strong enough to go up there and
make my free throws, because I know that meant something, not only for me, but
 for all those out there that were worried. I know you guys were feeling for
me, so thank you, guys. I appreciate you again. I don’t know how many times I
 can say thank you.”

「... 我唯一想做的,就是有機會繼續打我熱愛的比賽,做我喜歡做的事。



The injury is another blow to the Mavericks, who have had to deal with several
 in recent days.

That list already included Anthony Davis (adductor strain), who had to exit
his first game after the blockbuster trade that sent him to the Lone Star
State and shipped star Luka Doncic to Los Angeles.


這份名單中已經包括 Anthony Davis(內收肌拉傷),
而這筆交易也將明星球員 Luka Doncic 送到了洛杉磯。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LABOYS 2025-03-05 21:25:41
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1do53O0G (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741181144.A.010.html
hui000807: 這個靈魂都快湊出彩虹球衣了 別笑死人好嗎1F 03/05 21:26
ankai: KI是 但你不是2F 03/05 21:26
hui000807: 真正的靈魂你自己賣給湖人了 sb3F 03/05 21:27
raychen0322: 代表湖人謝謝你4F 03/05 21:27
cross980115: 先噓為敬5F 03/05 21:27
totoro7923: 我更相信 賭城論了6F 03/05 21:27
Sheng628: Luka: ?7F 03/05 21:28
puro: 蛤?8F 03/05 21:28
PTTerzy: 完了 這麼說下一步就是交易他了9F 03/05 21:29
a22122212: 好了啦10F 03/05 21:29
icou: 你把他這些發文和交易77之後的所有發文連在一起看11F 03/05 21:29
cross980115: 把這傢伙那些話中的KI換成77 你會發覺根本不違和
然後你就會想一拳打死Nico12F 03/05 21:30
IokUdiefirst: Nico是湖人的靈魂核心14F 03/05 21:30
icou: 就知道從77交易之後還是無所不用其極追殺和臭7715F 03/05 21:30
nomosa: 你不要再說了16F 03/05 21:30
fack3170: 相信Nico17F 03/05 21:30
Royalweger: Nico不管說啥已經不會有人想聽了,可能湖迷例外18F 03/05 21:30
syk1104: 你閉嘴,最沒資格說話的就你,不交易77現在就還好好的19F 03/05 21:30
huangtj: 湖人感謝你20F 03/05 21:30
aq1: 別嘴砲,先跟KI簽新合約才能讓人相信吧21F 03/05 21:30
jardon: 明年就蛋雕22F 03/05 21:30
eric20: 77:?23F 03/05 21:30
Sessyoin: 嗯...?24F 03/05 21:30
a1210122: 雖然知道老闆是罪人,但你是共犯25F 03/05 21:30
Ke1even: Nico說什麼都是對的 我是湖迷26F 03/05 21:31
bjorn607: 為KI嘆息...不要屈就在這團隊下了27F 03/05 21:31
tkuce1b: 你還是閉嘴吧28F 03/05 21:31
Y225: 噓吧29F 03/05 21:31
BepHbin: 那你對他的受傷是感到憂心還是憤怒咧30F 03/05 21:31
LADKUO56: Nico一波操作直接把小犢從季後賽變成坦隊 厲害了31F 03/05 21:32
ABiao0220: 幹你Nico32F 03/05 21:32
jorden: Errrrr33F 03/05 21:32
jalsonice: 不要一臉正經說幹話34F 03/05 21:33
AxelGod: 我想只要是NBA球迷會都對這管理層感到憤怒了35F 03/05 21:33
a5566291: 好 賣掉KI36F 03/05 21:33
sponge88: 8737F 03/05 21:34
a8323522: FW38F 03/05 21:34
aquamorion: 沒想到這種話也講得出來39F 03/05 21:35
sinepitt: 去年總亞軍淪落至此40F 03/05 21:35
www90173: 嘴硬41F 03/05 21:35
weegee1219: 剛開始很愛說"I" 苗頭不對就開始滿嘴提"We"跟"Our"了 好負責喔 呵呵42F 03/05 21:36
casco5566: 給他一份頂薪啊操44F 03/05 21:36
j900802f: 根本故意在激怒球迷 我相信陰謀論了45F 03/05 21:36
Rukiyako: 77?46F 03/05 21:36
taikonkimo: 呵呵 現在說的好聽 我就看明年約滿 要給ki啥合約47F 03/05 21:36
casco5566: 給KI一份頂薪 此生不再噓Nico48F 03/05 21:36
kc9420: 給我閉嘴49F 03/05 21:37
casco5566: 笑你不敢給 去你的一代傳奇給你弄成這樣50F 03/05 21:37
matico: 這麼重要那一定要好好保護囉?什麼!上場時間最多51F 03/05 21:37
Wwc0130: 沒有公關教他不必說話嗎?  低調一年都不用請保安了52F 03/05 21:37
johnny0720: 77:我呢53F 03/05 21:37
hank13241: 晚了54F 03/05 21:38
allmygod: 無言 為啥對77就這麼狠55F 03/05 21:38
a1684114: 笑死 球衣越彩虹越像核心56F 03/05 21:38
peterw: 噁心57F 03/05 21:39
zero7810: 他準備下台了吧 還話那麼多58F 03/05 21:39
skyitmexp: 想講的太多了,濃縮之後就是給紅色的,去你的Nico59F 03/05 21:39
davidex: 沒有靈魂了60F 03/05 21:40
PttCraft: 廢話好多61F 03/05 21:41
madeB: 感激你放生77,而KI AD就沒這麼幸運了62F 03/05 21:41
nnbak85551: nico在達拉斯會不會出門要變裝啊?63F 03/05 21:42
amsfuslll: 湖人奪冠記得給Nico一個戒指64F 03/05 21:42
chen5575: 哇 那還不趕快頂薪續約啊65F 03/05 21:42
tailsean: 湖人愛你66F 03/05 21:42
JTFWAHQ: 77:?67F 03/05 21:42
MultiCam: ____ you, Nico.68F 03/05 21:42
vanassa: 匪夷所思 不可理喻 自己離開吧69F 03/05 21:43
chen5575: 不要出一張嘴嘿,開個合約啊70F 03/05 21:43
taikonkimo: 其實還真不用明年 今年就可以談延長合約ww71F 03/05 21:44
YellowTiger: 你怎麼不感到沮喪與憤怒了72F 03/05 21:44
keltt: 跌倒9次,站起來10次?多出來的那次是賣掉77嗎?73F 03/05 21:44
guesswho: 只推 KI 的堅強74F 03/05 21:44
taikonkimo: 不是靈魂?最頂開下去啊75F 03/05 21:45
CircusWorld: Luka 77:我就沒有嗎???76F 03/05 21:45
james1237741: 浪子大竟然發這種會被噓爆的文77F 03/05 21:46
CircusWorld: Nico現在講這些 感覺又在搞達拉斯球迷心態了78F 03/05 21:46
moom50302: 草包79F 03/05 21:46
alex8725: 這擺明就來搞心態的啊80F 03/05 21:47
Notif520: 77?81F 03/05 21:47
roader28: ok,賣了82F 03/05 21:47
eastsea1: 我的小牛已死83F 03/05 21:47
nt880245: 下賽季總冠軍84F 03/05 21:47
RandyOrlando: 這種樣子就是接下來要傷沒好情勒上場了85F 03/05 21:48
mike40709: 垃圾閉嘴86F 03/05 21:49
iamnotme: 幹 我記得原本還有另一個核心87F 03/05 21:49
Torpedo9527: 你不配講這種話88F 03/05 21:51
f77928: 翻譯:不續約89F 03/05 21:53
dennis331533: 靈你老母90F 03/05 21:53
azukinana: 垃圾總管跟老闆快滾91F 03/05 21:53
amigo0929: 然後就交易出去了92F 03/05 21:53
likeyouuu: 原來是靈魂與核心 那趕快開出運鈔車應該沒問題吧?!93F 03/05 21:54
AwokeN: 你不值得擁有KI94F 03/05 21:54
geoemia: Nico快去給狗幹 不要廢話那麼多95F 03/05 21:55
darkyoyo: 這拉雞沒資格叫老大名字96F 03/05 21:55
evangelew: 連德佬都不被尊重97F 03/05 21:56
wwf1588: KI總算熬到當大哥了 不是老298F 03/05 21:56
ohiyo104: 噁不噁心啊99F 03/05 21:56
angus619: 你不要講那麼多 之前是不是也想賣他316F 03/06 08:54
seiya1201: 全世界都罵賣隊魂 只好自己辯解 隊魂是KI不是77317F 03/06 09:01
TokyoKind: 才不是318F 03/06 09:16
StNeverRush: 77:哈 真謝嘍老兄320F 03/06 09:27

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