看板 NBA
作者 willy911006 (小溫)
標題 [花邊] Lindy Waters是第四位活塞本土原住民球員
時間 Fri Feb 14 21:33:26 2025


Last night, Lindy Waters became the 4th Native American to play for the
Detroit Pistons…

But in an eerie coincidence, the prior 3 ALL suffered tragic water-related
deaths in their 30s

前天對公牛的比賽,Lindy Waters上場了,他是美國本土的原住民後裔(切羅基血統),


The first was Phil Jordon, who was of Wailaki and Nomlaki descent.

He was a 6’10” center for the Pistons (1957-1959) and is best known for NOT
playing - he missed the game in 1962 in which Wilt Chamberlain dropped an NBA
record 100 points.

Three years later, at 31 years old, he drowned in Puget Sound.

第一位:Phil Jordon,他是Wailaki and Nomlaki這兩個族群的後代。

他曾是活塞隊 (1957-1959 年) 的一名身高 6’10的中鋒,也在尼克效力過。他最出名的


Jordon was on a four-person raft when it broke apart. His body wasn’t
recovered until 20 days later.


Next is Sonny Dove, who was of Mashpee Wampanoah descent.

下一位:Sonny Dove,來自Mashpee Wampanoah這個族群

A college star at St. John’s, the Pistons drafted him 4th overall in 1967 -
one spot ahead of Walt Frazier and three ahead of Pat Riley.

St. John’s的明星球員。活塞用第四順位選中了他,就在Walt Frazier和Pat Riley之後

His pro career was disappointing, but his post-playing life took a darker turn


After hoops, Dove worked as a college basketball analyst and cab driver.


In 1983, while driving at night, he unknowingly drove onto an open drawbridge
in Brooklyn.


His cab plunged into the highly polluted Gowanus Canal. He was just 37 years


Then there’s Bison Dele, born Brian Williams and of Cherokee descent.

最後一位:Bison Dele,也是切羅基血統。

A talented big man, he won an NBA title with the Bulls in 1997 before signing
a $45M deal with the Pistons.


But after just two years, he shocked the world - walking away from the NBA at
age 30.


Dele didn’t just retire - he disappeared.


He traveled the world, bought a catamaran, and set sail in the South Pacific
in 2002 with his girlfriend, brother, and the boat’s captain.


But only one person from the group was seen again…


His brother, Miles Dabord, returned alone.

他的哥哥Miles Dabord,獨自一人被發現

Investigators found evidence that Dabord had likely killed everyone on board,
dumped their bodies into the ocean, and tried to cover it up.


Dele was presumed dead at 33. His brother later overdosed before facing trial.


Now, Lindy Waters III, of Kiowa and Cherokee descent, becomes the fourth.

He’s 27 years old. The others all passed in their 30s…

With a bright future ahead, I just hope that he avoids the water altogether
in his 30s

現在是Lindy Waters,他27歲,希望他保持健康,大好未來仍等著他。



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: willy911006 2025-02-14 21:33:26
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dhqOfQ_ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739540009.A.6BF.html
willy911006: @p板 我用花邊可以吧?1F 02/14 21:34
IIxIIIxV: 水哥你撐住啊!你名裡有水了,不要太常去水邊了2F 02/14 21:35
basil54321: 他光名字就有點不詳了
*祥3F 02/14 21:36
RandyOrlando: 美國原住民是跟水有什麼神話典故嗎5F 02/14 21:38
s111228s: Bison Dele這個蠻有印象的6F 02/14 21:39
SeanLi1013: 大家好我是Will
可以拍一部片了7F 02/14 21:44
brothers5023: 美國的呼嘎蝦嘎 跟黑人比起來 體能有差不多嗎9F 02/14 21:45
Wwc0130: 前面的人都跟水有關...10F 02/14 21:45
Qorqios: @@11F 02/14 21:45
jonestem: 第三個我也記得,詭異點很多的案子…12F 02/14 21:46
stpmouse: 好可怕的巧合…13F 02/14 21:46
eapcy: 反觀...14F 02/14 21:47
kurenaiz: 歡迎來到x調查15F 02/14 21:49
a87569650: 但是他命中帶水 搞不好已經化解掉劫數了16F 02/14 21:49
islandant: 也太毛了…17F 02/14 21:51
A00610lol: 不要去戲水18F 02/14 21:53
Miyanishi25: 搭好窩叉雞19F 02/14 21:54
Wardyal: ..20F 02/14 21:55
IIxIIIxV: 腦裡各種講故事的YouTuber的聲音,哈哈21F 02/14 21:56
yoshro: 哇!22F 02/14 21:57
IIxIIIxV: 哈囉大家好!我是小烏,歡迎來到腦洞烏托邦23F 02/14 21:57
lovesakuya: 原住民祖靈憎恨美國政府殖民者24F 02/14 21:59
tomoti: 這劇情可以串起來拍個切羅基原住民的詛咒了...25F 02/14 21:59
andyroro2: 這也太巧..26F 02/14 22:01
Satoman: 故事的主角健康外向,是學校的籃球健將27F 02/14 22:03
SeanLi1013: Dele看Highlight感覺不錯28F 02/14 22:03
vvvv0o0vvvv: 名中帶水可以擋煞嗎29F 02/14 22:06
a180310444a: 有加分嗎30F 02/14 22:11
s310213: ...31F 02/14 22:12
homechen1990: 這天是個星期日32F 02/14 22:15
jyekid: 台南人: 嗨 你水逆?!33F 02/14 22:16
Hiara: 這也太巧34F 02/14 22:18
collector75: 得分有乘1.35?35F 02/14 22:22
tanakakumako: 有趣36F 02/14 22:24
Sammy0820: 細思極恐37F 02/14 22:29
JWrld4L: 大家好我是Will38F 02/14 22:30
ecstasy: 第三個蠻強的,那時候叫Brian Williams,在公牛隊突然打出名堂40F 02/14 22:31
gandalflee: 蛤?42F 02/14 22:33
Artist: 大家好 我是Will,今天要介紹的主人公來自底特律的小鎮43F 02/14 22:34
alex0973: Waters的個性陽光開朗 人緣很好(靠杯他死定了)45F 02/14 22:35
a12349743: 這是什麼可怕的詛咒.....46F 02/14 22:36
EMANON231: 毛毛的47F 02/14 22:39
SCLPAL: 最後那個哭阿QQ48F 02/14 22:39
HanKWanG1994: 希望他只有名字跟水油
有關係49F 02/14 22:40
LoMing1021: 答應我阿水 除了洗澡 別離水太近 或者別離姓水的人太近(?51F 02/14 22:40
ooplus: dele是原住民喔?長知識感謝53F 02/14 22:41
abbei: 尊督假督 @@54F 02/14 22:42
b54102: Bison Dele 公牛王朝超有印象55F 02/14 22:48
JakobPoeltl: ? 這名字不吉利誒56F 02/14 22:49
genest666: 水哥 撐住!57F 02/14 22:49
cyesgin: Hell no58F 02/14 22:51
cowbaya: 不錯的花邊59F 02/14 22:51
JoelEmbiid21: 吃了惡魔果實被大海詛咒了60F 02/14 22:53
f92174: 就很玄61F 02/14 22:53
cm223600: 這巧合發生機率比d77被交易還低很多。。。。。62F 02/14 22:58
Weasley40: 真假63F 02/14 22:59
Ayanami5566: 名字也有水  怕...65F 02/14 23:02
YellowTiger: 不用擔心 他名字裡有水 化解了66F 02/14 23:06
dick929: 應該有高人指點,取名阿水67F 02/14 23:08
RamenOwl: 命裡有水68F 02/14 23:08
cm223600: 這ai還沒算名字叫waters的機率69F 02/14 23:11
Whitetext: 原民新聞推推推70F 02/14 23:16
aegisWIsL: 所以名字取水哥是用心良苦71F 02/14 23:29
NightElf: 臨敵水72F 02/14 23:31
SCLPAL: 有水當思無水之苦73F 02/14 23:38
hlsu3a82k7: 名字有水就抵掉了74F 02/14 23:44
aegis80728: 怕75F 02/14 23:45
qoo60606: 前三個好毛76F 02/14 23:46
z23061542: 命理缺水 現在有了沒事77F 02/15 00:15
ROCArmy623: 大家好,我是Will, 歡迎來到X調查78F 02/15 00:28
wwe619: 姓Waters也是狠人79F 02/15 00:32
scottbaken: 這到底什麼電影劇情80F 02/15 00:35
Kazmier: 大家好我是Will81F 02/15 00:40
caLvinyzc: 好好笑 給推 名字帶水必破魔咒82F 02/15 01:01
LancelotLan: 是哦五歐歐。歐。~。歐、噢噢噢噢噢安安〔83F 02/15 01:03
shawncarter: 這個故事蠻好看的84F 02/15 01:13
alex0973: 行運茶餐廳阿水:我選那邊那個矮子85F 02/15 01:15
tomlee1130: 這可以轉Marvel了吧怕爆86F 02/15 01:20
belili: 好可怕87F 02/15 01:28
AStigma: 這個部族是繼承了很多油田嗎88F 02/15 02:27
max011060: 也太離奇了89F 02/15 05:21
crusoe: 水哥你要好好保重90F 02/15 06:20
pttnowash: 我白人朋友最近去美國原住民部落 也是當司機
該部落以盛產石油文明 原住民變有錢~白人也幫打工我白人朋友最近也勾搭上了有錢原住民妹子
兩個人有機會結婚 這樣我白人朋友也可變有錢
不過它們部落原住民不長壽就是 常出意外91F 02/15 07:46
jaff8071: 怎麼樓上很像花月殺手的劇情96F 02/15 09:57
Steins: 91樓李奧納多皮卡丘97F 02/15 09:59
wade0408: 好扯98F 02/15 12:16
r781207: 水哥記得離水遠一點99F 02/15 13:36
david8840505: 好酷的故事==100F 02/15 13:54

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