作者 SeanLi1013 (TrunksHOPE)標題 [情報] 籃網Sharpe和Williams對於Luka交易的想法時間 Tue Feb 4 03:28:48 2025
Day'Ron Sharpe said the Nets were on the plane when the Luka Doncic trade brok
e and that they thought it was fake:
"We thought Shams got hacked or it was a fake account... I ain't gonna lie, Ma
vs fans should be mad... If I was a Mavs fan, I would be mad that they traded
Ziaire Williams said he lost a bet with his Nets teammates that the Luka trade
was fake:
"I lost a bet with a couple of guys. I owe about $300... Shoot, Luka, I though
t they were already building his statue [in Dallas]. Hey man, that's the NBA f
or you. Nobody's safe."
Day'Ron Sharpe 說當Luka的交易消息傳出時,籃網隊正好在飛機上,他們一開始以為是
「我們以為 Shams 的帳號被駭了,或者那是個假帳號……老實說,小牛球迷應該會生氣
Ziaire Williams 說他因為Luka交易的消息是假的而和籃網隊友打賭,結果輸了
「我跟幾個隊友打賭,結果輸了。我欠了大約 300 美元……天啊,Luka,我還以為他們
已經在達拉斯為他建雕像了。兄弟,這就是 NBA,沒有人是安全的。」
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: SeanLi1013 2025-02-04 03:28:48
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1deHZpBi (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738610931.A.2EC.html
→ A00610lol: 本來覺得立雕像要變成理所當然的事情了 誰知道商人3F 02/04 03:30
推 tolove0721: 認真說。如果不用出道首輪的話。真的想拿夏普XD4F 02/04 03:30
→ yamatai: Ziaire Williams湖人應該沒興趣練吧7F 02/04 03:31
推 tolove0721: ZW應該安全。夏普不好說…..如果不想動輪替的話。他的薪資是最好拿的9F 02/04 03:34
→ pig721: 才300?這事前賭30000都可以吧,誰會覺得輸11F 02/04 03:55
推 truevill: 如果交易雕像可以奪冠或賺錢,我相信NBA球隊的管理階層也會把雕像交易出去的14F 02/04 10:51