作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)標題 [外絮] Bronny戰報:熱烈歡呼 球迷高喊MVP時間 Sat Feb 1 13:29:10 2025
Bronny James receives big ovations during Lakers' road win in Washington
Bronny James 在湖人客場戰勝華盛頓時獲得熱烈歡呼
The 20-year-old James plays the entire 4th quarter and scores 5 points, includin
g a 3-point play for the 2nd bucket of his NBA career.
20 歲的 James 在第四節打滿全場,得到 5 分,其中包括職業生涯第二次得分的 3 分打。
WASHINGTON (AP) — Even on the road, Bronny James was quite a crowd favorite.
華盛頓(美聯社)——即使是在客場,Bronny James 依然是球迷的最愛。
Fans in Washington chanted for LeBron James’ son early and often, and with the
Los Angeles Lakers way ahead of the Wizards on Thursday night, the younger James
played the entire fourth quarter of his team’s 134-96 victory.
華盛頓的球迷從比賽早期就開始頻頻高喊 LeBron James 兒子的名字,而在週四晚上洛杉磯
湖人隊大幅領先華盛頓巫師隊的情況下,這位年輕的 James 在球隊 134-96 的勝利中打滿
Bronny James scored a career-high five points. He shot only 1-for-6 from the fie
ld, but he made a driving layup while being fouled and converted the free throw
for a three-point play.
Bronny James 拿下職業生涯新高的 5 分。他全場投籃 6 投 1 中,但曾在一次突破上籃時
造成犯規,並成功罰進加罰,完成一次 3 分打。
“He did a lot of really good things tonight. I thought he made a couple really
nice passes,” Lakers coach JJ Redick said. “Defensively he was great. It’s bu
ilding blocks for every young player, and I think tonight was a good, positive b
uilding block for him.”
「他今晚做了很多很棒的事情,我覺得他送出了幾次非常漂亮的傳球。」湖人隊總教練 JJ
Redick 說道。「防守端表現也很出色。對於每個年輕球員來說,這都是成長的基石,而我
James’ night also included an air ball from 3-point range, two rebounds, two as
sists and two fouls. He came up with a steal and made a nice long pass to Dalton
Knecht for a dunk. Shortly after his lone field goal, James drove to the basket
again and lobbed an alley-oop to Christian Koloko for a dunk.
James 今晚的數據還包括一次三分球air ball、兩個籃板、兩次助攻和兩次犯規。他也完成
一次抄截,並送出一記漂亮的長傳,助攻 Dalton Knecht 扣籃得分。在他唯一一次進球後
不久,他再次切入禁區,並為 Christian Koloko 送出空中接力助攻,完成灌籃。
James closed out the scoring with a pair of free throws in the final seconds —
and received an “MVP! MVP!” chant from the crowd.
James 在比賽最後幾秒鐘靠兩記罰球為湖人隊完成最後得分,而球迷們則高喊「MVP!MVP!
“He’s had eyeballs on him his whole life. He’s used to it,” Redick said. “I
remember not playing a lot my rookie year and second year. The Orlando fans wou
ld sometimes chant that in a blowout in the fourth quarter — ‘We want JJ’ —
and it’s a weird feeling. There’s that audible sort of anticipation every time
you shoot the ball. It’s a lot.
「他一生都處於聚光燈下,他已經習慣了。」Redick 說道。「我記得自己新秀年和第二年
時上場時間不多。有時候奧蘭多的球迷在第四節的大勝中也會高喊『我們要 JJ』,這種感
“He has handled everything with dignity, grace, class, all that stuff. He’ll c
ontinue to grow.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-02-01 13:29:10
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ddR4hN7 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738387755.A.5C7.html
→ MK47: mvp!mvp!mvp!7F 02/01 13:30
噓 simon0529: 這都昨天了,朗文大師不要發重複的文好不好9F 02/01 13:30
推 no321: [BOX ] Suns 130:105 Warriors12F 02/01 13:30
→ tolove0721: 這個昨天不是有新聞了嗎。 有沒有新的。 不然拿舊的你都可以拿幾個月前的了13F 02/01 13:30
推 jacksun: 覺得有點可憐...16F 02/01 13:31
噓 EMSOK: 好可憐19F 02/01 13:31
→ vltw5v: 又是朗文大師20F 02/01 13:31
→ Sessyoin: 舊聞無所謂啊 這種文又沒人跟他搶 當然壓著舊聞才能24F 02/01 13:31
→ Sessyoin: 保證一天一篇 XDDDDD26F 02/01 13:32
→ kaka2001: 20歲新秀聲量不輸斑馬 聯盟兩大新星對抗時代要開啟28F 02/01 13:33
→ tolove0721: 不然把別人新聞稿發過的壓著過幾天再發就不算嗎31F 02/01 13:33
→ Puye: 絕妙的時間點32F 02/01 13:33
推 ZIDENS: 勇士輸=轉移 湖人贏=轉移37F 02/01 13:34
→ ZIDENS: 例外的時候=我沒看到不算
扣掉例外 絕無例外41F 02/01 13:35
→ HiSop: 笑死 咖哩軟手帶隊輸球 垃圾時間就找好朗文馬上發~~45F 02/01 13:37
推 emptie: 看標題知發問id系列51F 02/01 13:42
噓 Notif520: 朗文大師每日任務(1/1)52F 02/01 13:44
→ aaagun: 接下來就是要入選明星賽了吧53F 02/01 13:46
→ Weasley40: 好好笑
77穿著姆斯球衣打這篇文 還要被酸成勇迷
不過鄉民真的很好控制56F 02/01 13:48
噓 mp3w69: 朗文大師到底是要臭幫你煎還是勇士 有點搞不懂了XD61F 02/01 13:51
推 johnney: 麻煩吹半個月,謝謝63F 02/01 13:56
推 hazeimpact: LBJ真該頒個榮譽獎,沒看過鐵成這樣的,姆斯屁股有幾根毛一定都被數過了66F 02/01 13:59
噓 friends29: 要發遮羞布也強一點 發舊聞也太好笑了 勇素質真差68F 02/01 13:59
推 Dcwei: 相信他繼續努力下去 可以達到他老爸1%的成就74F 02/01 14:04
噓 bkai: 洗爽沒75F 02/01 14:05
噓 spi0303: 做人不需要這麼可悲78F 02/01 14:10
噓 LBJ9527: 來了 勇士輸球SOP80F 02/01 14:12
推 furjai: 朗文每日1/183F 02/01 14:16
→ fonder: 昨天的,真的恐怖情人瘋狂追殺87F 02/01 14:20
噓 no321: 這咖還有人能護航 也是很奇特89F 02/01 14:28
噓 sxzc: 唉101F 02/01 15:32
噓 s9414h: 可憐 輸球又再那邊搞笑了106F 02/01 16:06
噓 hot413: 看一次噓一次108F 02/01 16:30
推 swww: 5分就mvp,超帥109F 02/01 16:35
噓 ReDive: 有夠LAG115F 02/01 16:51
推 SKTDoinb: 為什麼會有朗尼酸那麼惡臭的群體啊 硬要在布朗尼下的文噓文117F 02/01 17:06
噓 XUPJPVUP: 可悲啊,勇士輸球也發,湖人贏球也發,生活就這樣122F 02/01 17:40
推 nuturewind: 5分MVP,太神啦xdddd,只差沒喊酸宗痛酸宗痛惹xd123F 02/01 17:41
噓 Klokov: 一直洗文128F 02/01 18:46
噓 siwojune: 網路撥接?你那邊下太陽今天贏20分還來得及129F 02/01 18:46
噓 pokeo: 欠噓134F 02/01 20:21
噓 R2der: 噓朗文大師135F 02/01 20:27
噓 sc79129: 造謠7每日轉移(1/1)138F 02/01 21:08
噓 fonder: 補一下好了140F 02/01 21:29