看板 NBA作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)標題 [外絮] NBA曾試圖考慮藉由Bronny拉抬收視率時間 Fri Jan 31 11:00:27 2025
The NBA Floated the Idea of Getting America All Geared Up for All Star Game Week
end by Adding ... Bronny James
作者:Jerry Thornton
Everyone's got an explanation as to why NBA TV ratings are down. From too much r
eliance on 27-foot jump shots to over-officiating to way too many cartoon charac
每個人對於 NBA的 電視收視率下降都有自己的解釋,從過度依賴 27 英尺外的跳投、裁判
Adam Silver seems to think it might be those pesky, unnecessary 8 minutes a game
that pro basketball has always had, somehow killing the vibe now:
Adam Silver 似乎認為,罪魁禍首可能是那多餘的 8 分鐘比賽時間——職業籃球一直以來
#1dcg7fPz (NBA)
But whether it's the quality of the product or the Commissioner is right that we
're all too ADHD to sit through a regulation basketball game, what's not in disp
ute is that viewership is in a freefall Tom Petty (RIP) could've sung about:
不管問題出在比賽品質,還是 Silver 認為我們這代人都 ADHD 到無法坐下來完整看完一場
比賽,無庸置疑的是,NBA 的收視率正呈現自由落體式下滑,Tom Petty(RIP)恐怕都能寫
Sports Media Watch - Thursday’s Celtics-Lakers NBA regular season game averaged
1.2 million viewers across TNT and truTV, down 13% from Warriors-Kings last yea
r (1.39M) … Heat-Bucks, which began an hour later than scheduled, averaged 1.05
million — down 24% from Celtics-Heat a year ago (1.39M). …
Sports Media Watch——上週四 TNT 和 truTV 轉播的 Celtics vs. Lakers 例行賽平均收
視 120 萬人,比去年 Warriors vs. Kings 的 139 萬下降 13%……比賽因延遲一小時開打
的 Heat vs. Bucks 平均收視 105 萬,比去年 Celtics vs. Heat 的 139 萬下降 24%……
Rounding out the recent slate, ESPN averaged 1.17 million for Timberwolves-Maver
icks and 1.09 million for Warriors-Kings Wednesday, down 30% and up 80% respecti
vely from last year’s overlapping games on ABC.
ESPN 週三轉播的 Timberwolves vs. Mavericks 平均收視 117 萬,Warriors vs. Kings
則為 109 萬,分別較去年 ABC 轉播的同期比賽下降 30% 和上升 80%。
So like when Delta House was at it's lowest point, Silver's league decided this
calls for a stupid and futile gesture be done on someone's part. And they were j
ust the guys to do it:
A Bronny vs. LeBron 3-point shootout? Sounds like almost anything is on the t
able as the NBA looks to revamp its All-Star Game format.
所以,這就像 Delta House 遇到最低潮的情況一樣,Silver 領導的聯盟決定——這種時候
Bronny vs. LeBron 三分球競賽?
Source (paywall) - “The league has thought all of it through as it brings its A
ll-Star Game off life support, even the remote possibility that Bronny James —
as part of the G League team during the Rising Stars Challenge — could end up f
acing his father in a Sunday night semifinal."
消息來源 ——「聯盟在努力搶救全明星賽時,已經把各種可能性都考慮進去了,甚至包含
讓 Bronny James 以 G League 球員身份參加新秀挑戰賽,然後在週日晚上對上他的老爸。
President of League Operations Byron Spruell added that not only could this happ
en, some think it would actually help matters. “It’s a scenario that we coul
d have. Remember last year, G League won in the first round of Rising Stars.”
NBA 賽務總裁 Byron Spruell 進一步表示,不僅有這種可能性,有些人還認為這對收視率
有幫助:「這確實可能發生。記得去年 G League 球隊可是贏了新秀挑戰賽首輪比賽。」
That of course would be this Bronny James:
沒錯,我們說的就是那個 Bronny James:
The Bronny that has Stephen A. Smith coming from a place of love and respect as
he implores, pleads with, begs his father to put an end to his humiliation:
那個讓 Stephen A. Smith 用「愛與尊重」的口吻,苦口婆心地懇求、哀求、乞求他老爸終
止這場羞辱的 Bronny。
The Bronny who's 0-fer from behind the 3-point arc and who would increase his FG
% if he goes 1-for-his next 15. That Bronny James is the guy who'd put eyeballs
on screens across the nation. Because we're all so fixated on the G League, pres
umably. And because it's so rare that Americans get to watch … a guy shooting h
oops with his dad? I guess?
那個三分球投出 0 中,必須「接下來 15 投 1 中」才能提高命中率的 Bronny。這個 Bron
ny James,真的能讓全美觀眾盯著電視看?因為大家對 G League 如此癡迷?因為美國人很
Hey, I'd try and watch. That is, I might tune in if I'm sober enough on a Sund
ay night to remember the All Star Game is happening and there's literally nothin
g better on. Which are never the case. But still. I'd undoubtedly find some ente
rtainment value from the thousands of videos on X the next day. It's not often y
ou get to bear witness to the freakshow that would be an unlikable, narcissistic
egomaniac shame and embarrass his child on national TV, just for his own gratif
ication. That would be worth three minutes out of everybody's life.
任何更有趣的節目。這兩點通常不會發生。但沒關係,隔天我肯定會刷爆 X(前 Twitter)
To be clear, this is not about Bronny. Yes, he's a Nepo Baby. Plain and simple.
It would be the height of ridiculousness to pretend he's where he is on merit. B
ut that happens. It's life. When your parent is a star, you get a leg up. When y
our dad can hire and fire coaches and assemble his roster of teammates, you (jus
t to tweak the old baseball metaphor about being born on 3rd base) get to start
life at the free throw line and act like you drove the length of the court. It's
not anyone's fault. If I didn't like it, I should've been born to a future Hall
of Famer instead of a guy who worked for the phone company. No one promised it
would be fair.
先說清楚,這不是針對 Bronny。他確實是個「星二代」,這點毫無疑問。假裝他是憑實力
So it's OK to be a Nepo. Just be a good one. Ken Griffey, Jr. Barry Bonds. A Man
ning brother or a Manning grandson. Actor Bing Russell got shot hundreds of time
s in Westerns, bought a minor league baseball team, and fathered a boy who grew
up to be Kurt Russell. Hell, half the owners of sports franchises inherited thei
r teams from their fathers. There's no shame in it.
所以,當「星二代」沒關係,但至少要當個「好」的星二代。Ken Griffey Jr.、Barry Bon
ds,一個 Manning 兄弟或是 Manning 家族的下一代。演員 Bing Russell 在無數西部片裡
被射死無數次,後來買下了一支小聯盟棒球隊,然後他的兒子成了 Kurt Russell。甚至體
But there is shame in being promoted to a job you're objectively terrible at. Wh
ich is ironically why the idea of trotting out the two Jameses - should it happe
n - actually would make All Star Weekend more worth watching. Just not for the r
eason Adam Silver might think.
這對 James 父子登場,還真可能讓比賽變得更值得一看——只是不是 Adam Silver 所想的
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-01-31 11:00:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dd3pDhe (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738292429.A.AE8.html
→ hcl00: 朗文大師 姍姍來遲14F 01/31 11:03
噓 ko373328: NBA就是喜歡瞎捧 然後操控比賽 變難看的15F 01/31 11:04
噓 m5092626: 捧一個靠爸仔 難怪愈來愈難看18F 01/31 11:04
→ Dong02: 每次推文都能配合打出combo,看了真有趣20F 01/31 11:05
推 laowoik: 什麼造謠?我錯過了什麼22F 01/31 11:05
→ Leo4891: 吉祥物的作用 只在於球場上26F 01/31 11:07
→ Brucetk: 有下滑?Ptt都說是球迷改用手機看ㄟ28F 01/31 11:09
推 flyintmtc: NBA強者如雲,觀眾已經疲乏了,看父子搞笑像日本搞笑藝人,也是不錯的嘗試31F 01/31 11:12
→ MK47: 老實說 今年看了湖人對巫師打球 我覺得這是真的34F 01/31 11:14
→ MK47: 巫師那一票奇怪的球員 正常人哪會去看他們打球36F 01/31 11:14
推 JRSmith: 哪有下滑 NBA迷家裡都沒電視用線上看37F 01/31 11:14
推 flyintmtc: 我寧願看SGA得50分,看阿肥30分大三元40F 01/31 11:21
噓 XUPJPVUP: 湖人贏球,垃圾新聞加酸民就出來了,可憐啊41F 01/31 11:22
推 ihx00: 哪裡激烈,中肯到不行,是多不敢聽真話?44F 01/31 11:23
→ qscxz: 沒實力又不帥也沒個人魅力 是要捧啥啦46F 01/31 11:24
推 vbotan: cartoon character怎麼翻比較對?47F 01/31 11:24
推 new2488: 從瞎捧一個自以爲姜的就沒人愛看了49F 01/31 11:25
推 qpeter: NBA門面是也...51F 01/31 11:26
→ AbdulJabbar: SGA跟阿肥的比賽有難看到要用寧願這個字眼嗎0.054F 01/31 11:27
推 malain: 太長了是誰要看啦!56F 01/31 11:27
推 lia910229: 想學MLB把比賽時間縮短,先把裁判管好比較重要58F 01/31 11:28
推 oOill: 是不是看我大山羌姆斯沒有!?59F 01/31 11:29
推 cama: MVP! MVP! 有流量有$$$60F 01/31 11:30
推 op520: 救世主67F 01/31 11:39
推 hybridpi: 咦咦咦 大家不是都說viewership 沒有問題嗎69F 01/31 11:41
噓 pokeo: ^.^71F 01/31 11:41
推 baggio717: 姆酸定調布朗尼現在打球都是姆斯命令的了。73F 01/31 11:44
噓 rbki3: 爛74F 01/31 11:45
噓 allenchu: 過年期間還要看跳樑仔在哭 可憐76F 01/31 11:47
推 BepHbin: 我覺得這次算是中肯啦78F 01/31 11:51
推 ceremonial: 都沒人想到切入 都假切一下分球投三分 無聊死81F 01/31 11:53
→ tco: 那甜點出來,NBA會更慘吧?
姆斯收視率已經不高了,硬把小孩拉出來救援嗎?83F 01/31 11:58
→ tatata: 就人氣球隊實力太差 收視率都靠這些巨星球隊87F 01/31 12:02
推 krajicek: NFL比賽時間更長,人家就沒有收視率下滑的問題啊90F 01/31 12:03
噓 s9414h: 朗問大師又來了91F 01/31 12:05
推 yiersan: 聯盟淪落到需要派雜魚出來 可憐那
只為了這支雜魚有流量100F 01/31 12:19
→ freezeraven: 之前投入太多資源在硬捧兩隻黃色球衣的球隊,等到這兩隊走下坡又不肯轉投資一起沉淪啊102F 01/31 12:21
推 dou0228: 這樣也可以釣到魚??105F 01/31 12:24
推 miarika123: 為啥一堆人酸朗文大師造謠 他不就翻譯外電嗎106F 01/31 12:29
噓 sxzc: 不喜歡也不討厭布朗尼 但一直洗呵呵108F 01/31 12:31
→ j3699939: 不用打明星賽現在很有時間發文112F 01/31 12:37
推 Ikaruwill: 沒看完內文但如果真的是如此的話那腦袋搞不清楚狀況的管理階層搞出來的東西怎麼可能會好看118F 01/31 13:04
噓 fonder: 蒼蠅剩這裡可以取暖了,笑死120F 01/31 13:04
推 Basket0205: 這算捧殺吧 對布朗尼長久發展不是好事 LeB不會答應121F 01/31 13:07
→ spitwater15: 難怪給布朗尼那種慈善圓夢約,有湖一律不看,要拯救收視率看今天的火箭灰熊多精彩122F 01/31 13:14
推 reaman: 不如讓姆斯表演老揹少娛樂一下124F 01/31 13:15
噓 bkai: 洗125F 01/31 13:15
→ reaman: 啊,現在已經是了126F 01/31 13:15
推 rbull: 就把他當馬戲團猴子在賣票啊127F 01/31 13:19
推 s24066774: 湖人又不給他上,他上20分鐘我一定每場看129F 01/31 13:23
→ s24066774: 前天打巫師超好看,這這季沒笑的這麼開心過131F 01/31 13:24
推 TAZUSA: 湖人未來看板球星找到了,該丟籤找個球星來輔佐了吧134F 01/31 13:31
→ josephpu: 阿銀傻了才會認真思考這種事 哈135F 01/31 13:47
推 teremy: 太子看起來是撐不起來136F 01/31 13:47
噓 Hideinshadow: 最難看的就是可悲父子籃球 聯盟還要給他們特別安排一個明星賽橋段? NBA收視會掉真的不意外 不專注在比賽本身 整天搞這些花邊抓馬 有夠可憐138F 01/31 14:02
推 yaody: 電視笑話冠軍141F 01/31 14:16
噓 slohave: 呃..這對搞笑父子連當綜藝節目看都不好看了,要怎麼提高收視143F 01/31 14:37
→ Brucetk: 網路笑一笑 聯盟還以為大家真的想看145F 01/31 14:47
推 skyj865: 結論是甚麼? 扶不起的阿斗嗎XD148F 01/31 16:14
推 to1322: 父子綜藝當成年度大戲152F 01/31 18:02
推 serval623: 你們哨音亂吹的時間就至少40分鐘了 關那個8分鐘屁154F 01/31 18:54
→ KC90: 畢竟是美國詹家156F 01/31 19:13
→ Hohenzollern: NBA可以考慮像其它運動 把球員Q版3D化 讓免費仔觀看比賽過程157F 01/31 19:31
推 rbull: 哨音不改乾淨一點 整天摸毛哨當然很拖台錢161F 01/31 19:44
噓 gtvbsg: 整個NBA弄的超難看,快退休162F 01/31 19:53
推 sustto: 可撥 沒救惹
一直三分切傳要犯 那看C.C屌虐wnba不是更爽163F 01/31 20:25
推 AStigma: 好狠XDD
建議改規定「現役球員可以入名人堂」,那父子同堂就名正言順了167F 01/31 22:33