看板 NBA作者 kakala99 (Fernando Torres #9)標題 [花邊] Green:希望Nurkic能得到他需要的幫助時間 Mon Jan 13 14:24:51 2025
The beef between Draymond Green and Jusuf Nurkic likely will run its course
until the end of time.
Or at least until they both stop doing things that get them into trouble with
the NBA.
Until that happens, they'll continue to chirp at and mock each other, just as
Green did after Nurkic was slapped with a three-game suspension for a recent
altercation with Naji Marshall during the Phoenix Suns vs. Dallas Mavericks
Draymond Green和Jusuf Nurkic之間的「恩怨」可能會持續到天荒地老。至少在他們停止
相嘲諷和調侃,就像Green在Nurkic因為與Naji Marshall在太陽隊對陣獨行俠隊的比賽中
"I did not quite understand, he just out of nowhere picked an argument and
then swung," Green said on the latest "The Draymond Green Show with Baron
Davis" episode. "But I hope that brother got the help he needs.
"Man, it was just out of nowhere like something's wrong in life to just go
back and swing like that. But then to get pushed on the ground, grabbing his
face, I was really shocked."
“I hope that brother got the help he needs” @money23green’s reaction to
seeing Nurkic starting a fight with Naji Marshall.
Green在最新一期《The Draymond Green Show with Baron Davis》中表示。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kakala99 2025-01-13 14:24:51
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dXB6sRG (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1736749494.A.6D0.html
推 xManager: 這就Nurkic之前對嘴綠講的吧 魔法反彈了3F 01/13 14:27
→ dragon803: 這個就Nurkic對嘴綠講過的話 嘴綠這次拿來說4F 01/13 14:28
推 Nightking: Nurkic在嘴綠踩小沙的時候還支持嘴綠勒5F 01/13 14:29
→ Kai877: 迴力鏢
Nurkic現在的處境比髒綠慘很多9F 01/13 14:31
推 uplands: 努機去勇士吧 嘴綠好夥伴11F 01/13 14:32
噓 Dirk3: 綠師父心眼好小 記好久12F 01/13 14:34
→ Nightking: Nurkic是不是很常被迴力鏢打到啊13F 01/13 14:34
推 MrTen: 嘴綠,你竟敢用我的咒語來對付我?16F 01/13 14:40
→ bm1041644: 了德軟+魯尼<->弩機 幫勇士想好了18F 01/13 14:48
→ xo1100: 只能一換一啦19F 01/13 14:50
推 LeGGoRay: 笑死,綠師傅你是不是在自介啊
"老哥,這真的太突然了,感覺生活出了點問題才會突然間揮拳,我真是太震驚了。" 這完全就是綠師傅自22F 01/13 14:52
噓 lavida: 看到這爛咖一定要噓阿25F 01/13 14:53
推 ck3935: 老哥 管好你自己吧31F 01/13 15:08
→ benen: 無聊...33F 01/13 15:18
→ kevenchia: 果然坐實事實的師徒制會急著抓交替真是社會運行法則34F 01/13 15:37
推 ElderShock: 這二人不看球技會這樣互嘴根本上就同一類型, 戰績都一樣慘在互相傷害35F 01/13 15:39
推 kahn298: 這回合嘴綠沒問題 努雞明明也小動作超多 偏偏還要裝的比嘴綠高尚很多38F 01/13 15:43
→ druu: 看嘴綠說的內容 真的不是在介紹自己嗎...?40F 01/13 15:53
推 qkla: 兩個都要改,沒什麼好互嘲的42F 01/13 15:59
噓 Aether13: 你們一起去上團課好了 順便帶上腿詹 史都華45F 01/13 16:19
推 syk1104: 本版不歡迎自介,你們倆都一樣46F 01/13 16:52
推 asdfzx: 兩個一起離開NBA比較有機會48F 01/13 17:18
噓 topyaeh: 勇士到底為什麼可以容忍嘴綠51F 01/13 17:43
推 keysoon: 半斤八兩好嗎 一樣都是打拳不是打球的55F 01/13 18:28
推 XAMAS: 嘴綠是慣犯 在幾次聯盟一定叫他退出比賽56F 01/13 19:24
→ deanisme: Nurkic這隻的生涯最大記憶點就是被詹皇暴力顏扣57F 01/13 19:28