看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [情報] 替湖人打球? DDR:不可能拒絕家鄉球隊時間 Thu May 16 15:03:16 2024
來源:Yahoo Sports
The Los Angeles Lakers, in the minds of many, need a significant upgrade in
talent if they are to contend for the NBA championship anytime soon. A few
names have been thrown around as far as potential offseason targets for them,
including the Atlanta Hawks’ Trae Young and Cleveland Cavaliers star guard
Donovan Mitchell.
One name that hasn’t come up as much is DeMar DeRozan. The Chicago Bulls
wing is about to become a free agent, and he has the type of scoring and
facilitating skills L.A. needs.
DeRozan, who is a native of the Southland, was asked if he would consider
signing with the Purple and Gold, and he didn’t rule it out
“When I was a kid — everybody know I’m a Kobe [Bryant] guy at the end of
the day,” DeRozan said. “Always been a Kobe guy, being a Laker fan since
day one. You can’t never say no about playing home, especially if you’re
playing for a historic team like the Lakers. So, time will tell. We’ll see
where the cards fall. Until then, I’ll see what happens.”
DDR 吹楊 米丘 選哪個?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: pneumo 2024-05-16 15:03:16
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cHQ-sYY (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715842998.A.8A2.html
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[情報] 替湖人打球? DDR:不可能拒絕家鄉球隊
05-16 15:03 pneumo
推 vgil: 湖人能給多少錢?9F 05/16 15:04
推 sw9294: DDR沒三分,難道要山羌站底角嘛12F 05/16 15:06
推 dwiee: 別阿 有憂鬱症的 怕你被搞到心理崩貴17F 05/16 15:08
推 dun0208: 他這季的三分出手已經接近三次了 雖然命中率普普18F 05/16 15:08
推 kobe9527: 劇本大概是去了湖人開始退化 然後領繩 看多了22F 05/16 15:08
→ Alan1597: 湖迷不要但Rambis不好說...23F 05/16 15:09
推 dun0208: 他單打能力很頂欸 你湖還敢不要24F 05/16 15:10
推 h1212123tw: DDR生涯轉捩點湖人 變好還變壞我就不好說了25F 05/16 15:11
推 IrvingKyrie: DDR都幾歲了 如果去湖人在那環境下突然退化也不意外28F 05/16 15:12
推 peterw: 我湖底薪合約已寄出,請簽字同意後回傳31F 05/16 15:13
→ danorken: 幾年前ddr也這樣講 跟你猜阿 差不多意思33F 05/16 15:13
推 laogiby: 我湖又多一個領繩大將36F 05/16 15:13
推 bakman: DDR抗壓力頂得住湖人的嗜血嗎 不看好41F 05/16 15:15
→ isequ: 不可能說不 但也沒說會答應阿 說話的藝術就是這麼44F 05/16 15:15
→ TheoEpstein: 選龜不選DDR那個後來證實是魔術強生不懂薪資規則了45F 05/16 15:15
→ isequ: 奇妙46F 05/16 15:15
→ taruru: DDR跟LBJ一隊的畫面太美,我不敢想像49F 05/16 15:18
推 n88713117: 應該可以爆發 當初的心魔 如今在身邊叫他領繩51F 05/16 15:18
推 crusoe: 我湖已經要重壓未來希望Bronny了喔52F 05/16 15:20
推 ppt12527: DDR需要一球在手吧,那不是跟龜龜很像?55F 05/16 15:22
推 MonDaNai: 你是底角射手嗎 還是你想當下個吸血鬼56F 05/16 15:23
推 rkune: 快去湖人吧 我要看甩鍋大場面58F 05/16 15:23
推 Gentile: 可以幫姆斯跟布朗尼領繩62F 05/16 15:25
噓 rs6000: 那誰要領底薪??63F 05/16 15:25
推 Y225: DDR要多少錢69F 05/16 15:27
→ moksonline: 西區快六成才能保季後賽 老人怎麼不去東區養生就好70F 05/16 15:27
推 MikeyWill: 這我知道 人前裝兄弟 背後用御用媒體狂臭72F 05/16 15:28
推 eelse: 湖人現在這麼摳73F 05/16 15:28
推 DBSS: 沒三分沒防守不就跟當時找龜龜來一樣?74F 05/16 15:30
推 PanaS0Nic: DDR跟詹組隊去心魔以後搞不好超強75F 05/16 15:30
→ DBSS: DDR好一點是得分比較穩定 但這樣要跟姆斯搶球權76F 05/16 15:30
推 kutkin: 把我的天賦帶回家鄉77F 05/16 15:30
→ zehow: DDR 願意領中產嗎?湖人最多也只能給中產而已80F 05/16 15:36
推 hungyui: 這季公牛球權給科比白比較多吧81F 05/16 15:36
噓 lowl99: 總比待在睡牛好一點,不過去唬人有戰犯請出來承擔82F 05/16 15:37
推 ILLwill: 每個五百萬,湖人打包走86F 05/16 15:41
推 sammy5062: DDR不能Cover防守,空檔三分沒進,很容易領繩喔87F 05/16 15:41
→ c871111116: 認真說不要 沒三分等等被皇上當戰犯 加上媒體攻擊怕你撐不太住 別跟自己過不去比較好89F 05/16 15:42
推 sammy5062: 打輸 頂多被笑而已,同隊領繩霸凌很可怕的91F 05/16 15:43
噓 Aether13: 最好不要 偶像是Kobe 的話跟腿詹這種抱腿怪東怪西的軟手咖只會瘋掉而已94F 05/16 15:44
噓 a1ibooda: 這隻來絕對強化 酸酸不用擔心投三分問題207F 05/16 20:37