作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
標題 [外絮] Kevin Ollie 將暫代籃網總教練一職
時間 Tue Feb 20 06:26:56 2024

原標題:Sources: Nets make Kevin Ollie interim coach, replacing Jacque Vaughn
        (消息人士:籃網讓 Kevin Ollie 暫代總教練一職,以頂替 Jacque Vaughn)

Sources - Nets promote Kevin Ollie to interim coach, replacing Jacque Vaughn - ESPN
After firing coach Jacque Vaughn, the Brooklyn Nets are promoting assistant Kevin Ollie to interim head coach, sources told ESPN. ...


作者:Adrian Wojnarowski


After firing coach Jacque Vaughn, the Brooklyn Nets are promoting assistant
Kevin Ollie to interim head coach, sources told ESPN.

消息人士告知 ESPN,在解雇原任總教練 Jacque Vaughn 之後,籃網將擢升原助教 Kevin
Ollie 以暫代總教練一職。

Ollie will run the Nets' practice on Tuesday and start his head-coaching
duties on Thursday against the Toronto Raptors, sources said. The Nets have
28 regular-season games left.

Ollie 將負責星期二開始的籃網隊內訓練,並在星期四對陣暴龍隊的比賽中開始展開執教

The Nets' hopes are that Ollie can re-energize a roster that has dropped into
the bottom 10 in offensive and defensive efficiency since mid-December. Ollie
-- who played 13 seasons in the NBA -- won a national championship as UConn's
coach in 2014 and joined the Nets as an assistant coach this season.

籃網希望藉著 Ollie,來重新激發打從十二月中旬以來,在攻防效率上都落入後段班的陣

In two-plus seasons as the Nets' coach, Vaughn was 71-68 in the regular
season and 0-8 in the playoffs. He replaced Steve Nash a season ago before
going 43-32 and getting swept in the first round of the Eastern Conference

在籃網擔任總教練超過一個賽季的期間, Vaughn 在例行賽的戰績是71勝68敗、季後賽則
是八戰全敗。他在 Steve Nash 拿下43勝32敗、季後賽東部首輪被橫掃後,取代了他的位

"To Joe Tsai, Clara Wu-Tsai, Ollie Weisberg, Sam Zussman, Sean Marks and
front office, Nets coaches, staff, players, BSE family and the entire
Brooklyn borough: It was a pleasure being your Head Coach," said Vaughn in a
statement issued to ESPN following his dismissal. "I hope each individual I
interacted with felt respected and valued. Just know I gave you everything I
had every single day. Onto the next chapter. Amor Fati."

Vaughn 在被免職後,於發給 ESPN 的一則聲明中說:

「致蔡崇信、吳明華、Ollie Weisberg、Sam Zussman、Sean Marks 等高層,教練團、工


Vaughn got his first chance to coach the Nets in March 2020 after Kenny
Atkinson was fired just before the season was suspended because of the
COVID-19 pandemic. He led the Nets to a 7-3 record and into the playoffs in
the restart "bubble" at Walt Disney World, but the Nets then opted to give
the head-coaching job to Nash, despite having no experience. Vaughn stayed on
as an assistant.

Vaughn 在2020年三月 Kenny Atkinson 於新冠疫情導致賽季停擺前被免職後,第一次獲
賽季季後賽,但此後籃網決定讓 Nash 在沒有經驗的情況下執起教鞭,Vaughn 則繼續擔

"This was an incredibly difficult decision, but one we feel is in the best
interest of the team going forward," said Nets general manager Sean Marks in
a statement. "Jacque has represented this organization with exemplary
character and class for the past eight years. The consistent positivity and
passion he poured into our team daily will remain with the players and staff
he interacted with throughout his tenure. We thank Jacque for all he has done
for the Nets and the borough of Brooklyn, and wish him, Laura and their
family nothing but the best in the future."

籃網隊總經理 Sean Marks 在另一份聲明中說:

  將留存於在他整個任期內,與其互動的球員和工作人員之中。我們感謝 Vaughn 為籃網
  和布魯克林社區所做的一切,並祝福他、Laura 和他們的家人未來一切順利。」

Vaughn is 129-226 as an NBA coach, having gone 58-158 in his first
opportunity with Orlando.

Vaughn 在擔任總教練時期,總計繳出129勝226敗的表現,其中在第一次為魔術執教期間

The Nets are rebuilding the roster around forward Mikal Bridges. They hold
significant salary cap space and draft capital to build around him this
summer and beyond.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 作者: laptic 2024-02-20 06:26:56
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bqzMpVD (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1708381619.A.7CD.html
JaysonTatum: 曾經在遊戲中數值最低的男人1F 02/20 06:31
AtDe: 籃網是大橋喔2F 02/20 06:32
※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 02/20/2024 06:33:31
cloki: 所以上篇推文說對了,問題是菜炒歪?3F 02/20 06:33
ilanese: 老河流搞不好適合籃網。  XD
叫阿金回來,我認為也可以,只是阿金願意回來嗎?本來阿金體系運作的好好的,籃網高層要玩成球星體系,最終把籃網弄成這幅模樣。4F 02/20 06:36
Lumia800: 弄成球星體系沒問題啊 重點是受傷跟球員太有個性吧8F 02/20 07:00
DPP48: 13年換了13件球衣,球員時代算是超級浪人了9F 02/20 07:19
ChrisPaul03: 他打了很久  至少是一個讓人記住名字的球員10F 02/20 07:47
jorden: 記得Ollie算是前前御前帶刀侍衛吧?11F 02/20 07:49
BignoZe: 阿金時代的籃網真的是個經典12F 02/20 07:56
heavensun: 為惹KD KI弄掉阿金  KD KI也跑了  我網甚麼都沒有13F 02/20 08:07
ohmyya: AI時期的隊友14F 02/20 08:08
REI3173: Ollie不是在YT上教微積分嗎15F 02/20 08:42
ken720331: 阿金是個好教練可惜了16F 02/20 09:02
axi: 為了球星搞掉有料的教練 然後球星拍拍屁股就走了 慘17F 02/20 11:12
JKjohnwick: Ollie算AI時期的球員吧?18F 02/20 11:57
iverson0218: AI的好朋友!19F 02/20 13:22

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