作者 XXXaBg (對的事情做一千次)
標題 [花邊] A-Rod正式收購灰狼
時間 Thu Mar 21 02:40:17 2024


Just in: Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez have submitted signed financial document
ation to NBA to complete acquisition of majority controlling ownership of the
Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx from Glen Taylor, multiple sources with direct
 knowledge told me and @JonKrawczynski.


Marc Lore和Alex Rodriguez已向NBA提交簽署的財務文件,以完成從Glen Taylor那裡收

Dyal Capital Partners has joined as a pre-approved investor in the Lore-Rodrig
uez group, giving them the final financial backing necessary to complete the t
ransaction, sources said. Lore and Rodriguez are ready to close the sale as so
on as NBA approves.

Dyal Capital Partners已加入Lore-Rodriguez小組作為事先批准的投資者,為他們提供

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: XXXaBg 2024-03-21 02:40:17
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b-osJpG (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1710960019.A.CD0.html
vin1005: 狼王終於有機會在這裡高掛球衣了嗎1F 03/21 02:44
GeeBen: IT去太陽了2F 03/21 02:45
xo45527788: 希望願意繳稅 下一季準備繳了3F 03/21 02:47
hermionex: KG球衣終於能退了4F 03/21 02:57
siegfriedlin: 那麼jlo呢?5F 03/21 03:45
jay228: Taylor還是有20%6F 03/21 06:02
LukaDoncic77: 他佔比多少啊7F 03/21 06:06
gaiaesque: kg211118F 03/21 07:45
Demia: A-ROID會引進幫他提升表現的醫生嗎?灰狼起飛?9F 03/21 08:18
Keane86: 要退KG21的球衣了嗎10F 03/21 08:45
jay228: Lore跟A-Rod各40%
A-Rod有答應球迷要退KG球衣11F 03/21 09:01
SCLPAL: 有機會當冠軍老闆13F 03/21 09:08
cobras638: A-Rod14F 03/21 20:29

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