作者 k1230588 (恆秋)
標題 Re: [新聞] 德國軟豆搞事氣走隊友 施洛德向克勒貝爾
時間 Mon Jul 24 14:18:23 2023


EuroBasket 2022: Kleber und Theis mit "großer Lust" - DBB
Die beiden deutschen NBA-Spieler Maximilian Kleber und Daniel Theis haben sich jüngst sehr positiv zu einem möglichen Einsatz bei der EuroBasket 2022  ...






EuroBasket 2022 Group B: Germany hope to gain home-court advantage in Cologne
German team to face tough group with likes of France, Slovenia, Lithuania - Anadolu Ajansı ...


Germany's manager Gordon Herbert suffered severe injuries before the event started.

Isaac Bonga, Maxi Kleber and Moe Wagner will not be part of the final roster due to their injuries.

Biggest stars that won't play in EuroBasket 2022 / News - Basketnews.com
EuroBasket 2022 is about to begin, and with the presence of global stars such as Giannis Antetokounmpo, Luka Doncic, and Nikola Jokic, media attention ...


The Dallas Mavericks forward is among the notable absences for Germany at EuroBasket. The player decided not to join his national team this summer to rest his body after a couple of seasons in which the injuries limited him on the court.

Reports: Maxi Kleber near three-year, $33 million extension with Mavericks - NBC Sports
In the playoffs last season, the Mavericks' best lineups had Maxi Kleber on the floor. ...


After a couple of seasons where injuries limited him on the court during the NBA season, Kleber chose not to play for his native Germany this summer in EuroBasket to rest his body.


Germany announce extended roster for EuroBasket 2022 / News - Basketnews.com
Dennis Schroder, Daniel Theis, and Wagner brothers highlight the German national team for the upcoming FIBA qualifiers window and EuroBasket 2022. The ...



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本)
※ 作者: k1230588 2023-07-24 14:18:23
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1alXUp2e (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1690179507.A.0A8.html
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Re: [新聞] 德國軟豆搞事氣走隊友 施洛德向克勒貝爾
07-24 14:18 k1230588
Lebrono: insurance 是什麼?1F 07/24 14:40
tim3045: 應該是打錯字吧?2F 07/24 14:41
b52618: 球員保險吧3F 07/24 14:49
k1230588: 不知道 我有查了一下insurance在這種狀況下要怎麼解釋 有人說是球員當下的身體狀況無法被納入保險 但可能要等更熟這類名詞的人解釋4F 07/24 14:54
gaucher: 球員保險 nba和fiba之間的協儀 要為打國際賽事的nba球員買保險 以補償他們因為打國際賽受傷的風險
大概是說這個吧 有的球員保險金開太高便打不成了7F 07/24 15:48
cylinptt: 是不是跟今年棒球一樣?我記得有幾個想打美國隊的因為沒辦法保保險,所以無法加入10F 07/24 17:01

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