作者 jimmy5680 (還想飛的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 川普稱普丁同意歐洲駐軍烏克蘭維和
時間 Tue Feb 25 04:50:36 2025










You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and
air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to
wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and
lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.
        ~ Winston Churchill, Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, 5/13/1940

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: jimmy5680 2025-02-25 04:50:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dlDkVlj (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1740430239.A.BED.html
Eriri: 往好的方面想 至少川普本人是這麼說的 如果普丁到時候不同意的話 會讓他本人沒面子 這樣川普應該會更有動力讓普丁同意這點1F 02/25 04:54
MaxYang2580: 這個人現在說的話可信度超低4F 02/25 06:47
nnkj: 普丁翻桌了5F 02/25 07:22
geesegeese: 會不會等等又要改口是錯誤訊息?普丁會同意早駐軍了司機到處求保證的具體內容之一就是駐軍維和
當然入北約防禦組織更好6F 02/25 07:38
tony121010: 川普虎爛嘴9F 02/25 07:39
qscgg: 不太相信...普丁能同意?10F 02/25 08:17
utn875: 普丁坐不住,出來否認有和平協議細節了,這裡普丁更可信些,哪可能一次半天的會議,沒頭人在場,歐洲沒上桌,就交換完籌碼了11F 02/25 08:20
mussina27: 原PO自己貼的影片內川普並沒有說普丁同意,又是個假新聞製造鏈了嗎?14F 02/25 08:41


Yes, he will accept. He has no problem with it.
I've asked him that question.


mussina27: 影片你自己又貼了一次的要完整看完,川普在回答問題主要有兩段,要連問題前後文情境一起理解,"will accept" "I asked that question" 都沒有確認之意,你貼的文字部分斷章取義連順序都不對。16F 02/25 09:03

will accept和asked,當然是指已經問過且得到回應會予以接受


衛報 https://shorturl.at/GHVWY
Macron warns against ‘surrender’ in Ukraine as Trump claims Putin will accept peacekeeper deal | US foreign policy | The Guardian
Macron and Trump disagree over aid and securing a lasting peace after US president says Russian counterpart has ‘no problem’ with European forces in U ...

政客 https://shorturl.at/nJsa5
Trump says Putin will accept European peacekeepers in Ukraine – POLITICO
U.S. leader’s remarks came during a lightning visit by French President Emmanuel Macron. ...

美聯 https://shorturl.at/OOJJW
Trump meets Macron, expresses hope that Ukraine war is nearing an endgame | AP News
President Donald Trump says he's hopeful Russia's war in Ukraine is nearing an endgame as he meets with French President Emmanuel Macron on the third  ...

NPR  https://shorturl.at/fmPCR
Trump says it's in Putin's 'best interest' to end war in Ukraine : NPR
During a joint press conference President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted their friendly relationship, even when they appeared  ...


mussina27: 轉貼連結要自己確認過內容正確性吧20F 02/25 09:05


mussina27: 問題就出在你的中文內容,衛報寫的很清楚明瞭,川普不是說普丁同意,而是他提出這個觀點相信普丁會同意;你拉其他媒體來貼我標籤沒用,事實就擺在那邊。以下衛報內容節錄,也是你上面的連結,你貼文章都只看標題不看內容的嗎?
Trump said he saw no objection to European troops being sent to Ukraine to serve as peacemakers, adding that he had raised the idea with Putin.“Yeah, he will accept it,” the US president said. “I’ve asked him that question.
“Look, if we do this deal, he’s not looking for more war. He doesn’t mind. But I’ve specifically asked him that question. He has no problemwith it.”21F 02/25 09:15



※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 02/25/2025 09:27:10
EYESOFDARKKE: 26-34樓的推文內容,不是在在表示川普已問過普丁?35F 02/25 09:27
mussina27: 表示問過但應該是沒得到回覆,但川普相信他會同意。36F 02/25 09:30
EYESOFDARKKE: 但33樓最後一段沒用未來式,不就代表至少川普認為普丁已表示沒問題?37F 02/25 09:35
mussina27: 好啦,原PO你這樣一直貼我也是不忍噓,但還是建議你仔細看過貼的內容比較好,你最新的GPT救援投手用“assert" 來評斷這一段話39F 02/25 09:36
chordate: https://tinyurl.com/y3yaejv5
Trump added on Monday that Putin would accept
allowing European peacekeeping troops in Ukraine as part of a potential peace deal.
"Yeah, he will accept that. I’ve asked him that question," Trump told reporters.42F 02/25 10:12
Trump teases meeting with Zelenskyy amid US' ‘serious discussions’ with Putin to end Russia-Ukraine war | Fox News
President Donald Trump teased a possible meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Monday, amid his “serious discussions" with Vladimir Putin about e ...

cangming: 這跟gpt沒什麼關係,have是完成式有什麼問題嗎?49F 02/25 10:22
mussina27: FOX的內容也沒有問題,would accept 也帶到了,代表Putin有沒有同意還不知道但川普認為他會同意。認為會同意跟說他已經同意是完全不同的事情。你看各大媒體有哪家寫得跟原PO中文一樣"Trump said Putin hasaccepted"?50F 02/25 10:51

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