看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 美國國防部長:美械炮兵來囉~~
時間 Tue Apr 26 03:17:50 2022

Jack Detsch
New today: U.S.-supplied howitzers began arriving in Ukraine on Saturday from President Biden's latest $800 million military aid package, about 48 hours after it was announced, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a press conference after visiting Kyiv.
Lara Seligman
The Howitzers POTUS approved to send to Ukraine on Thursday were already showing up in country on Saturday, Austin says - "unimaginable speed"

Jennifer Griffin
Sec Austin on visit to Kiev: training 50 Ukrainian artillerymen complete. 6 day course for next 50 begins soon. 18 Howitzers already in Ukraine. 7 more being prepped now. 72 more soon. $322 million foreign military assistance to buy whatever Ukraine needs, including exSoviet ammo

- 7.13億美元軍援給烏克蘭和另外15個中東歐盟國
- 6.50億美元軍援給烏克蘭,推動烏軍換裝更先進的武器和防空,
Paul McLeary
New Ukraine military aid details this morning. US pledges:

- $713M for Ukraine and 15 other Eastern Europe countries

- $650M for Ukraine to "transition to more advanced weapons and air defense systems," US says, & help allies replenish weapons sent to Ukraine

152mm炮彈,給2A36 Giatsint / D-20火炮
BM-21 GRAD火箭炮彈
MLRS Smerch火箭炮的300mm炮彈
T-72的125mm HE炮彈
2A65 Msta火炮的152mm炮彈
Paul McLeary
NEW: Details on US proposal to buy $165M worth of old Russian ammo for Ukraine:

152mm rounds for 2A36 Giatsint / D-20 cannons

120mm mortar rounds

BM-21 GRAD rockets

300mm rounds for MLRS Smerch

82mm mortar rounds

125mm HE ammo for T-72

152mm rounds for 2A65 Msta
Jack Detsch
JUST IN: State Dept provides details on the $165 million sale of non-standard Russian origin ammo to Ukraine in the wake of Blinken and Austin’s visit to Kyiv.

Among the requests from Ukraine: automatic grenade launcher ammo, GRAD rockets, rounds for MLRS, grenades, and mortars

Lara Seligman
"Russia has already failed and Ukraine has already succeeded," Austin says. "The principal aim that President Putin brought to this, in his own words, was to fully subsume Ukraine back into Russia, to take away its sovereignty and independence, and that has not happened."

Lara Seligman
Answering qs from the press, Austin acknowledges the difficulty in tracking weapons going into Ukraine. He says he relayed to Ukrainian officials the importance of making sure the weapons don't fall into the hands of adversaries.

Deborah Haynes
NEW: After his 1st trip to Ukraine with the US Secretary of State since Russia's war began, Lloyd Austin, @SecDef, said: "The first step in winning is believing you can win". Ukraine believes it can win, supported by US and other allied weapons, he says

Jack Detsch
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, today: "We want to see Ukraine remain a sovereign country ... We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine."

Nick Schifrin
BREAKING: Embargo lifted: @SecBlinken and @SecDef conclude trip to #Ukraine. Senior officials announce US diplomats will return to Ukraine “as early as this week,” with day trips to Lviv. And @USAmbSlovakia will be nominated as next US Ambassador to Kyiv
Jennifer Griffin
NEW details of meeting with Blinken, Austin and Zelensky in Kiev: Blinken informed Ukraine officials that US Embassy officials would begin returning to Ukraine this week with the hope of reestablishing US Embassy in Kiev “as soon as possible.” Biden to announce new US Ambassador.
Lara Seligman
Blinken says American diplomats will be back in Ukraine starting next week and will start looking into reopening the embassy itself. Expects that will take place in the next couple weeks.





You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory. Victory at all
costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the
road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
        ~ Winston Churchill, 13 May 1940

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cccict: 好學的學生獎品領不完1F 04/26 03:20
moonrain: Archer 超帥而且好像只需要兩員操作2F 04/26 03:22
nanozako: 德國:喂喂 別把我跟援烏的中歐國家混為一談好嗎3F 04/26 03:27
johnny3: 反觀阿富汗4F 04/26 03:34
Smoltzy: 那個中歐國家還想著當俄羅斯的好朋友啊,always~5F 04/26 03:34
johnny3: 拜登撤得真是及時6F 04/26 03:35
jess730612: 大哥就是大哥劍及履及7F 04/26 03:36
opthr1215: 「我有信心」是等價於「HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON」吧?只要有信心就能得到神秘的禮包。8F 04/26 03:36
dnek: 美國快遞是戰場的另一個傳奇,好快10F 04/26 03:38
haoboo: 你敢打想贏上帝會聽,沒戰意那神蹟也不會降臨11F 04/26 03:43
GaryMatthews: 信心就是跟拜登一同祈禱啊 XD~12F 04/26 03:44
momocom: 這速度也太快13F 04/26 03:45
moonrain: 沒有信心 司機第一天落跑基輔淪陷 一切都會變得不同14F 04/26 03:46
notd481: 勝利女神(自由女神)只會對勇敢者微笑15F 04/26 03:49
LauraArseid: 士氣點數10點可以發動魔法卡 拜登的禮包16F 04/26 03:51
moonrain: Archer 英姿   shorturl.at/dpwCY17F 04/26 03:53
jatj: 軍援火砲比我Amazon prime還快18F 04/26 04:03
attitudium: 48hr 這比很多網購還快19F 04/26 04:24
poikz: 在現地訓練兼實習 還可以造成俄軍傷亡  一石三鳥20F 04/26 04:25
GaryMatthews: Amazon 會用AI 推估你的消費習慣 還沒下單倉庫就已經出貨了21F 04/26 04:58
JOJOw991052: 反觀23F 04/26 05:34
kongsj: 好多蘇式彈藥24F 04/26 05:40
bakedgrass: 每次結尾都一定要酸一下XD
說真的要防止武器外流最好的方式就是讓烏克蘭贏。只要烏克蘭中央政府還維持住,武器就比較好掌控25F 04/26 05:53
kenntrf: 據說中歐某國祖先也是從東方來的,認祖歸宗而已28F 04/26 05:57
patrick19: 想打最重要,反觀阿富汗29F 04/26 05:58
kuroro94: 講給阿富汗以及台灣聽的30F 04/26 06:02
tomhawkreal: 台灣得自己付錢31F 04/26 06:05
letmesee3085: 美國廢物狗,拉人出來當替死鬼,出事了當沒事32F 04/26 06:08
awhat: 俄粉哭哭喔XDDD33F 04/26 06:12
bunjie: 看來俄軍要被炸回老家去囉34F 04/26 06:24
Ives20130: 你鵝爹自己要去打人的,怪美國幫忙?35F 04/26 06:31
darkangel119: 鵝粉真是神奇寶貝36F 04/26 06:36
Stan6003: 48小時比我momo訂的電腦還快37F 04/26 06:39
DFTT: 柵欄仔迷路囉38F 04/26 06:40
abbei: PChome:跟我一樣(雖然號稱北北基24小時...)39F 04/26 06:54
gogen: 只能說二戰以後,俄軍死傷最慘重的就是這一次,
順便讓美國軍火商展示商品40F 04/26 07:00
banamelon: 這兩年極端正反面教材都出來了
幫了20年尿褲子的阿富汗,還有正面扛第二大國的烏45F 04/26 07:02
d50429: 阿哈,持續見證歷史47F 04/26 07:03
Sessyoin: 反觀48F 04/26 07:04
kisaraki1976: 比PC家24H還快!49F 04/26 07:06
junkuo: Archer好驚人 機動力猛爆50F 04/26 07:08
eupa1973: 大哥讚51F 04/26 07:14
ARCHER2234: 謝謝稱讚52F 04/26 07:21
geordie: 台灣自己付錢買武器自己守,總比日後戰爭爆發變成免費送給人用的好53F 04/26 07:24
zwy: 中歐巨嬰國:我們"預計"幾周內可以交貨...55F 04/26 07:29
stock5566: 用美元參戰56F 04/26 07:34
newbrain: 真的 先多準備沒有壞處 真打起來可以少死點人orz57F 04/26 07:35
tsgd: 2014年前的烏克蘭就是幻想靠投票就能入歐盟入北約才會被布丁那種獨裁者侵門踏戶 即便經過8年戰備 他還是看不起烏克蘭 認為唾手可得 這回真的是靠司機沒跑 烏國人衛國決心十足 才有歐美大批軍火援助
但這種想法 在開戰前 誰敢真的不設防就確定必定有援58F 04/26 07:46
junkuo: 台灣相對烏克蘭,至少武裝是非常完整的,且軍備也幾乎都是美規,只差在人民的備戰意識了
說實在台灣的武裝算是強過烏克蘭不少63F 04/26 07:50
tsgd: 八年戰備有誤 應該是八年烏東實戰66F 04/26 07:51
geordie: 現在烏克蘭拿免錢的武器,日後烏克蘭整個重建的利益會很大的,比中國還大(?67F 04/26 07:53
CrazySept: 烏軍這麼能打,當然要收來當小弟
比阿富汗強太多了,還能硬扛俄國69F 04/26 08:01
Ligamenta: archer帥到71F 04/26 08:02
jeff0811: 兩個月前如果誰說烏克蘭能撐著這麼久,那個人一定會被笑是神經病72F 04/26 08:03
huangjyuan: 阿富汗總統就是直接落跑啊74F 04/26 08:07
pponywong: 烏克蘭是面對俄帝 而且2014年海軍還集體叛變75F 04/26 08:08
chunglee: 水喇 反觀76F 04/26 08:20
kuroro94: 烏克蘭加東歐   凶狠、能打、講義氣   給刀就殺四方小弟楷模、圍事教科書77F 04/26 08:22
ian41360: 比DHL還快欸79F 04/26 08:23
s3z15a3z15a: 鵝軍: 我可以回家了嗎..80F 04/26 08:24
junkuo: 現在布丁就是決心要你鵝兵堆屍拿下頓巴斯啊81F 04/26 08:27
chyx741021: DSCA宣佈出售1.65億美金的俄制彈藥也是很好玩XD82F 04/26 08:40
ufo24x: 美一開始不幫,因為有跟俄歷史,怕變成第二個阿富汗,但烏俄仇恨值已經拉高了,不收小弟,說不過去83F 04/26 08:44
jayway: 美國這次一掃阿富汗陰霾85F 04/26 08:44
ufo24x: 東歐以色列成形,加上扶持好,還有自制軍武86F 04/26 08:48
jaychen99: 美哪來一開始不幫,一開始俄軍獵首基輔會失敗也是因為美國情資好嗎,人家沒直接出兵而已,現在也沒有87F 04/26 08:49
ufo24x: 我說是軍援武器,不是援軍89F 04/26 08:50

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