看板 Military
作者 snh48spush (后里趙子龍)
標題 [新聞] The World and a Small War
時間 Thu Apr 21 18:08:45 2022

Geopolitical futures
The World and a Small War - Geopolitical Futures
No war is small when you are living in it, but the world is large, and large wars are rare. At the same time, wars reverberate in unexpected ways. A s ...

No war is small when you are living in it, but the world is large, and large w
ars are rare. At the same time, wars reverberate in unexpected ways. A small w
ar here might make another war elsewhere deadlier, or it might help prevent a
war elsewhere. No war can be understood simply in and of itself. Therefore, th
e war in Ukraine must be considered not only in its own terms but also in term
s of its reverberations. And since reverberations are by definition disorderly
, in terms of their connection to both the primary war and its ultimate import
ance, I will arbitrarily embed the reverberations into my model of the world.



Poland has emerged, for the moment, as the leader of Europe. Geographically, i
t is closest to Ukraine, and therefore much of NATO’s force has been statione
d there. Most important, the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division is there. That means
that the 82nd is working with Polish forces, many of whom have already trained
 for several years with U.S. armored forces in Poland. For the U.S., that mean
s its forces are made aware of the terrain they may be fighting on and get the
 chance to develop some familiarity with Poles. Their mission is to deter or r
epel a Russian invasion of Poland or, if ordered, to move into Ukraine and eng
age and defeat Russian forces there.

部隊都駐紮在那裡。最重要的是,美國第 82 空降師在那裡。這意味著第 82 師正在與



After World War II, to ward off Soviet domination of the Continent, the United
 States had to position its forces in Europe by placing a main force in German
y. Inevitably, this wove the two previously hostile countries together politic
ally and socially. It also created necessary investments that had a role in th
e German economic miracle, a miracle that eventually made Germany the leading
power in Europe – something inconceivable in 1945. German well-being became a
 strategic requirement for the United States, and being an American priority i
n a shattered Europe meant a great deal.

位在歐洲。 不可避免地,這在政治和社會上將這兩個以前敵對的國家聯繫在一起。它還
洲的主導力量——這在 1945 年是不可想像的。德國的福祉成為美國的戰略要求,成為美

The situation today is not as stark as it was in 1945. The basing of U.S. forc
es in a country makes the host country’s stability and predictability a U.S.
strategic interest, and Polish geography and interests now link to American in
terests in a relationship that is blossoming from what it was. The United Stat
es has felt alienated from Europe because of Europe’s reluctance to fulfill i
ts financial commitments to NATO, and Europe felt alienated from what it saw a
s American hyper-militarism. Ukraine has generated a shift in Europe that may
or may not last. But what will likely last is the presence of American troops
in Poland. The U.S. still has troops in Germany more than 30 years after the e
nd of the Cold War. For the Americans, deployments are habit-forming.

今天的情況不像 1945 年那樣嚴峻。美軍在一個國家的基地使東道國的穩定性和可預測性
與它所認為的美國超軍國主義疏遠。 烏克蘭已經在歐洲產生了可能會或可能不會持續的

Poland’s geography and its memory of the consequences of war bond it with the
 Americans. The end of the Ukraine war will imprint a model on the U.S. of fut
ure threats that aligns with Poland’s own view. Poland is under threat of de
facto expulsion from the EU for violating EU judicial standards. That is a min
or test of how the European balance of power might shift.


Elsewhere, the Turks have done an interesting thing, sortieing a substantial p
art of their navy into the Black Sea, where the Russian ship Moskva was sunk.
Turkey has kept its distance from much of the Ukraine war, although it made so
me drones available to Ukrainian forces. Turkey is historically hostile to Rus
sia but lately regards the U.S. as unpredictable. It has balanced carefully th
ere. But the poor performance of Russian forces in Ukraine has likely caused t
he Turks to reevaluate Russia’s threat. Turkey likely no longer equates Russi
an and American strength. From Turkey’s point of view, if Russia were able to
 use its navy to impose itself on the Black Sea while eliminating or forcing U
krainian forces armed with anti-ship missiles farther away from the coast, thi
s would ease Russian operations in the Black Sea. Such an outcome would also p
ose a potential threat to Turkey. Turkey is a member of NATO, and Russia may e
ventually decide Turkey’s fleet is a threat and strike its ships and ports. T
he Turks have moved into the Black Sea to preempt a Russian move by raising th
e risks beyond what Russia can incur. At the same time, this will involve a de
gree of coordination with Ukraine.

莫斯科號就是在黑海沉沒的。 土耳其一直與烏克蘭戰爭的大部分時間保持距離,儘管它


隊遠離海岸,這將緩解俄羅斯在黑海的行動。 這樣的結果也將對土耳其構成潛在威脅。
口。 土耳其人已經進入黑海,通過提高俄羅斯所能承受的風險來搶先於俄羅斯的行動。

In challenging Russia in the Black Sea, another avenue is opened up. Turkey ha
s significant interests in both the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Russia ha
s been advancing its interests there to the concern of Turkey. Russia is in no
 position to pose a military challenge to Turkey at the moment, nor is Turkey
likely to move militarily. Covert actions and diplomacy are the key. And given
 Russia’s performance in Ukraine, countries like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan mi
ght reconsider their relations to Russia. The weakness of Russia to this point
 opens the door to strategic realignments, forces Turkey to assert itself in t
he Black Sea and potentially clears a path for Turkey to pursue other interest




Then there is China. China entered into a relationship with Russia to create a
 massive counterweight to the United States. But despite their public statemen
ts, the Chinese have realized that a relationship with Russia is a liability a
nd not an asset. Russia does not have the weight to draw the U.S. away from th
reatening China. It lacks the military force to execute the Ukrainian campaign
 without calling on Syrian reinforcements. China is not in a position to send
forces to aid Russia. First, saving Russia’s campaign would provide no direct
 benefit to China, and a Chinese intervention could be disastrous. Second and
more important, China has seen the impact of U.S.-led economic warfare. Becomi
ng active in Ukraine or providing significant aid to Russia might trigger a si
milar economic attack on China.


China, like Russia, is not nearly as powerful as it appears. Its per capita gr
oss domestic product ranks 81st in the world. (Russia’s is 85th.) Its domesti
c market for sophisticated goods is limited. It must have the ability to expor
t, without which it destabilizes. The United States, even with tariffs on Chin
ese goods, is China’s largest customer. Facing both a loss of exports and an
economic war at a time when China’s economic growth rate is contracting and s
ocial tension over wealth inequality is rising would be dangerous. Invading Ta
iwan would be insane, as it would give China the only thing it has enough of
– land. It could also fail. And the U.S. economic response would be intense a
t a time when China’s economy cannot withstand it.

斯排在第 85 位)其複雜商品的國內市場有限。它必須具有出口能力,否則就會破壞穩定

So we see Poland and Turkey taking on greater significance as a result of the
war, and China losing significance. There are many other reverberations. I cho
se these three, if it is not already obvious, because in my book “The Next 10
0 Years” I predicted the rise of Poland and Turkey and the decline of China.
So while there are many other effects, there is no reason not to start with th

因此,我們看到波蘭和土耳其因戰爭而變得更加重要,而中國則失去了重要性。 還有許
多其他的迴響。我選擇了這三個,如果不是很明顯的話,因為在我的《下一個 100 年》









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usnavyseal: 這個不是一段一段的翻譯吧 全部機翻1F 04/21 18:13
massrelay: 推2F 04/21 18:15
ssarc: 這是機翻的話,那他的AI還真厲害3F 04/21 18:17
剛開始我用google 翻譯但有部分修改內容
efkfkp: (波蘭因違反歐盟司法標準而面臨事實上被歐盟驅逐的4F 04/21 18:17
LOVEMS: 因美國駐紮而強大的波蘭,被歐盟法律驅逐的波蘭 作者的意思是歐洲要被分裂了嗎?5F 04/21 18:17
efkfkp: 威脅。)
有這回事?7F 04/21 18:17
LOVEMS: 另外,被美國駐紮就很可以富庶的話,那菲律賓照道理應該也不會太差吧?9F 04/21 18:18

muncheberg: 蠻好奇美國打算如何讓波蘭從專制趨於民主^^11F 04/21 18:20
opthr1215: 菲律賓以前還滿有錢的……12F 04/21 18:20
Y1309: 波蘭這次賺爛13F 04/21 18:22
treeson: 俄羅斯導彈看起來快打完了,本來日均40這一個禮拜直接拉低整體到日均3014F 04/21 18:22
ssarc: 要不是馬可仕家族貪污,菲律賓當初可囂張的16F 04/21 18:22
Y1309: 美國對南越南韓台灣沙烏地的支持都沒附帶民主條件沒道理認為美國會讓波蘭趨近民主17F 04/21 18:23
otis1713: 這不是2000年左右就有提到的蘇聯崩潰後,這兩國會崛起?19F 04/21 18:24
otis1713: 波蘭那個應該跟廢除墮胎權有關21F 04/21 18:25
LOVEMS: 好吧,看來是菲律賓不成財;那美國預計要讓波蘭怎麼富庶?22F 04/21 18:26
ssarc: 那是波蘭的事,不是美國的事24F 04/21 18:27
muncheberg: 專制政權的話,到時候還不是一樣層層貪汙...25F 04/21 18:28
otis1713: 但我覺得很難,當初會假想土波崛起是因為認為俄羅斯會發動恢復蘇聯戰爭而崩潰,但現在並沒有走到這一步26F 04/21 18:28
LOVEMS: 作者不是預測波蘭會強大起來嗎?如果那是波蘭自己的事,那還需要等到現在嗎?29F 04/21 18:29
HarukaJ: 中間有一段翻譯好像怪怪的 應該比較接近「土耳其不再將美國和俄羅斯視為相同水準」31F 04/21 18:30
Y1309: 南韓跟台灣都證實可以在專制下繁榮~33F 04/21 18:30
HarukaJ: 或者「土耳其不再認為俄羅斯與美國有同等的實力」34F 04/21 18:31
otis1713: 當年的假想文是俄羅斯在復辟蘇聯的戰爭失敗,徹底被肢解,波蘭幾乎拿下大部分歐俄,土耳其則取的高加索跟中亞35F 04/21 18:31
LOVEMS: 波蘭拿下大部分歐俄? 要繞過烏克蘭?38F 04/21 18:32
jerrylin: 波蘭成為歐洲領導者  德法沒用了39F 04/21 18:33
otis1713: 不過說真的,有理論在講中俄這次搞過之後會讓全球化回到熟人的全球化
那個假想文烏克蘭被類似德奧模式合併了,所以布丁在第一步就沒做到40F 04/21 18:33
sppray: 菲律賓也該要崛起了,英文+便宜人工+地理位置(軍事.經濟)好,台灣反而是軍事位置好,經濟位置普普44F 04/21 18:35
LOVEMS: 了解46F 04/21 18:35
otis1713: 那個是當年前華約普遍經濟沒搞好,導致共產黨復辟然後就有人這樣推測47F 04/21 18:36
illegalmad: 美國捧波蘭整德法應該很明顯49F 04/21 18:38
otis1713: 畢竟蘇聯垮掉的太突然,蘇聯垮掉後從新俄羅斯威脅論、德日新軸心、土波新軸心,帝國國防部沒有停止尋找假想敵的腳步50F 04/21 18:41
LOVEMS: 對呀 但我很好奇美國要怎麼做才能破壞現在的經濟版圖,什麼樣的招式是德法(經濟上是歐盟除非解體)無法反擊的53F 04/21 18:41
asutoranakan: 德法希望趕走成為歐洲的話事人,但是被出賣利益的是東歐,經過這次戰爭,東歐這些國家也許樂得配合美國提升自己在歐洲的份量順道降低德法在歐洲內部的話語權?畢竟這次搞成這樣,德法只想東歐乖乖替他們賺錢,用不到時就一腳踢開他們,一點也沒有老大的樣子56F 04/21 18:41
otis1713: 然後這種假想其實很少拿中國當魔王62F 04/21 18:42
HarukaJ: 是因為當時的假想沒有料到中共會壯大成這樣嗎?63F 04/21 18:43
otis1713: 美國也沒必要搞德法就是了64F 04/21 18:43
ericjaing: 其實算蠻準確的,畢竟是6年前的判斷65F 04/21 18:44
dobu: 謝謝介紹好書66F 04/21 18:44
otis1713: 2000-2010熊貓派的美好幻想還沒破滅,然後中國還不夠強67F 04/21 18:45
asutoranakan: 美國不用搞德法,只要多跟東歐那些國家合作,那些國家國力上升後自然會排擠到德法的話事能力69F 04/21 18:45
otis1713: 德法也不用美國搞他們,光是在高科技產業上的問題他們自己就撲街了。71F 04/21 18:46
twin2: 入侵台灣對中國最大的獎勵是民族主義春藥,就算餓死也會爽到高潮那種,這篇分析有點太理性缺少各民族主流思潮的影響73F 04/21 18:47
otis1713: 扣除製造罰金壁壘外這兩個國家連一間大一點的高科技其實都拿不太出來,以德國為例,現在網路不知道有沒有從銅線換到光纖了76F 04/21 18:49
cross980115: 不可能純機翻翻成這樣吧
比較像是機翻沒潤好 或者沒翻譯好 有些地方有點怪79F 04/21 18:49
otis1713: 2025目標光纖普及半個國家XD81F 04/21 18:50
asutoranakan: 沒錯,目前中國國內的民族主義是很麻煩的東西,即使在開戰後遭遇失敗碰得一頭包,但是身處熱區的台灣都很難倖免於災,只能說在這種極權國家的旁邊真的很衰,要達成開戰目標只需符合決策者一人的利益,死的都是平民百姓82F 04/21 18:51
LOVEMS: 怎樣才會國力上升,這個要怎麼做?美國要大力投資東歐的工廠嗎?那德法受到威脅自然經濟上會想跟中俄走更近,現在的經濟防堵政策又不是美國就能完成
至於德國網路不行美國要從這邊幹掉德國,那就回去跟華為合作呀,經濟重點一直都不是不能跟誰合作87F 04/21 18:52
※ 編輯: snh48spush ( 臺灣), 04/21/2022 19:06:04
usnavyseal: 100%機翻 https://i.imgur.com/83zROd3.png94F 04/21 18:53
LOVEMS: 我只是很好奇 現在的經濟版圖真的有辦法憑美國的一念去壓制所有站錯隊的國家嗎?95F 04/21 18:54
otis1713: 其實從台灣之前提的大概猜的出來,就是把歐洲現在繼續的晶片產線放到捷克、波蘭,然後利用東歐生育率、薪水優勢自然去拉起來
然後現在美國在東歐的影響力又不斷上升,這次打完,東歐都知道大哥是誰了97F 04/21 18:56
KleinSchwarz: 這場戰爭是什麼新名詞發明大賽嗎...105F 04/21 19:10
kuma660224: 華為去養豬玩車電了 你是要合作什麼啦
俄烏都是糧食出口國  戰爭會影響農產市場
也導致全球民生通膨已經非常嚴重106F 04/21 19:13
muncheberg: 晶片產線放到捷克、波蘭,然後就變成下一個HTC110F 04/21 19:18
kuma660224: 中國自己疫情有無影響3-4月春耕也待查明111F 04/21 19:20
overno: 國家能否崛起,GDP仍然很重要,不然就是 手未與眼同112F 04/21 19:21
kuma660224: 東歐搞晶片10年內應該是不太有搞頭114F 04/21 19:22
overno: 低階代工沒利潤,除非有政府大力補助115F 04/21 19:23
kuma660224: 得先從低階搞起培養供應鏈
但低階 東歐誰補貼能補贏中國
但除非中國對外開戰 如同俄國被全面制裁
否則絕不會讓出市場位置116F 04/21 19:23
sppray: 德國經濟也沒想像中樂觀,以前多台股3000點,現在倒輸3000點。122F 04/21 19:30
kuma660224: 這兩年疫情讓台股比較奇葩 不太適合比124F 04/21 19:35
Shepherd1987: 作者應該沒預期到火雞走向世俗化, 要成為強國很難125F 04/21 19:38
nkfcc: 中國心裡支持俄國,結果是糧價漲、油價漲。通膨導致全世界消費能力倒退。身為世界工廠可精彩了。 XDDD不過通過宣傳,中國人日子難過應該還是美國要揹鍋。順便再把病毒是美國人搞的再回鍋一遍。126F 04/21 19:57
mackulkov: 波蘭跟土耳其崛起XD 翼騎兵要再次在維也納痛扁蘇丹了嗎130F 04/21 20:37
herbertlin: 重工業在德法興盛嗎?和晶片沾上邊就贏 真的那麼簡單?132F 04/21 21:27
CelestialRel: 這作者的看法和劉仲敬的偏激看法竟然不謀而合...134F 04/22 00:28

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