I'm in touch with one of the last defenders of Mariupol. He's wounded. After Bucha massacre, he says, "surrender is not an option." He feels their stand accomplished its mission. They tied up so much Russian firepower it gave other cities a chance to survive.
Simon Shuster
@shustryI'm in touch with one of the last defenders of Mariupol. He's wounded. After Bucha massacre, he says, "surrender is not an option." He feels their stand accomplished its mission. They tied up so much Russian firepower it gave other cities a chance to survive.
新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 (New 27 Brigade)
@new27brigade4/17. 馬里波地區,烏軍邊防衛隊和第36海軍陸戰旅會合完成,進行持續抵抗作戰https://twitter.com/ArmedForcesUkr/status/1515716081058516994 …
Прикордонники та морпіхи пліч-о-пліч тримають оборону Маріуполя!
Виснажені, але незламні
До бою, хлопці!@DPSU_ua