看板 Military作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)標題 [情報] 俄軍大量集中往芬蘭邊境時間 Tue Apr 12 15:16:30 2022
Ragıp Soylu
Russia is deploying heavy military equipments towards border with Finland after Finland and Sweden considering joining NATO: Bloomberg
There are Unconfirmed reports today that Russian Forces in the Leningrad Region near the City of Vyborg are beginning to move Heavy Military Equipment including K-300P Bastion Coastal Defense Missile Systems towards the Gulf of Finland and the Finnish Border.
Petri Mäkelä
This convoy was deliberately filmed next to a road sign that says Helsinki with such camera angles that geolocation was trivial.
Ie. It was meant to be seen and message Russian threat to
The deployment is probably made to protect NS gas compressor station along the road.
https://twitter.com/pmakela1/status/1513562763431448577 …
Russian Bastion Anti-Ship missile unit on the move west of Vyborg.
That road leads to Finland along the Saimaa Canal. It's about 26km from the Finnish border and 7km from the lowest lock of the canal that is rented to Finland.
https://twitter.com/Journalistcnyt/status/1513533176391610370 …
NATO has Announced today they will be Deploying 2 Multi-National Naval Groups consisting of 16 Ships to the Baltic Sea for Operational Exercises and to reassure Allies in the Baltics Region over the next week, the Groups will include Minesweepers, Amphibious Ships and Frigates.
The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.
~John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.
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→ joe2: 來了來了XD1F 04/12 15:17
推 Howard61313: 芬蘭:來啊,來陪你的二戰老學長,他們都在我家作客,現在還沒離開2F 04/12 15:17
→ geordie: 支持俄羅斯開多條戰線,然後提早解體4F 04/12 15:17
→ DAEVA: 支持日本趁亂收回北方四島5F 04/12 15:17
推 swbthj: 俄爹要雙線作戰了?7F 04/12 15:18
推 Bugquan: 趁機把其它國家都宣戰好了9F 04/12 15:18
推 haoboo: 這BB報表了吧14F 04/12 15:20
推 laeva75: 應該是被害妄想戒備北約趁機打過來吧15F 04/12 15:21
推 ashrum: 三小國陳兵15萬,芬蘭要多少?17F 04/12 15:21
推 Bugquan: 芬蘭還巴不得俄羅斯趕快打他,他們好把俄羅斯滅國20F 04/12 15:22
推 cdcc: 坐等俄國親手送自己下去23F 04/12 15:22
推 sd2567: 這個要叫結束戰爭吧25F 04/12 15:23
推 gametv: 雪在講芬蘭話26F 04/12 15:23
→ sd2567: 上次噴20萬這次要多少28F 04/12 15:23
→ Bugquan: 要是開雙線,習大大會跳船,還是趁亂打台啊32F 04/12 15:24
推 aragorn747: 右嗆日本 左逼芬蘭 南打烏克蘭 不錯看來今年鵝國要滅亡了34F 04/12 15:24
→ ssarc: 為什麼俄國有那麼多的兵可以開戰線?他兵都用不完?37F 04/12 15:25
推 biaw: 習近平選擇繼續當紙老虎處於不敗之地40F 04/12 15:25
→ iio: 等等?! 大量? 俄國還有兵?41F 04/12 15:25
推 OoJudyoO: 依俄國瘋狂程度 什麼都有可能42F 04/12 15:25
推 Sinkage: 俄國已經變成比較瘋的北韓了44F 04/12 15:25
→ samuel655200: 獨裁國家以為用他們恐嚇威脅那套治國的方法用在民主國家也有用46F 04/12 15:25
→ Bugquan: 俄國裡面一堆窮的地區,從那裡面抓人就行了48F 04/12 15:26
→ geordie: 阿拉斯加:我好無聊哦~50F 04/12 15:26
推 wjill: 等死5萬人以上才需擔心沒兵吧51F 04/12 15:26
→ linbasohigh: 要比持久戰,除了國土,芬蘭是男女不分的全民徵兵制= =54F 04/12 15:26
推 nadel0922: 現在是放群嘲要大家一起上的態勢嗎......57F 04/12 15:27
推 mynews: 芬蘭看起來還是要立即加入北約58F 04/12 15:27
→ sdiaa: 總數上百萬 在烏克蘭陷入泥沼才二十多萬而已60F 04/12 15:28
推 leon4287: 沒參戰的俄軍要趕快裝忙 不然就要被抓去烏克蘭打仗62F 04/12 15:28
→ wjill: 是說就不要打了,然後北約又孬,芬蘭又說不加北約64F 04/12 15:28
→ sdiaa: 各地區守備隊再湊幾萬人有什麼難的...67F 04/12 15:29
推 lungyu: 想製造爭議領土讓芬蘭進不了北約?69F 04/12 15:29
推 miname: 講的好像芬蘭打贏冬季戰爭一樣,打完之後割地可一塊都沒有少,當年死一堆人的防線都已經是俄國領土了73F 04/12 15:30
→ Haohmazu: 打了之後北約絕對直接進駐啦~~76F 04/12 15:30
推 biaw: 維京人乃是斯拉夫人的老祖宗77F 04/12 15:30
推 Mentha: 你這次打完可能割地要還回去嘍,歡迎光臨78F 04/12 15:31
推 a26848400: 習大大會怨嘆人生怎麼這麼苦 送走了神經病川普來了個神經病普丁81F 04/12 15:32
推 laeva75: 不過芬蘭陸軍不到3萬人,MBT只有 100多輛,俄軍真衝過來也不太妙吧83F 04/12 15:32
推 iamsafin: 現在的芬蘭也未必是當年的芬蘭了 別吹了85F 04/12 15:33
推 miname: 當年打冬季戰爭倚靠的防守地形都割給俄國了,這次打起來會不會變大阪夏之陣未可知90F 04/12 15:33
推 hanslins: 芬蘭有在屌的嗎?維基人更狠好嗎!92F 04/12 15:33
→ mmnnoo …
推 mmnnoo: 我知道你還有兵…94F 04/12 15:34
推 prosta: 這搞笑喔,上個月前打完融雪期的烏克蘭,現在換芬蘭融雪耶,當真?97F 04/12 15:34
推 dnek: 我就知道你還有兵621F 04/13 08:53
推 kiwi0204: 俄國的兵是從田裡長出來了吧?623F 04/13 10:35