作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] Ken Rosenthal:藍鳥的幹大事
時間 Fri Dec 20 11:58:51 2024

Ken Rosenthal最新文章

MLB notes: The latest on Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Bo Bichette and the Blue Jays’ offseason - The Athletic
Plus more on the Yankees' options at first base and a new team for Gio Urshela. ...


Picture the Toronto Blue Jays keeping first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. long-t
erm. Trading shortstop Bo Bichette. Signing free-agent third baseman Alex Bregma

None of those outcomes is particularly likely. All, however, are in play, accord
ing to sources briefed on the Jays’ discussions.



2.交易掉Bo Bichette

3.簽下Alex Bregman

The perception within the industry remains that the Jays are desperate to do som
ething big. Club president Mark Shapiro is in the final year of his contract. Ge
neral manager Ross Atkins has just two years left. And the team is coming off a
season in which it finished last in the AL East and won only 74 games.



球隊總裁Mark Shapiro的合約即將進入最後一年

總管Ross Atkins的合約也僅剩兩年


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-20 11:58:51
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dPEjzwW (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1734667133.A.EA0.html
warchiefdodo: 為何交易Bo1F 12/20 12:01
EZ78: Bo去年超爛阿2F 12/20 12:02
polanco: 500M/12-13Y 續小V葛 200+M/7-8Y簽Bregman?3F 12/20 12:03
warchiefdodo: 去年爛不是換低點嗎,不知道會不會很貴4F 12/20 12:14
LucasDuda: McNeil換5F 12/20 12:26
ashilol: BO去年很痛6F 12/20 12:27
ksaon: 每年都傳聞要幹大事 約也都有開出來 但是好像都沒啥人要去7F 12/20 12:35
captain03: 不來搶Burnes?8F 12/20 12:39
BusterPosey: 幹大事幹大的9F 12/20 12:58
AHEAD099: Bo明年季後FA 沒要留的話現在是不是低點也不重要了
再不換變空氣10F 12/20 13:58

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