作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
標題 [情報] 2024 Manager of the Year
時間 Wed Nov 20 07:55:29 2024

2024 Manager of the Year

American League

Stephen Vogt (CLE)


Guardians’ Stephen Vogt wins AL Manager of the Year in his first season on the job - BBWAA Cleveland Guardians' manager Stephen Vogt was named American League Manager of the Year. This election marks the third time in the American League and ...


National League

Pat Murphy (MIL)


Pat Murphy becomes first Brewers’ skipper to win Manager of the Year - BBWAA Pat Murphy is the first Milwaukee Brewers manager to win the Manager of the Year Award in BBWAA voting dating to 1983. In previous elections, Brewers  ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: thnlkj0665 2024-11-20 07:55:29
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dFILsuJ (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1732060534.A.E13.html
Nikagnef: Vogt實至名歸 恭喜!1F 11/20 08:00
saiulbb: 我國聯原本認為是Mendosa會得獎2F 11/20 08:20
CPBLlincecum: 恭喜Vogt,Hinch今年也帶的不錯3F 11/20 08:30
fjuheadache: Marmol 有票是哪個人腦袋撞到4F 11/20 08:37
SULICon: 有沒有統計捕手是不是當教練最多的守備位子啊?5F 11/20 08:45
WuAShan: 的確有統計 答案是捕手的比例最高沒錯6F 11/20 09:03
bear6789: 酒鬼原本教頭被挖走後馬上就找到替代人選了7F 11/20 09:20
mirrorlee: 兩個都是實至名歸8F 11/20 09:37
captain03: 馬毛有票wwww9F 11/20 11:23
darktasi: 捕手就是場上的指揮官啊...
只是現在捕手的角色有被弱化10F 11/20 11:37
Cozyboi: 推我帽名宿Vogt12F 11/20 11:45
bkm1: Hinch感覺更有料啊 打到一半二號投手被賣了 還帶隊進季後賽13F 11/20 11:46
soilstone: 恭喜 Vogt14F 11/20 12:09
JasonTsai23: 我覺得美聯那三個誰拿都可以接受吧
Hinch 有料但過去的事情可能會介意吧。15F 11/20 12:18
CPBLlincecum: Vogt第一年帶隊印象有加分吧,不過Hinch厲害的是季後賽幾次大膽調度後來結果都不錯,Vogt畢竟新官上任季後賽還是有些經驗不足17F 11/20 12:34
waylouvre: 馬毛不是被嫌個半死20F 11/20 12:40
dtjaster: 馬毛有票到底是多有愛。。。21F 11/20 12:49
xyz0123: 酒鬼也不差 少了王牌先發和耶律奇還可以龍頭 只是季後賽突破不了22F 11/20 13:08

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