作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 Fw: [情報] 山本由伸爭奪戰開價最高的是費城時間 Tue Feb 20 21:18:32 2024
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1brAQX6k ]
作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 山本由伸爭奪戰開價最高的是費城時間 Tue Feb 20 21:18:23 2024
“We pushed hard with Yamamoto,” Middleton said.
How hard? Team officials don’t disclose specifics of contract talks as a matter
of course.
But after meeting for three hours Dec. 14 with Yamamoto and his agents, and maki
ng a presentation that featured a video appearance by Bryce Harper,
the Phillies
offered more money than any team, according to multiple industry sources.
That includes the Dodgers, who won the Yamamoto auction with a 12-year, $325 mil
lion bid that stands as the largest guarantee for any pitcher ever.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1brAQX6k (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1708435105.A.1AE.html
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/20/2024 21:18:32
推 laking: 哇好意外原來費城是認真的
我還以為他們開不到三億1F 02/20 21:25
→ borriss: 就之前說的再度確認而已4F 02/20 21:55
推 ashilol: 留著給wheeler實在5F 02/20 22:09
推 Fukudome: 超過325M都快要可以同時續約Wheeler+簽Snell6F 02/20 22:14
推 TameFoxx: 費城真的很積極 期待他們續強在季後賽幹掉道奇7F 02/20 22:42
推 laking: 費城去年本可以幹掉響尾蛇結果神奇調度葬送好局==9F 02/20 22:52
推 scatman: 山本對費城沒興趣嗎 QQ 本來可以組超漂亮的輪值餒10F 02/20 22:59
推 Sechslee: 跟大谷差不多吧 原本就想去道奇 其他就看看12F 02/20 23:07
→ borriss: 12月那篇就說後面發現他只想去LA或紐約啊13F 02/20 23:16
→ laking: 他不是說要是躲人沒有意追山本,(大谷要是沒提出延遲支付)舊金山的風景讓他想到大阪
他有可能去巨人14F 02/21 00:07
→ faelone: 美西對日本人太有吸引力惹18F 02/21 02:02
推 duo131: 舊金山像大阪??20F 02/21 03:34
→ yaes111: 還是不敵翔平的引誘21F 02/21 08:43
推 Derp: 我不信 山本這麼愛錢22F 02/21 09:01
推 laking: 你去看之前山本經紀人的訪問吧==他是這麼說的23F 02/21 09:06