作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [外電] 皇家一度想去換Jesús Luzardo
時間 Sat Dec 16 21:53:58 2023

Rosenthal: Surprising developments spur Royals’ relative free-agent spending spree - The Athletic
The state of the AL Central, John Sherman's impatience with losing and poor draft lottery spots have forced a fresh offseason effort. ...


Once the Royals knew they could sign free-agent outfielder Hunter Renfroe, who o
n Friday agreed to a two-year, $13 million deal, they were faced with a difficul
t choice in their pursuit of another starting pitcher.

當皇家以兩年1300萬美金簽下Hunter Renfroe後


They could trade first baseman/DH Vinnie Pasquantino to the Marlins for left-han
der Jesús Luzardo, a deal sources said was discussed at the winter meetings.

第一個選擇是拿Vinnie Pasquantino去和馬大魚換Jesús Luzardo


Or they could sign right-hander Michael Wacha, a second-tier free agent who was
in some demand.

或是直接去自由市場簽Michael Wacha

Luzardo, under club control for three more seasons, was intriguing. But Pasquant
ino, who did not play after June 9 last season because of a torn labrum in his r
ight shoulder that required surgery, is under club control for five more seasons
 and still holds considerable promise. For a team that last season ranked 23rd i
n runs scored, trading Pasquantino for Luzardo would have plugged one hole and c
reated another.


The front office consulted Sherman. The owner chose to keep pushing forward. And
 on Friday, the Royals reached agreement with Wacha on a two-year, $32 million c
ontract. Wacha can opt out after his first season. Right-hander Seth Lugo, who e
arlier agreed to a three-year, $45 million deal, can opt out after his second

管理層就跑去問老闆John Sherman



The team’s current $111.7 million payroll, as calculated by Fangraphs, would be
 the Royals’ highest on Opening Day since 2018.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-12-16 21:53:58
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bVQlunz (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1702734840.A.C7D.html
JustinIdiot: 幸好沒換 雖然爐渣也強 但不值得用五年的Vinnie換1F 12/16 22:05
bailey0716: 加油,雖然很難重回奪冠那兩年的氣勢,但至少打出競爭力2F 12/16 22:06
Cueto: 換了底薪簽回奪冠功臣金手套Hosmer帶氣氛 如何4F 12/16 22:17
abc12812: Pasquantino有機會養成19梯最強打者5F 12/16 22:32
jeffohno: John Sherman6F 12/16 22:54
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/16/2023 22:58:04
Nikagnef: 美中人人有機會7F 12/16 23:25
saiulbb: Vinnie單換爐渣多嗎? 虧炸吧8F 12/16 23:27
HuanYuWu: 馬魚角度看覺得可惜
換到簡直賺爛了XD9F 12/16 23:52
kevinftjiang: 好險老闆開錢包,沒做傻事11F 12/16 23:59
ray41705: 推J大12F 12/17 00:13
canisty: 真假啊怎麼留言都覺得換了皇家虧爛,爐渣這兩年就是穩穩的二號,還可控三年薪水又是仲裁年薪水,在考慮現在SP都那麼貴的情況下交易價值很高吧13F 12/17 01:29
a0987761110: 雖然控制權差兩年但感覺SP比純1B值錢+116F 12/17 03:22
catsondbs: 支票能解決的問題就不是問題17F 12/17 08:39
kayuzzo15135: 爐渣這兩年era+都120以上換了是賺吧18F 12/17 09:13
cloud241: 純單換的話感覺還算fair19F 12/17 10:21
lowl99: Vinnie連成績都還沒打出來怎麼可能單換爐渣多,爐渣多都至少投出來還有吃局數20F 12/17 11:08
AHEAD099: Pasquantino感覺是個長槍型的一壘手 有那麼值嗎22F 12/17 12:41
octaplus: Luzardo有養出來,也期待Vinne能夠兌現天賦23F 12/17 14:41

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