作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 韓國記者對LCK工資帽的看法(工會呢?)
時間 Wed Jul 19 15:08:58 2023

韓國記者Ashley Kang在推特發表對LCK工資帽的看法


I am not against the news of salary cap in #LCK but:

How can @LCK introduce things like Salary Cap and new Policy while

- No Player's Union
- Not even a public commitment to help create a Player's Union
- No formal process to hear player feedbacks when introducing new policies





My inital, on-paper, uneducated take on the new #LCK salary cap and the timeline
 proposed is that it is reasonable and attempts to caters to the needs of the te
n franchised teams as well as the longevity of the region


But this opinion is irrelevant as I am not a direct stakeholder to the new polic
ies. A formal public process of listening to all stakeholder parties would have
added validation to LCK's eventual decision


I desire for a stronger initiative and public discussion for a Player's Union or
 some means to collect player (aka one of the stakeholders) opinion in LCK's dec
ision-making process


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As for how the SFR will work, there will be a spending cap and a recommended spe
nding floor.

The spending cap was set with consideration to the earnings of the 10 LCK teams.
 The cap for each team will be determined from the combined total of the top fiv
e highest-paid players on a team, of which the reference point would be recalcul
ated every two years. This means there is no salary cap for individual players.



The recommended spending floor is therefore a minimum amount of annual salary wh
ich a team will need to invest in players. It is set at 70% of the revenue curre
ntly distributed by the LCK to each team in 2022.



If a team goes above their upper limit, a tax will be applied. This paid tax wil
l then be distributed among the LCK teams that pay player salaries just above th
e lower limit or below the upper limit.










※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-19 15:08:58
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ajumCMt (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1689750540.A.5B7.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2023 15:11:48
Nuey: 軟上限和硬上限的差別而已 虧錢了別花超過稅線就好1F 07/19 15:14
這樣的話感覺影響還好 看稅率訂多少
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2023 15:15:43
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2023 15:16:25
chuchu000: 你說得對 但他們是韓國人2F 07/19 15:20
leafingv: 除了NA有選手公會 還有哪裡有3F 07/19 15:34
DonDon0712: 這位記者想在財閥治國的地方推工會是不是搞錯什麼4F 07/19 15:43
weliche: 這樣久了不就兩極化 超強隊跟超爛隊5F 07/19 15:43
gundam01: 軟上限就是像NBA之前那樣強隊開鈔能力繼續硬上6F 07/19 15:45
kimo6414: 韓國其他職業運動有選手工會嗎7F 07/19 15:47
zxc906383: 韓職KBO有啊8F 07/19 15:52
Nuey: 問題是NBA瘋狂賺大錢啊 LOL現在算賠錢貨耶9F 07/19 15:53
FncRookie001: 這個算合理吧 因為工資帽推下去各隊伍就形成另類的聯合行為 所以應該要有勞資談判
韓國LOL絕對不算賠錢貨 而且即使有工會資方還是很10F 07/19 15:57
xinsky13: NBA有硬上限 只是有很多條款可以用14F 07/19 16:03
h75311418: 薪資縮減接下來就是罷工了= =15F 07/19 16:03
s111228s: 新版的CBA對鈔能力做很大的限制了16F 07/19 16:13
wang7752: 新版cba今年讓很多球隊限制很大了17F 07/19 16:22
s111228s: 比較大型的運動現在剩下MLB跟足球沒上限了18F 07/19 16:25
wang7752: mlb有設繳稅線
那個錢也是不少錢19F 07/19 16:26
s111228s: 對啊奢侈稅很痛,希望梅子撐得住XD21F 07/19 16:29
c871111116: 管其他選手幹嘛 只要照顧好Faker就好了22F 07/19 16:31
vinc4320: 一進來就看到飛黑在耍憨23F 07/19 16:39
relax1129: 簡而言之你們都不重要Faker最重要24F 07/19 16:41
c871111116: 到底有啥好不承認 反正年輕選手都是被推去賣換利益的啊 這有選手工會聽了也改不了的事實25F 07/19 16:42
vinc4320: 真的很好奇飛黑講話前到底有沒有動腦☺
peanut也適用這個條款 哪來照顧好Faker就好 真的勾8話一堆
跟當年Jordan拿3000萬一樣 夠強夠有成績就能得到更27F 07/19 16:47
izacc: NA的並不是工會喔 沒有CBA 只是選手協會而已 以上次罷工的結果來看 riot是沒在怕搞不起來工會的選手們的 這次LCK就是回到以前kespa時期的招數 各隊喬好薪資上限 只是對外包裝的好聽些32F 07/19 17:08
Tokuseki: 韓國的勞權運動算比台灣興盛 組工會不是不可能36F 07/19 22:13

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