作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 沙國電競戰隊有興趣買Astralis
時間 Fri Jul  7 23:47:17 2023

Astralis LEC Spot for Sale; Falcons was in advanced negotiations but Riot Games didn’t approve
According to sources close to BLIX.GG, Astralis is considering selling their LEC spot again but has yet to reach a full agreement with any team at thi ...


According to sources close to BLIX.GG, Astralis is considering selling their LEC
 spot again but has yet to reach a full agreement with any team at this time.

Sources close to the move say that Team Falcons was in advanced negotiations to
purchase the LEC spot from Astralis. However, Riot Games did not give approval f
or the purchase of Astralis from the Saudi organization.


根據情報指出來自沙烏地阿拉伯的Team Falcons 有來和他們談


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-07 23:47:17
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ag3E7fM (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1688744839.A.A56.html
※ 同主題文章:
[情報] 沙國電競戰隊有興趣買Astralis席次
07-07 23:47 zxc906383
GenjiEd: 油王要用鈔能力改變歐洲賽區了嗎1F 07/07 23:51
tavern: Falcon在CSGO也在幹大事 有錢真好2F 07/07 23:55
Shichimiya: 這次LFL沒人要買席次嗎3F 07/08 00:00
Different teams are in talks with Astralis to purchase the spot, one of the team
s in talks is a big ERL team.
love1500274: 富爸爸想買啥就買啥 你拳頭別干涉好嗎4F 07/08 00:04
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/08/2023 00:05:09
weliche: 為什麼拳頭還不許可?5F 07/08 01:07
Xeraphlolz: 沙國體育崛起6F 07/08 01:08
a86851247: 沙國的人權問題啊7F 07/08 01:28
eric2057: 以為想買就買喔 你以為是微軟啊 不給買威脅你8F 07/08 01:30
MadDoggo: 以前LEC跟沙烏地合作被燒的樣子 他們毛也是多9F 07/08 01:35
weliche: 原來毛這麼多10F 07/08 01:40
cowbell5656: 沙國今夏狂買歐洲足球員 也想來電競這邊這邊參一腳了嗎XD11F 07/08 02:27
pufferfish72: 沙烏地不是在阿拉花瓜算有人權了?13F 07/08 04:15
c871111116: 人權問題(x) 給不夠多(o)14F 07/08 06:44
CollinSexton: 阿拉Bro15F 07/08 07:44
sfh20230: 足球沒人權是八 拳頭沒必要16F 07/08 09:44
a86851247: 跟給不夠多哪有關係 網球今年可能要在阿拉伯辦比賽都很多選手說不去了17F 07/08 10:56
c871111116: 網球是Riot辦的嗎19F 07/08 16:34

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